Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 44: crazy for money

   Lin also looked at the girl's beautiful eyes and said, "I want 700,000."

   As soon as his voice fell, the girl next to him immediately cursed: "You want money to be crazy, right? The same is true, ignore him, let's go."

   said while pulling the beautiful girl, she was about to turn around and leave.

   But the pretty girl stood there and didn't move.

   Instead, he said: "The meaning of what he did to me far exceeded 700,000."

  The other girl frowned and said, "Similarly, you are too innocent. Why are you so stupid because they have made it clear that they have mistaken you?

   The pretty girl thought about it seriously, and said, "I don't think he has falsified me. If he wanted to frustrate me, she would have found me long ago, and it is impossible to wait until today. And he didn't even recognize me just now."

   Seeing that the other girl couldn't persuade this beautiful girl, she deliberately got angry and said: "Okay, okay, anyway, your family is rich, you can do whatever you like."

   said she turned around and was about to leave.

   She thought that the pretty girl would persuade her and keep her.

   But when the pretty girl saw Lin Yi, she didn't seem to care about other people at all.

  The other girl was slightly angry, she simply ignored them, and really left.

   Lin Yihe is the only girl left.

The beautiful girl said a little shyly: "I only told my parents about what you saved me that night. Do you have supernatural powers? I know that people like you don't like to show up everywhere. So I did not tell them that you have supernatural powers."

   Lin also remembered what happened that night, and asked: "Aren't you afraid?"

   The pretty girl answered truthfully: "I was afraid at the time, but then I figured it out. You are to protect me. I shouldn't be afraid of you. By the way, can I know your name?"

   "Lin Yi."

   "Lin Yi?" The pretty girl said with a smile, "I also have the word ‘yi’ in my name. My name is Zuo Yiran."

  Lin Yi doesn't care about these now. What he cares most is money.

   "Will you really give me 700,000?"

   Zuo Yiran said: "You saved me, this is what I should thank you for. But I have to tell my dad about this. After all, the money is from him."

   Lin Yi frowned slightly.

  As he thought, it would be difficult if the money came out of Zuo Yian's father.

   "I will call my dad now and let him wait for us at home."

   Zuo also said, took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone: "Dad, I brought someone, you have to see."

   The voice on the other end of the phone said, "Similarly, I am very busy now, or tomorrow?"

   Zuo Yiran glanced at Lin Yi, only to see a look of dissatisfaction between Lin Yi's eyebrows. She quickly said: "Dad, you have to see him. This is very important to me, very important."

   The phone seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally said: "Well, I will go home now, but I can only give you ten minutes at most."

   Lin also heard this, and his heart moved slightly.

   It seems that Zuo Yiran's dad spoils her very much. In this case, the 700,000 yuan should be very promising.


   At 6:45 in the afternoon, Lin Yi came to Zuo Yiran's mansion again.

   This mansion is located on the shore of an artificial lake. Surrounded by flowers and trees, the scenery is picturesque, just like a park.

   Not far away, you can see the famous Yaoshen Mountain in Meicheng, which is beautiful and beautiful in the sun.

   Such a mansion, ordinary rich people cannot afford to live, I am afraid only billionaires can afford it.

   But Lin didn't have any look of wonder, after all, he was someone who had donated more than a billion yuan.

   Entering the mansion, there is a maid cleaning it.

   Zuo Yiran asked Lin Yi to sit in the living room and take a rest. She gave Lin Yi a lot of fruits and the like, which seemed very enthusiastic.

   The servant was a little strange, and she knew exactly what Zuo Yiran was.

  Innocent, kind, a little shy when meeting strangers, and basically won't take the initiative to talk to other people.

   How can you be so passionate today?

   Is it her boyfriend?

   She looked at Lin Yi a few more times, only to see that this young man was ordinary, and he was not worthy of Zuo Yiran.

   They didn't wait a moment before they heard the sound of parking outside the door.

   Lin also looked outside from the window, and saw a white Porsche Cayenne parked at the door.

   The door opened, and a figure walked in.

   I saw this person about 1.8 meters tall, and his eyes were not angry or pretentious, giving people a very strong feeling.

   He entered the living room, glanced at Lin Yi, and asked Zuo Yiran next to him: "What's the matter, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

   Zuo Yiran pointed to Lin Yi and said to the man: "Dad, he is the one I told you to save me. His name is Lin Yi."

The left father listened, looked at Lin Yi again, and said: "You saved my daughter. Our Zuo family should really thank you. Well, if you have any requests, please make them as long as I can. I will try my best to satisfy you."

   Lin also opened the door and said: "I only want money."

   Left father sneered in his heart, and secretly said: As expected.

   He immediately said to Lin Yi: "I will give you 100,000, please stop harassing my daughter in the future."

   Zuo Yiran quickly said: " how do you say that. He saw me today and didn't even recognize me, how could he be..."

   "Similarly, you go back to the house first, and I will talk to him."

   Zuo Yiran is reluctant, but she still listens to his dad.

   She said, "Dad, then you have a good talk with Lin Yi, but Lin Yi really didn't bother me."

When Zuo Yiran left, the left father looked at Lin Yi with a sharp gaze, and said, "You and I know all about your purpose of approaching my daughter. After all, you also took a lot of pains. I will give you ten. Wan, it's hard work. But you can't stalk her anymore. Otherwise..."

   He didn't finish the following words, but anyone can hear the meaning of his words.

   Lin Yi has a slight fire in his heart.

   Don’t think it’s great if you have a few stinky money in your family. I have donated more than one billion yuan, what did I say?

   According to his past temper, he must turn around and leave.

   But in order to raise the medical bills for his cousin, he still pressed the anger in his heart and said: "Left boss, the richest man in Coal City, wants to send me 100,000?"

   The boss left was a little surprised.

  Looking at Lin Yi's appearance, he should still be in middle school.

   It is rare for a small middle school student to dare to talk to himself like this.

   He sneered and said, "Then you make a price."

   Lin Yi pinched the three fingers of his right hand and said, "Seven hundred thousand."

The boss left sneered and said: "It's really a lion's big mouth. No matter how rich I am, I can't be so ruined. Up to 150,000! You made a show in front of my daughter, and I have the right to let my daughter After watching the show, the one hundred and fifty thousand is your appearance fee. If you are still not satisfied, I am sorry, I will not give you anything."

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