Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 474: Yes, I am the prophet

Since Tony produced the first armored MK1, he has continuously developed new technologies and upgraded his armor.

From the initial assembly of broken copper and iron in the cave, the weapon was still a manual MK1, to the MK7, which was specially designed for combat and equipped with a laser guided tracking rapid deployment system.

Every upgrade is a technological breakthrough.

After the New York incident, Tony suffered from anxiety.

He can only forget the New York incident if he keeps himself at work.

In addition, he felt that it was safe to stay in armor, so he upgraded his armor frantically.

In the past few years, he has produced more than 30 armors, plus the initial 7 sets, which brings a total of 41 sets.

There are special combat armors;

Have deep-sea armor that can work in the deep sea;

Have flight armor that can adjust flight;

There are building load-bearing armors specially used for load bearing...

And his latest armor set is MK42.

This is a set of armor that can be controlled by the arm's nanochip and assembled anytime, anywhere. And this suit can also remotely control its actions through the virtual helmet worn on the right eye.

It's just that it's still in the research and development stage at this time, and it's not perfect in terms of flight power system, weapon system, etc. It can only be regarded as a prototype.

At this time, Tony controlled the prototype and protected Little Pepper.

And he himself, under the constantly collapsing roof, amidst the constantly flying rockets, fleeing with difficulty.

But obviously, with his personal ability, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

At this time, in the room, Jarvis's voice suddenly came: "Sir, Pepper is safe."

Tony listened, and immediately waved his hands.

Just outside the house, the helmet on Little Chili's body spread out one by one and flew into the house.

Through the obstacles, assembled on Tony's body.

With the armor, Tony feels much safer.

During the battle, he shot down two helicopters outside.

Unfortunately, he eventually fell into the sea with the whole house.

When the helicopter outside flew away, MK42 took Tony and flew out of the sea.

At this time, Tony had been in a coma because of the violent shock.

And the computer control system of the armor failed again, and he flew to Tennessee thousands of miles away according to Tony's schedule.

According to the original plot, Tony fell into the farmland outside of Rose Manor in Tennessee.

The armor was severely damaged, and the power system also malfunctioned.

Tony, who had been relying on Jarvis and the armor, looked around blankly at this time, only to see pitch black all around.

He seemed so lonely.

Then he could only drag his armor in the snow and walk forward slowly.

Before long, he came to a small town.

It was at this time that Lin Yi, who was watching a movie in a small hotel in the small town, accidentally detected Tony's arrival when he used his biological tracking skills to detect the surrounding area. He was dragging his armor and walking towards a very simple cabin.

According to the original plot, Tony will meet a seven or eight-year-old boy in this cabin.

With the help of the little boy, he not only repaired the armor, but also cured his anxiety.

Lin also couldn't be preempted by the little boy.

He immediately walked out of the hotel, and then strode forward in the snow.

When I turned a street corner, I happened to see Tony coming slowly in the dark, dragging heavy armor.

When Tony looked up, he already saw Lin Yi.


He took a breath: "Mr. Prophet, I finally saw you."

Lin Yi used the dim street lamp to see a wound on Tony's face, his body looked very dirty, and his clothes were torn in many places.

He joked: "It doesn't seem very wise to tell the enemy your address."

Tony gave a wry smile and said, "You all know?"

"You also said that I am a prophet."

Lin also replied.

"Mr. Prophet, I need help."

Tony said.

"Is it on the psychological level, or on the current life?"

Lin also asked.

Tony was a little surprised and looked at Lin Yi: "So, you know I have...anxiety disorder?"

He felt embarrassed when he said it.

After all, he is such a proud man.

"I knew it nineteen years ago."

Lin also replied.

Tony looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

I saw Lin Yi was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

A 17 or 18-year-old child made a masterful posture, which seemed a bit funny.

However, it turns out that everything Lin Yi said is accurate.

This is great.

Tony said: "First I want to fix my armor, second I want to find the Mandarin, I want to kill the bastard. Of course, if you can help me cure my anxiety, that would be the best."

Lin Yi replied: "You got the order of these three things wrong. First of all, you should be cured of your anxiety disorder."

Lin Yi said to Tony, "But I think you need a room to warm up now."

Then he took Tony, not like in town, but walked out of town.

After walking for about two miles, he revealed the rental house in a deserted Tony saw the rental house appear out of nowhere, and was very surprised: "This is some kind of spatial technology?"


In fact, this was all done by the system, and Lin also didn't know what kind of technology it was.

"God Lantern, open the door."

Lin Yi chanted the opening spell.

The wayward system is obviously tired of listening to the white rabbit, this time he changed the door opening spell to God Deng Ding.

Tony asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Cough," Lin Yi said with a cough to cover up his embarrassment, "an old door-opening spell."

Entering the house, I saw that the house at this time no longer looked like Lin Yi's house. It's exactly the same as the little boy's house in the movie.

There is only one difference: there is no little boy inside.

This is what the system specifically did not allow the little boy to appear in accordance with Lin Yi's request.

Because Lin is also certain that he can help Tony heal his anxiety, without the need for a little boy.

You know, if he completes the task himself, he can get extra rewards.

Entering the house, Tony leaned his armor against the corner, and his cold body felt much better.

Lin Yi first took the towel and asked Tony to wipe his face. Then I found something to eat in the refrigerator for Tony.

As Tony gobbled up and ate, Lin Yi said: "To cure your anxiety, so that you will no longer be sad when you hear about New York, aliens, and wormholes..."

At this point, Tony suddenly felt short of breath and curled up into a ball.

"No...don't mention...don't mention these few words..."

He said hard.

Lin Yi hurriedly said, "Sorry, I was negligent. Then I won't mention the Wormhole in New York."

When he said that, Tony's face turned blue.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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