Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 507: The test of jigsaw (6)

After being injected with virus antibodies by Lin Yi, the Level 5 evolutionary struggled to grasp Lin Yi's arm and begged: "Please... take me... out..."

Lin also thought for a while and nodded.

But then he said: "I can take you, but I only take you, not protection. I don't guarantee you will go out."

"Thank you...thank you...thank you..."

Apart from thanking the person, it seemed that he could not say anything.

Lin Yi also found it a bit inexplicable. When he met the Shadowmoon group before, he must just go up without saying anything.

How could I think that one day I would promise to take a Shadowmoon group to escape together.

Maybe this is the change after the common adversity.

But it's also a shared adversity, why did the people in the Shadowmoon group throw him here?

Maybe this is the gap between people.

Lin Yi walked in front, and the level 5 evolutionist staggered to follow behind.

When they entered the new room, they saw that it was just an empty room.

There doesn't seem to be any horrible institutions or the like.

At this time, the 8th-level evolutionary was holding a tape recorder in his hand, and the voice with a strong nasal sound came from it:

"Those who can walk here are all lucky. However, you still have the final test. The wall opposite you is actually a gate. On the other side of the gate, there is a wide passage. In the passage, there will be powerful infectious organisms waiting for you. However, if you have been infected with a virus before and have been injected with antibodies, you will have a viroid in your body. Those infected organisms are very sensitive to this viroid , They dare not touch you again. You can walk directly to the exit of the passage. There is also a door and two keys. As long as you turn the keys, you can leave here and start a new life.

However, the two keys are four meters apart, and at least two people must turn at the same time to open the door.


Hearing this, the two 7th-level evolvers and 8th-level evolvers were immediately confused.

They have not been infected by zombies, nor have they been injected with antibodies, it is impossible to produce that type of virus body.

If there are really powerful infectious creatures, they might only have a dead end.

Thinking of this, the three people scrambled to turn around, wanting to go back to the room just now.

But the door behind is slowly closing.

This time, the 8th-level evolutionary rushed into the door first.

And the two Level 7 evolutionists were one behind, and couldn't get in at all.

When the 8-level evolutionary squeezed his body into the crack of the door, the crack of the door had become narrower and narrower, and finally caught his left hand in the crack of the door.


Accompanied by the clear sound of broken bones, his left hand was squeezed into fleshy flesh.

Blood poured down the crack of the door.


He screamed and fell directly to the ground.

However, he was considered tenacious. After a minute, sweating profusely, he endured the severe pain and got up.

He came to the transparent wall and put his left hand that had just been clipped into the hole.

The zombie smelled fresh blood, and was immediately excited, and hurriedly rushed over, biting into the stubble on his left hand, and severely tore off a large piece.


He screamed again and again, and the pain almost fainted.

It is also ironic, in order to escape the zombies, he used a knife to cut the wound on his left arm;

Now he did not hesitate to clip his arm and bite the zombie.

He withdrew his arm from the hole and stumbled to the door.

On both sides of the door, the two keys are still inserted in the holes.

Even though he suffered so much, as long as he got out of this door and gave the boy an antibody outside, he could escape from here after the injection.

Would that kid not give it to himself?


But as long as he begged hard and gave him a lot of benefits, I believe it will definitely move him.

Thinking of this, his eyes were full of hope.

However, the next moment, he was suddenly stunned.

The light of hope in his eyes suddenly extinguished.

Because he saw that although the two keys were inserted there, the distance between the two keys was a full four meters.

The two keys must be turned at the same time to open the door. How can he reach a distance of four meters at the same time?

At this moment, this 8-level evolutionary who has been extremely sane, after a moment of shock, suddenly went crazy.

He turned the key on the left like crazy.

The door pattern did not move.

He jumped to the right again, turning the key on the right.

The door remained untouched.

He kept leaping to the left and then to the right, completely crazy.

"Let me out... open the door for me... open the door for me..."

His roar echoed throughout the room, but no one responded to him.

Behind the transparent wall, the zombie opened its mouth slightly at this time.

The skinless face seemed to be smiling.

Outside the door, the two Level 7 Evolutionists kept scratching at the crack of the door.

"Open the door... open the door... the group leader open the door..."

The two of them kept clawing at the door and shouting.

But the door could not be opened anyway.

A writer once said: Marriage is like a besieged city. People outside are begging to get in, but people inside cry for father and mother to come out.

It is also suitable here: Destiny is like a door. The idiot inside squeezed his head to figure it out; the idiot outside broke his finger and wanted to go in.

At this time, with the sound of khaka, the wall opposite Lin Yi opened.

There, a passage really appeared.

This looks like a basement passage of a certain factory, with various pipes distributed on the top, left and right.

And in the passage there is a creature lying on the ground, seeming to be sleeping.

I saw that this creature was more than five meters long and had no skin on its body. Its head is bony, without eyes.

The whole looks like a big earthworm with a bone hat on its head.

This is a Hydra!

The few people were shocked when they saw the Hydra.

They have never seen such a monster. What kind of creature is this?

At this time, the Hydra saw and seemed to be aware of human beings.

Its body lying on the ground suddenly rose up, opening its bony mouth, revealing its fangs.


A huge roar echoed in the passage, thrilling.

Except for Lin Yi, the other three were already pale with fright.

The two 7th-level evolutionaries naturally didn't dare to step forward, and the 5th-level evolutionists were also frightened with weak legs.

Lin Yi said to him: "You have viroids in your body, don't be afraid."

The man calmed down a bit, hesitated for a moment, and limped into the passage.

The Hydra saw the human coming by, but didn't immediately pounce on it as usual, but looked at the human with some doubts.

The heart of the level 5 evolutionary was so strong that his legs were so soft that he could hardly walk.

But he had already become like this at this time, and he was willing to go all out.

In the end, the passage was less than 20 meters, and he walked for a full five minutes.

As he passed the Hydra, he felt that he might be shot to death at any time.

But five minutes later, he walked safely to the door opposite.

At this moment, the two Level 7 evolutionists were extremely envious.

They even wondered why they weren't the one who had just been pressed into the cylinder to get the key.

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