Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 49: Are you short of money?

   "I... I'll help you wash it..."

   Zuo also said.

   Lin is really not good at washing clothes, but he does not believe that a rich daughter can do laundry.

   These rich children who grew up with golden keys in their hands, basically stretch out their hands with clothes and open their mouths with meals. Even if they wash the clothes by hand, they just throw the clothes in the automatic washing machine, and then they can take it out to dry.

   Zuo Yiran saw that Lin Yi did not answer, and said, "I'll help you wash it."

   Lin also thought about it, and said, "Come on."

   As he said, he went not far away, found some firewood, made a small fire with the lighter he just got, and baked his jacket.

   looked back at Zuo Yiran on the bank of the river, and saw that she was washing her trousers carefully, and she was very proficient.

   Lin Yi is a little surprised, she actually knows how to wash clothes.

   Zuo Yiran quickly finished washing Lin Yi's trousers, and said, "I'm done washing, come and get them." Then he turned his back.

   Lin also only wears one, which is still a bit embarrassing.

   He came behind Zuo Yiran, took his pants, glanced at her white neck, and then quickly returned to the fire.

   It was summer, and it bake quickly.

   He quickly put on his underwear, took the left side, and stopped a taxi on the side of the road, heading towards the city.

   On the way, they saw a few vans flashing by from the opposite side. In the car window, you can see the strong man in black.

   Lin also secretly guessed that it should be Cheng Donghai who knew something was wrong here and sent someone over.

  What Donghae does is always related to human life.

   He didn't want people to find out that something went wrong here, so he sent someone to deal with it.

   The taxi quickly stopped by the lakeside villa in the city, and Lin Yi said to the left, "You get off."

   Zuo Yiran thought for a while and said, "You... come back with me, your clothes are still in my house."

   Lin Yi didn't want to see Boss Zuo again, but after another thought, the blood on his chest with short sleeves that he is wearing now is not so obvious, but if you look closely, you will still see it.

   Just to be on the safe side, I still went in and changed my clothes.

   He nodded, and got out of the car with Zuo Yiran.

   The taxi driver looked at the backs of Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran, his mouth kept hissing and shaking his head:

   "It's really bad, this kid doesn't look as good as me, so he can go to the boss's daughter on the left. Why?"


   Inside the villa, the boss left is very anxious.

  How is my daughter?

   The person who just appeared is obviously an evolutionary. He seems to have saved his daughter, but it is still uncertain whether it is.

   Where is my daughter now?

   Several plans flashed through his mind quickly:

   Or call the police, or ask a friend on the road for help, or find it by yourself...

   But in the end, he rejected all these plans.

   There are too many things involved in this, and it will affect the whole body. You must not act rashly.

   But only letting him sit at home and wait, it was really tormenting.

   I only have such a daughter, she is like a pearl.

   If something really happened to her, how could she live?


   When he was thinking like this, the door of the house suddenly opened and a voice came: "Dad, I'm back!"

   "Same as well!"

   The left boss stood up and looked at the door.

   When he saw his daughter's figure appear, he strode over and eagerly said: "Also, you are back?! How is it, are you injured? Also, let Dad see..."

   Zuo Yiran directly threw himself into the arms of the boss, and hugged him tightly.


   only said one word, tears could not stop welling up.

   The left boss also has some wet eyes.

  Rao is that he has developed a heart of stone in the shopping malls and in black and white for so many years, but in the face of his lost daughter, he has to be emotional.

   "Similarly, are you not hurt?"

   The left boss at this time, unlike the richest man in the coal city, is just a father.

   Zuo also shook his head, his voice was a little choked: "No, Dad, I'm fine, no injuries..."

   The father and daughter embraced for more than a minute before the boss left asked, "How did you escape?"

   Zuo Yiran turned his head and looked at Lin Yi behind him: "It's Lin Yi, he saved me."

   Boss Zuo only noticed Lin Yi at the door, he was taken aback, and then said: "Lin Yi, thank you, if it's not you, I'm afraid..."

   Lin Yi looked at Boss Zuo indifferently, and replied indifferently: "You're welcome, I just acted in a scene."

   The boss on the left was embarrassed.

   The last time Lin Yi came, he said that Lin Yi was acting.

   But now it seems that he was wrong, terribly wrong.

"Lin Yi, don't take the matter to your heart the last time. You should understand that I cared too much. I don't want her to be hurt in any way, and I don't want her to be stalked by anyone. And many people are directed at me. The money came, so..."

Lin Yi nodded and said calmly, "Well, I also came for your money, and my goal was indeed achieved. Zuo is also true, my short sleeve?" While talking, there were people who were unwilling to talk to the boss. meaning.

   Zuo boss is embarrassed again.

   In Coal City, few people have dared to talk to him like this.

   Even even if he was really wrong, few people dared to let him admit his mistake.

   Now Lin Yi is a middle school student. Not only does he not accept his apology, but his attitude is still so cold.

   But Boss Zuo read countless people. He knew that the more such a person, the more capable he would be.

   Besides, Lin Yi just saved Zuo Yiran, and in the video, he saw that Lin Yi gave birth to sharp claws and cut off the opponent's arm. Obviously, Lin is also an evolutionary.

  As an evolutionary, if there is no personality, what is an evolutionary?

   The boss left was not angry at all, and instead said to Lin Yi: "Lin Yi, if you really came for my money, then you saved my daughter this time, you can make a request with me."

   Lin Yi moved in his heart and said without hesitation: "500,000."

   The left boss was taken aback, and looked at Lin Yi slightly strangely.

   The last time I saved it is the same. This Lin also costs 700,000 yuan; it is logically more dangerous this He should need more, why only 500,000?

The boss left hesitated for a moment, and said: "I will give you 1 million, provided that in the next three months, you will protect the safety of the same. After three months, if you still need your protection, I will add 2 million."

   The condition proposed by the boss left is quite tempting.

   But is Lin also someone who lacks money?

   A person who talks and laughs with Iron Man, will he be short of money?

   A person who has donated more than one billion net worth, will he be short of money?

   A person who has won countless gold medals and endorsed countless brands, will he be short of money?

   Well, he is really lacking.

   But let him be Zuo Yiran's bodyguard, he really didn't want to.

   First, he wants to watch movies and TV series every day, and second, he has to practice fighting and occasionally go to the film and television planes.

   There is no time at all.

  Second, it’s really dangerous to live here.

   I was lucky just now. If those people really swept over with guns and got shots in the leg or body, maybe they won't be able to come back today.

   It seems that the Zuo family provokes a terrible person. It is better to do more than less. It is the right idea to hide in the rental house and evolve quietly.

   Thinking of this, he smiled indifferently: "Boss Zuo, you are the bodyguard of the school girl, do you see too much? I only need 500,000."

   The left boss was taken aback again.

   He knew that Lin Yi was greedy for money, but he did not expect Lin Yi to be indifferent when faced with the temptation of his own money.

   Could it be that the price he offered was not enough to attract him?

The left boss groaned, gritted his teeth, and said: "This way, as long as you temporarily protect it, I will give you 20,000 per day, in cash. If something happens, I will pay another at least 500,000. What do you think? "

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