Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 438: True level of water

438 Water Ruobing True Level

If there is no water and ice to control the Hydra, the Hydra will keep shaking.

Then Lin Yi left more wounds on its body, but it still couldn't hurt its roots.

Just because Shui Ruobing controlled the Hydra and prevented it from moving for half a minute, Lin Yi took advantage of these two seconds to chop all the flame blades towards the head of the Hydra, and then cut off its head. .

The head of the Hydra fell to the ground, and blood gushed out like a huge fountain.

Lin Yi didn't have time to think about it, the fiery red energy gushing out of his body, he swallowed the Hydra.

In my mind, a systemic voice came quickly: "Swallow Hydra, get 2oooo evolution points, and 24158 total evolution points."

Swallowing a hydra, gaining an evolution point comparable to devouring a black heart demon, this made Lin also a little surprised.

But evolve, the more the better.

Now there is still more than 20,000 points short of it, which can be exchanged for Hellfire.

With Hellfire, his strength will be greatly enhanced. At that time, it may not be a dream to leapfrog to level 11 or even level 12.

After Lin Yi swallowed the hydra, he turned around and found that Shui Ruobing had fallen to the ground at some point.

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment. Why did the water suddenly fall to the ground when the water was okay just now?

He immediately came to Shui Ruobing and probed her nose with his hands.

Fortunately, she just seemed to faint.

Lin Yixian's face was pale and her aura was weaker than normal, which seemed to be caused by excessive energy consumption in the body.

Lin also didn't worry too much.

It's just that the question still lingers in his heart: The level of Shuruobing he found is obviously only level 3. Why does it condense water attribute energy? Moreover, he had such a strong control force, even stronger than Miaoying's control force.

But this doubt can only be said after Shui Ruobing wakes up.

All he had to do now was to devour the remaining Hydra eggs in the cave.

It took about ten minutes before he swallowed all the remaining fifty Hydra eggs.

Thus obtained 5ooo more evolution points.

The total number of his evolution points has reached 29958 points.

Looking at Shui Ruobing at this time, he was still in a coma.

Lin Yi immediately picked up Shui Ruobing and rushed to the outside of the cave.

After exiting the cave, there was darkness all around—it was still midnight.

Lin Yi placed Shui Ruobing against a stone, then returned to the cave and burned the cave clean with a fire.

Then he picked up Shui Ruobing and quickly left Yulong Snow Mountain.

Because it was in the middle of the night, and the ancient city of Lijiang was attacked by fire crows two days ago, there were no taxis here at all.

Lin Yi just hugged Shui Ruobing and ran forward.

Shui Ruobing's body was not as soft as the other women Lin Yi had embraced.

But she has a delicate and refined temperament.

Compared with Avril Lavigne, she is not so cute;

Compared with Gongsun Lue, she is not that beautiful;

Compared with Zuo Yiran, she is not so gentle.

But she has a kind of grace and nobility.

Lin Yi held Shui Ruobing and spent more than two hours, finally came to the city, found a hotel, and opened a room.

The waiter at the front desk looked strange when he saw Lin Yi holding such a beautiful girl to open the room.

Lin Yi didn't care about all that. After opening the room, he entered the room with Shuruobing in his arms.

Shui Ruobing was in a coma until more than 12 o'clock on his way up the next day before waking up.

Lin also saw that Shui Ruobing woke up, quickly poured her a glass of water, and then called for a takeaway-nothing else, just a bowl of millet porridge.

The so-called millet nurture, for people who have been in a coma for a long time, millet porridge is the best.

Lin Yi supported Shui Ruobing and sat up.

But Shui Ruobing didn't even have the strength to pick up a spoon.

Her face was very pale.

Lin Yi had to feed her by herself.

After all, this is the first time that Lin Yi has taken care of a woman in this way. It is really unaccustomed.

But seeing the appearance of Shui Ruobing seemed to be very enjoyable.

Lin Yi has many doubts in her mind, and she needs Shuruobing to answer.

But at this time Shui Ruobing's body was so weak, he didn't ask anything. Just said: "How are you? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Shui Ruobing shook his head weakly, and said weakly, "It will be's't worry..."

After only these two sentences, she felt a little pant.

Lin Yi said quickly: "Then you won't go to the hospital, don't talk, take a good rest."

In the next two days, Lin Yi has been taking care of Shui Ruobing.

It was not until a week later that Shui Ruobing's body recovered.

This morning, Lin Yi just woke up and smelled the scent of food.

After he got up, Shui Ruobing had bought breakfast and was waiting for him.

"Wash your face and eat."

Shui Ruobing did not look back, but seemed to be in a good mood.

Lin Yi said, "Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. It's best to rest for two more days and don't be so tired."

"You have been taking care of me for a week, and I can't lie in bed anymore. This week, has you been exhausted?"

While Shui Ruobing was busy, she looked back at Lin Yi with a smile on her face.

Shui Ruobing is definitely an iceberg beauty on weekdays, and any other man who wants to approach her will be discouraged.

But for Lin Yi, he was completely different.

Not only is he very considerate, but he is also very talkative.

At this moment, Lin Yi saw the smile on her face and couldn't help but feel a little sway in his heart.

Speaking of implementation, Shui Ruobing smiled and looked very good.

Although a little worse than Gongsun Lue, she is definitely a big beauty.

It's on par with the left.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You have taken care of me so many times. I should take care of you for a few days."

When Lin Yi finished washing, the two sat opposite each other, eating breakfast.

Lin Yi glanced at Shui Ruobing from time to time when eating I saw this beauty tasted with grace and nobility.

Shui Ruobing saw Lin Yi's eyes and knew what Lin Yi meant, and said, "I know you must have a lot to ask me."

Lin Yi said as he ate, "Yes. You are obviously only a level 3 evolutionary, why can you condense energy like a level 5 evolutionary?"

Shui Ruobing said with a smile: "In fact, I was originally a Level 5 evolutionary, but there are very few evolutionaries with ice attributes, so few people know that evolutionaries with ice attributes have the ability to suppress their own breath. As long as I suppress my own breath, other evolvers perceive my level, which is lower than my real level. And as the level increases, our ability to suppress our own breath is stronger. It is said that ice attribute evolvers practice To a certain extent, you can make your own breath disappear completely. Just like an ordinary person."...


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