Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 421: Evil spirit carving

When Lin Yi turned into a ghost rider, Hogg no longer dared to stop, turned around and fled.

And the Demon secretly cried out in his heart.

But at this time it is called every day to not respond, and the ground is not working.

An evil spirit knight can't cure him, so let's have another one.

Johnny grabbed his shoulder, and Lin Yi turned his head vigorously.

Then he made that kind of creepy laughter in his body.

"Look into my eyes and feel the pain of those who have been harmed by you..."

The next moment, there seemed to be a deep vortex in his eyes.

When the local demon saw his eyes, the whirlpool seemed to be able to swallow his soul in.

From his eyes, the demons saw the pain that all those who were killed by him had experienced.

From the time when the Earth Demon appeared in the world to the present, hundreds of years have been killed, less to say, thousands of people have been killed. Thousands of people's pains are all concentrated on him, and his pain can be imagined.

In the end, his eyes were like condensed magma, and even a hint of coke smelled.

He fell helplessly.

Lin Yi is about to swallow the demons without saying a word.

Only this time, fiery red energy was not gushing out of his body.

Rather, four chains of magma condensed from behind him.

Of the four magma chains, one pierced directly into the Demon’s mouth, two pierced his hands, and one pierced his abdomen.

Then the earth demons turned into fiery red energy, along these four chains of magma, and entered Lin Yi's body.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Swallow the little demon Hogg, get 5000 evolution points, and total evolution points 42250 points."

Lin Yi secretly said that it was not good.

It turned out that just now, the Demons saw that the situation was not good, and they quietly moved their hands and feet under the ground, quietly swapping his own body and Hogg.

His own soul controls Hogg's body and has already flown away.

At this moment Johnny also noticed this, and he quickly retracted the chain and straddled the motorcycle.

Then the motorcycle drifted around, and then quickly chased it in the direction where the Earth Demon flew away.

Johnny's evil spirit motorcycle is dozens of times faster than ordinary motorcycles.

This is just the speed shown in the movie.

If it is set according to the comics, Johnny's evil spirit motorcycle is extremely terrifying. It can circle the earth in four or five minutes, and it can completely use the earth as its playing field.

At this moment, Johnny's motorcycle traversed a river directly, flying past the river.

The evil spirit motorcycle can walk on the water as usual.

Soon, the evil spirit motorcycle has chased under the demons.

Then the evil spirit motorcycle drove straight up along the wall of a building.

The entire building is more than 100 meters high, and the evil spirits are walking on the ground.

This is another major feature of the evil spirit motorcycle: it ignores the terrain.

Not to mention on the water or on the wall, it can walk as usual even in a sea of ​​blazing fire.

The evil spirit motorcycle drove along the wall until it reached the top of the building, and then rushed up to a height of more than 50 meters. It was more than 100 meters away to reach the Demon.

But after all, it was still more than 100 meters away.

Johnny's motorcycle landed on the top of the building, and he could only look at the demon who was about to run away.

In fact, Johnny's soul chain can theoretically extend infinitely.

Long as long, short as short;

If you want to be soft, you will be soft, and if you want to be hard, you will be hard.

But now Johnny is only using the power of Hellfire for the first time, and many skills have not yet been developed.

So he had no idea that the chain could extend infinitely.

Lin also saw that the Demon was going to escape, so naturally it was impossible to just let him go.

If I missed this opportunity, I don't know when I can catch him again.

Thinking of this, he quickly released the sculpture from the rental house, and then jumped onto the back of the sculpture.

The divine eagle fluttered its wings and pursued the demon.

However, as the demon, he possessed some supernatural powers. Therefore, his flying speed can't catch up even with a **** sculpture that can reach the speed of sound.

Seeing the Earth Demon flying farther and farther, Lin Yi moved in his heart and pressed his hands on the back of the **** carving.

In the next moment, starting from where he pressed, a layer of flames slowly appeared on the back of the **** sculpture.

Under the burning of the flame, the feathers and flesh on the back of the **** carving slowly disappeared.

After its flight and flesh disappeared, the skeleton inside was exposed.

In less than a minute, I saw that the **** sculpture had become a skeleton **** sculpture wrapped in flames. Or it should be called the evil spirit carving.

After being transformed into an evil spirit statue, its speed increased more than ten times in an instant.

Originally his speed was 340 meters per second, but now his speed has reached 5 kilometers per second.

This speed is even much faster than the speed of Johnny's Evil Moto.

At this speed, in less than twenty seconds, he had chased him not far behind the Earth Demon.

Seeing that the demons couldn't escape, he immediately waved behind him.

On the ground below, a wall up to two meters thick instantly grew upward.

In a very short period of time, this wall has grown to as high as a and it is on Lin Yi's path forward.

And the evil spirit sculpture didn't have time to brake at all — of course, it didn't brake either — and it hit the two-meter-thick wall directly.


The wall was like a piece of paper, and a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters was directly knocked out by the evil spirit sculpture.

Lin Yi was overjoyed, the power of the evil spirit carving was too strong.

In fact, in the manga of the evil spirit knight, Johnny once carried an evil spirit motorcycle and smashed a 60-ton tank in half.

Therefore, the evil spirit sculpture hits a wall two meters thick, and it is nothing at all.

The demons watched Lin Yi hit the wall and chased him.

In a hurry, he quickly retracted his wings and fell to the ground, wanting to escape.

But Lin also won't give him a chance at all.

He also jumped to the ground and pressed his right hand to the ground.

With him as the center, the ground within a radius of 100 meters is turned into magma.

The Earth Demon was burned in pain, and quickly jumped out of the ground.

Johnny had already arrived at this time, and the soul chain flicked and locked the demons.

Then, Lin Yi grabbed the Demon, the creepy laughter in his body.

"Look into my eyes. You have done a lot of evil in your life and caused so many people to suffer. Today, accept my trial! I will return the pain they endured ten times to you. Feel their pain..."


The demons once again roared like a pig.

From Lin Yi's sunken eye sockets without eyeballs, he seemed to see everyone he had killed in the past few hundred years.

He could clearly feel the pain of each of them, as if those things happened to him.

That kind of pain, piercing;

That kind of pain is broken.

(End of this chapter)

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