Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 502: The test of the jigsaw

As the tape recorder popped up, four gas masks also popped up.

Lin Yi turned on the tape recorder, and the sound of a jigsaw came out again.

"I hope you all escaped, and I hope you can pass all the tests within two hours. If you fail to pass the level after two hours, it will mean game-over for you.

The moment you enter this room, the test of the second level has begun: poisonous gas has been continuously released in the room. Thirty minutes later, the door on the other side will open. This kind of nerve gas can be paralyzed and unable to move after ten minutes inhaled; after twenty minutes, it can make people faint; inhaled for thirty minutes, they will completely die.

The four gas masks here can filter out the poisonous gas.

This is an opportunity for you, and I hope you can seize it. Wish you guys good luck. "

After the voice was played, everyone was silent.

Although they are evolutionaries, it is impossible for them not to breathe. At most, they hold their breath for a little longer than ordinary people. It is only ten to fifteen minutes.

Besides, even if he can hold back for 15 minutes, he still has to breathe poison gas by the 16th minute.

And according to what was said in the recording just now, there are other tests after this level is passed. You will definitely not be able to get out within 30 minutes. Will you hang up by then?

So the only way is to get those gas masks and put on them, without taking a breath of gas.

Everyone was cursing jigsaw in their hearts at this time.

This guy, obviously there were 13 people, but only gave them 4 gas masks, and said that he hoped all of them would escape.

This is obviously to kill them all one after another.

But at this time because of the poisonous gas, everyone was afraid to speak.

In the crevices of the surrounding walls, poisonous gas has clearly been seen gushing out.

Everyone's eyes were on the four gas masks.

There are only four masks, which means that only four people can survive.

Lin also knew that there was naturally no one in it.

But it doesn't matter, he is invincible, and he doesn't need a gas mask at all.

Even if he needed to, he didn't mind killing all of these people, and he was alone in dominating the four gas masks in exchange.

But he had watched "Chain Saw" and knew it was not that simple.

He came to another door and condensed his claws, trying to see if his claws could open that door.

Others also condensed their weapons, trying to open the door.

But when their weapons hit the door, the same thing happened before. Their weapons were all turned into energy, and they were sucked in by some strange energy on the door.

They backed off quickly, afraid to try again.

And the biological energy in Lin Yi's body is different from the energy in these evolutionary bodies. When his sharp claws hit the door, they were not turned into energy and sucked in.

This surprised everyone else.

Their natal weapons are not good, but this kid’s natal weapons can?

This made them realize once again that Lin Yi is different from everyone else.

The last time Lin Yi's key was on the surface, it can also be explained that the jigsaw stitched him shallowly, but what do you say this time?

Under the same conditions, only this kid's natal weapon did not disappear.

This proves that this kid is stronger than all of them.

This also made everyone more vigilant towards Lin Yiti.

However, although Lin Yi's weapon did not disappear, he could not pierce the door either.

At most, it left a shallow mark on that door.

He condensed a sharp blade again and scratched it for a while, leaving a deeper mark.

However, it is still impossible to break the door in a short time.

Then he wanted to try with Shao Chong Sword.

According to his estimation, Shaochong Jianjianqi should be able to break through this door.

But he suddenly thought of the fate of the first two Level 5 evolutionists. If they force the door to open, who knows what will happen.

So Lin Yi dispelled this idea.

Anyway, he can't be poisoned to death by the poisonous gas, just wait for half an hour.

The people in the Shadowmoon group were looking at their group leader at this time, waiting for the group leader to speak.

As a result, the group leader walked over first and put on a gas mask.

Then threw the remaining three masks to three people.

When the team leader put on the gas mask, although the others were unhappy, they did not dare to say anything on the surface.

But when the other three people were about to wear masks, the remaining eight members looked at each other one by one, and then almost coincidentally approached a bald group member who had received the mask.

The bald head was startled and said, "What do you want to do? This is up to the team leader. The team leader is an 8-level evolutionary and should survive. The remaining three of us are all 7-level evolutionary, which is more advanced than you. The value of the person is much greater. We should survive."

Those group members remained silent and continued to approach the bald head.

This bald head is the second most powerful among all 7-level evolutionaries.

A total of 8 of them, if they swarmed up, they should be able to grab this mask.

As for the group leader, he is not good to say anything at this time.

After all, the Shadowmoon Group has always been very loyal.

Although he gave the mask to these strongest people very rationally, he still felt very guilty for those level 5 evolutionists.

After the 8 level 5 evolutionaries, after two of them were killed, they finally brought down the 7 level evolutionists and got his mask.

However, at this time, there are six Level 5 Evolutionists, with only one mask, which is still not enough.

They didn't dare to grab the masks of other 7th-level evolutionaries. After all, the other 7th-level evolutionaries were stronger than the bald head before and after. And now only 6 of them are left. And there was one person with a mask in his hand, which meant that there were only 5 people who could go to fight. It was impossible to engage other 7th-level evolutionists.

Ever since, the five people all turned their gazes at the Level 5 Evolution who was holding the mask in their hands.

The level 5 evolutionary looked horrified and backed away.

Those 5th-level evolutionists swarmed, and the 5th-level evolutionary was fired for a spike.

Now there are only 5 level 5 evolutionaries left.

But the mask was still not enough, so they started another round of cannibalism.

After such rounds, there is only one Level 5 evolutionary left.

He finally got his wish and put on a gas mask stained with blood.

On the ground, there are the bodies of their companions in one place.

The two Level 7 evolutionists and their group leader said nothing, did nothing, and kept watching.

Lin Yi also looked at all this with cold In the face of life and death, everyone revealed the ugly side of their hearts.

To survive, kill each other.

There was even a 5th-level evolutionary who had his head cut off the moment he put on the mask.

Later, his head was snatched by several other Level 5 evolutionaries, like kicking a ball.

The previous brothers and companions are enemies of life and death at this moment.

This scene is really shocking. ...


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