Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 433: Promoted to level ten

"Look into my eyes and feel the pain of being killed. This is the pain you have caused them. Now, bear the pain. The crimes you committed, these are what you deserve..."

There was a creepy sound in Lin Yi's skull mouth.

The black heart's eyes looked at the fire skull under Lin Yi's hood, and the skull looked like a black hole.

He saw the pain suffered by the more than twenty war dead.

And now, he feels the pain.

He was like his throat was cut by a sword;

His body was pierced by a spear;

His arm was broken by a boulder;

His egg was bitten by a bad dog.


His scream is like the wailing of a demon who has been penetrated by thousands of swords.

Roshan, who was not far away, shrank into a ball when she heard the wailing.

In the end, the black heart demon was in extreme pain and completely broke down.

His eyes condensed into something like magma.

On Lin Yi, four chains like magma came out and swallowed it completely.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Swallow the Black Heart Demon, get 2oooo points of evolution, and 1o4182 total evolution points. You have reached the minimum requirement for promotion to level 1o. May I ask you to strengthen your body immediately and get 1o. Level?"


Lin Yi's heart beating wildly, blurted out.

"Are you sure you want to strengthen?"

The system asked again.


Lin Yi still answered without hesitation.

"Are you really sure? Don't regret it?"

"No regrets."

"So you really made up your mind? It's too late to regret later. So think about it. After all, although this is a small step for you, it may be a big step for the whole world. You should be cautious. Ah. Are you sure?"

Lin Yi couldn't bear it, and cursed in his mind: "Nyma, do you want to be so long-winded! Quickly strengthen Laozi!"

Seeing that Lin Yi was really angry, the system smiled slyly: "Hey, don’t be angry, just kidding, don’t mind. This will strengthen you, wait a moment. This strengthening is expected to take ten hours. After ten hours, you will be a tenth level evolver, Hi Sen?"

Lin Yi was so angry that he didn't care about the system at all.

At the same time, he felt a stream of heat flowing through his body, flowing through the limbs.

The sun has risen, and the sun is shining on him.

The flame on his skull slowly disappeared, and the skull returned to his original appearance.

When day comes, hellfire is suppressed by biological energy.

At this time, Roseanne had come to Johnny and asked: "Johnny, how are you?"

Johnny got up, shook his head, and said, "I'm fine."

Rosanne hugged Johnny's head in her arms and said, "It's fine if it's all right, it's fine if it's all right."

Johnny asked, "Is the black heart dead?"

Luo Shan nodded: "Well, he is dead, he was killed by Lin."

Johnny smiled comfortedly and said, "That's good. Roshan, from now on, we will never be separated again, okay?"

"Well, we will never separate again."

Roshan hugged Johnny tightly, their eyes were a little moist.

Lin Yi shook his head slightly. He knew that in the near future, the two would be separated again.

But that has nothing to do with him. Those are the second plots.

The plot of the first part will end soon.

For the next ten hours, Johnny rode his motorcycle and took Roshan back to the city.

But Lin Yi didn't go anywhere, and stayed in the temple with his **** sculpture.

He was thinking, this hellfire is really strong, but it can only be used on this plane.

If in reality, hellfire could also be used, how awesome would it be?


Ten hours passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

In Lin Yi's mind, the voice of the system came: "Successfully strengthened, you have successfully promoted to level 10. The current strength is 10 tons, and the degree is 10 meters per second."

Lin also listened and was overjoyed.

Finally promoted to level 1o.

1o ton of power, how strong should it be?

He clenched his fist and hit the wall of the nearby temple with a punch.


I saw the wall of the temple that was half a meter thick. Under his punch, a large hole with a diameter of five meters was blasted.

The strength of 1o ton is indeed much stronger than the previous 8 tons.

And you must know that Lin is also in the flame state. In the flame state, his strength is twice the original strength, a full 20 tons.

With 2o tons of power, how terrifying is that?

The system's voice continued: "Promote to level 1o, and Flame Claw will automatically be promoted to level 3."

Lin Yi was happy again.

Although it is not possible to use flame claws now, just a little brainstorming, you will know that level 3 flame claws are much stronger than level 2 flame claws.

Then he asked the system: "What new skills will you get after you get promoted to level 1o?"

"Promote to level 1o and gain the form of a blade."


Lin was also a little excited.

Sharp blade, that is sharper than sharp claws, more damage, and a larger attack range.

He tried to condense the biological energy in his body.

I saw that his right arm was three times thicker and turned into a fiery red color.

On this flaming right arm, there are thick blood-red vines.

The blood-red vine extended to his hand, and then a sharp blade condensed in his right hand.

I saw this sharp blade, two meters long, with an arc, wide at the front and narrow at the back.

The widest point of one meter in front is more than two feet wide and looks domineering and mighty.

The one meter behind is like a sharp sword or a spike more than one meter long.

On the entire blade, there are thick or thin blood-colored vines, like blood vessels distributed on the blade.

On the back of the blade, there are five **** spikes of different thickness and length, making the blade look more domineering and weird.

Those scarlet vines climbed from Lin Yi's right arm to the sharp edge.

It seems that this blade and Lin Yi are connected by blood.

With a sharp blade, Lin Yi's temperament is different.

It used to be just hideous and weird, but now it's a little bit more domineering.

It is as if all creatures in this world are dominated by me.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, the blade form is very strong! By the way, didn't you mean that there is an upgrade spree after being promoted to level 1o? What is that?"

Before he finished his words, in the dark space in his mind, a big gift package appeared without warning.

It was written with a few golden characters: I am a big gift bag, not a bean paste bag.

Lin Yi had already taken care of the system's weirdness. In his mind, he opened the big gift package.

In the golden light, a line jumped out: I am a new skill, not incompetent. ...


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