Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 435: 9 snake eggs

The price of a Harley-Davidson is between 50,000 and more than 10,000.

For Lin Yi today, the point of evolution is much more valuable than money.

He would rather spend 100 million to buy a car than wasting 100 evolution points.

So he immediately chose to buy a motorcycle in reality.

Then he asked the system: "System, how many evolution points are needed to exchange this soul scroll into reality?"

He had tried before, and with his current strength, he could not swallow these souls. You can only put this scroll in the rental house first, and then you can devour these souls after your strength becomes stronger. "

The system replied: "It takes 20,000 evolution points to exchange the soul scroll into reality."


Lin Yi was speechless for a while.

A soul scroll requires 20,000 evolution points.

Is the system crazy if you want to evolve?

But considering that there are so many souls in this scroll, it might be able to upgrade several levels after being swallowed.

Then these 20,000 evolution points are not too expensive.

Finally, when the plot of the movie ended, Lin Yi returned to reality again.

When he returned to reality, he suddenly remembered that in the movie plane, he still had a character bag that was useless.

It is equivalent to wasting 5oo evolution points.

It seems that the future investment should be a little more cautious, and you can no longer spend so much on evolution.

When Lin Yi returned to reality, it was exactly twelve o'clock in the night.

After twenty years in the film plane, in reality, time has not moved at all.

When he came out of his rental house, he came to the cave at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain.

He used the biological tracking skills to detect it, and saw Shui Ruobing sleeping peacefully in a tent not far away.

When Lin Yi entered the film and television plane, Shui Ruobing was sleeping quietly.

He has been in the film and television plane for twenty years. After he came out, Shui Ruobing was still asleep quietly.

Think about it, it really feels like a dream.

He has now been promoted to level 1o, and his strength has become much stronger. He wants to try, with his current strength, can he try to fight the Hydra.

Thinking of this, he didn't go to wake Shui Ruobing, and walked towards the cave alone.

Not long after he entered the cave, Shuruobing, who had been asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, and then quickly followed Lin Yi's footsteps and walked into the cave.

Lin Yi entered the underground laboratory in the cave.

I saw the underground laboratory at this time, completely lost the appearance of the previous laboratory.

The computers, laboratory equipment, documents, etc. inside are all covered with a blood-red film.

On this blood-red membrane, there are tiny blood-red vines crawling, like blood vessels of different thicknesses, all over the laboratory.

When Lin also saw this situation, he thought of Manhattan in the true form of the killing.

In Prototype 2, the heavily infected areas in Manhattan look like this: the entire area is covered by blood-red membranes or blood-red cuticles, covered with blood-red vines like blood vessels.

Could it be said that the severity of the infection in this underground laboratory is the same as that in Manhattan?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's expression became serious.

In any case, the Hydra must be killed, otherwise, it may be able to spread the virus throughout the city in a short time.

Lin also felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to stop the virus from exploding.

But in any case, he has to try.

Even if it fails in the end, at least he has been here and fought.

Soon, he detected that the Hydra was in the innermost part of the laboratory.

The Hydra at this time seems to have grown a bit longer, and also a bit stronger.

Of course, the Hydra at this time was not yet an adult.

Lin Yi's fist secretly clenched.

Take advantage of this Hydra before it reaches adulthood, slaughter it first.

He continued to walk inside.

Along the way, I met several zombies.

Judging from the clothing of these zombies, they weren't caught for experimentation.

They are all wearing white lab coats, and some zombies even wear gas masks and chemical protective suits.

Obviously, they are the staff here.

After being infected by the virus, they all became zombies.

These people made their own minds and were finally infected by the virus they studied, and they have nothing to sympathize with.

Without saying a word, Lin Yi swallowed them easily, and his evolution point had reached 4158.

He must now save 50,000 evolution points as soon as possible to exchange for Hellfire.

In his own estimation, he can completely explode the same level of evolution.

But it is very difficult to leapfrog the challenge.

After all, after level 1o, every time you go up one level, your strength is different.

It is impossible for an ordinary 1o level evolutionary to leapfrog the challenge.

Although he has a lot of hole cards, it is difficult to leapfrog the challenge.

And if you have Hellfire and the Judgment Eye brought by Hellfire, then it becomes possible to leapfrog your opponents.

After about ten minutes, he came to the end of the underground laboratory.

I saw many holes two to three meters in diameter on the walls around here.

These holes are unfathomable, and each hole is connected to each other.

Obviously, these are the holes drilled by the Hydra.

When Lin Yi used his biological tracking skills to explore the caves, all the caves were almost 100 meters deep.

In the deepest part of these holes, there is a blood bubble with a diameter of more than one meter, with blood red light.

In these blood blisters, there is a thing about two meters long wandering inside.

Obviously, these blood bubbles are the eggs of Hydra.

Lin Yi was very puzzled. Why did this Hydra begin to lay eggs when it was not an adult?

The explanation given by the system is: whether the Hydra lays eggs or not has nothing to do with its age. As long as the surrounding environment is suitable, they will begin to lay eggs. And they reproduce asexually, so a lot of trouble is saved. Therefore, the reproduction rate of the upper Hydra is very fast.

Lin Yi saw so many Hydra eggs, but his heart moved.

This is an evolution point for myself.

He immediately entered a hole and came to the bottom. The fiery red biological energy gushed out of his body, enveloping the blood egg with a diameter of more than one meter, and quickly swallowed it.

A systematic voice came in my mind: "Swallow Hydra get 1oo evolution points, total evolution points 4258 points."

A Hydra egg has 1oo evolution points, I am afraid there are hundreds of them here.

If you swallow all these eggs, wouldn't it be more than 1oooo more evolutionary?

With the point of evolution, Lin Yi was very motivated and continued to run towards the next hole.

At this time, the Hydra seemed to be resting.

Lin Yi swallowed more than 10 eggs in a row, but it didn't react at all. ...


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