Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 440: 6 vein nerve

There was an extra young lady accidentally, and she was still such a beautiful young lady, which really made Lin Yi a little uncomfortable.

The two recognized their siblings, Shui Ruobing was in a good mood and asked Lin Yi: "Where are you going next?"

Lin Yi thought for a while and replied, "I plan to go to Chongsheng Temple."

Chongsheng Temple is the Tianlong Temple mentioned in the Babu of Golden Heroes Tianlong.

When Jin Daxia writes about martial arts, he often refers to historical facts, and a lot of the kung fu he writes also exists in reality.

Although the Six Vein Excalibur is a fictitious Kung Fu, Lin Yi always has a little hope in his heart: Maybe this Six Vein Excalibur was also written with reference to some kind of kung fu.

If you want to find out, it is natural to go to the prototype of Tianlong Temple: Chongsheng Temple.

Shui Ruobing heard this, his eyes flowed and said, "That sister will go with you, okay?"

Although Lin Yi recognized her sister Shui Ruobing, she was still a little uncomfortable and a little embarrassed.

However, although he went this time to find out, he also knew that it was basically impossible to have any results.

After all, the Six Meridian Excalibur is in the novel, how could that kind of kung fu appear in reality?

So this time I went with a play mentality.

Since you can play and travel with the United States, it is naturally better.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yeah."

So early the next day, Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing went out to Dali.

Dali has a pleasant atmosphere, especially its environment.

And there are places such as the ancient city of Dali, so it is a tourist destination.

There are a lot of people who often travel here.

Only some time ago, due to the presence of fire crows and zombies in Lijiang, Dali is not far from Lijiang, so few people come here today.

This way, it's more quiet.

Having said that, although the zombies and fire crows were wiped out last time, people in the country are already panicking at this time.

Many people say that the end is coming.

The international community has also begun to pay attention to the Lijiang incident.

Under such a background, naturally no one has any intentions to travel.

Lin Yi and the others arrived in Chongsheng Temple in half an hour.

Chongsheng Temple is backed by Cangshan Mountain and faces Erhai Lake.

Above Cangshan, you can see clouds and mist halfway up the mountain.

The Erhai Lake is reflected in the blue sky, like a huge blue mirror.

Outside the gate of Chongsheng Temple, you can see the famous Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple.

The three towers are distributed in a triangle shape, which looks very beautiful under the blue sky.

The plaque on the gate of Chongsheng Temple is different from the ordinary black background with gold letters, but with gold letters on the gold background-only royal temples can enjoy this treatment.

The temple gate was wide open, and occasionally some people came in and out.

Of course, they are not here to travel, but some Buddhist believers, knowing that the end is coming, they come here to burn incense and pray for the blessings of the Buddha and Bodhisattva.

The environment of Chongsheng Temple is very good. To describe it in two words, it is quiet.

It's quiet here, in sharp contrast with the noise outside.

Insects and birds scream, a peaceful atmosphere.

The three towers stand between the blue sky and the earth, giving a sense of inexplicable tranquility.

The general towers are odd-numbered floors, but these three towers are all even-numbered floors.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a war here and 180,000 people died.

Because the Yin Qi is too heavy, it is necessary to build a tower town.

Odd numbers are yang and even numbers are yin, so even layers must be built to fight poison with poison.

Of course, this is just a legend.

The more likely reason is that Dali belongs to the Bai ethnic group, which is a matrilineal society. So build even-numbered towers.

There is another legend about these three towers: After the death of the emperor of Dali, there is no tomb, but buried deep in the underground palace. These three towers are the entrance to the underground palace. There are countless treasures in the underground palace.

If you can enter the underground palace, you will be rich than the enemy.

Thinking of these legends, Lin Yi smiled lightly.

If there were any treasures here, the monks in the temple would have been poached away, so could it be the turn of others?

After walking in the temple for half an hour, Lin Yi came to the last Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The Cangjing Pavilion is not open to outsiders like in martial arts novels.

Tourists can enter the current Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It's just that some important isolated scriptures in it have been put away. All you can see is some ordinary scriptures.

What "Diamond Sutra", "Shen Zhao Sutra" and the like.

Lin Yi's eyes swept across these scriptures at will.

And his biological tracking skills are detecting the dark room inside.

In the dark room, there are also some scriptures hidden.

These scriptures are old and can be regarded as precious cultural relics.

Some are orphans, some are fragments.

However, these scriptures are of no value to Lin Yi.

He probed for a while at random, and when he was about to withdraw his biological tracking skills, he suddenly scanned a complete set of scriptures.

There are four books in this set, and the names of the four books are different.

The first is called "Six Heart Tathagata Sutra";

The second book is titled "Maining Bodhi Sutra";

The third book is titled "God and I's Book of Light";

The fourth book is called "Jing Wu Xin Ming Jing".

The first word of the names of these four scriptures together is "six-vessel nerve".

There is only one word difference from the Six-Mai Divine Sword.

Lin Yi thought to himself that perhaps the hero Jin Yong had traveled here. After seeing this set of scriptures, he was inspired to connect the first characters of the four scriptures, thus creating a set of peerless martial arts.

Maybe he originally wanted to call it "six-vessel nerve", but later it was called "six-vein nerve", which was a bit too nervous, so he changed the word and called it "six-vessel nerve".

Lin Yi almost fell in love with his imagination.

Well, it must be like this.

He then asked the monk next to him: "Master, can I go in and see?"

The monk sighed and said, "Amitabha Buddha. Outsiders were not allowed to enter the scriptures pavilion originally. But now it is in troubled times and demons are in charge. If you stick to the rules, these scriptures will disappear into the flames of war. It's better to have a look at it alone, maybe it can be Lin Yi listened to the master's words and paused: "Master, do you also believe that the end is coming? "

The master nodded, looked around, and saw that there was no one else, and then whispered to Lin Yi: "Don’t hide from the donor, the poor monks also like to watch zombies. I didn’t expect that zombies appeared in reality. This is my Buddha. Punishment for sinful human beings. No one can escape the punishment of our Buddha. It's just a pity that these scriptures are a pity. If the caster looks at it, just read it."

He took out a bunch of keys and opened the cabinet door.

Lin Yi glanced at the monk again, and said to his heart that this monk was also a wonderful flower in the Buddhist world.

Then he and Shui Ruobing stepped into the back door. ...


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