Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 519: Heartless cold moon

Although he knew that this time it would be later anyway, Lin had no other way but to drive towards the place where the zombies fell.

This time, it took a full 9 minutes before he cleaned up all the zombies.

And when he packed up the last few zombies, due to the improper handling of the surrounding police, the zombie virus had infected at least more than 70 people.

Lin Yi took a second time and swallowed all these 70 people.

On the TV screen, people saw Lin Yi devouring the 70-odd people in Nian, and they would not think that Lin Yi saved them.

In their opinion, this evil spirit knight is a perverted murderer like the jigsaw, a demon.

What is strange is that this time, when 5 minutes arrived, the jigsaw did not immediately drop the zombies.

Everyone is a little puzzled, what is this jigsaw doing?

In the conference room, the leaders saw that more than 70 people were infected and eventually swallowed by the ghost knight, and they finally made up their minds.

"It seems that we were wrong. This jigsaw is too powerful. Even the Ghost Rider cannot stop him!"

"In any case, you can't let things go on like this."

"First prepare 5 billion to call that account, and then put 500 million in his designated position."

"If you don't have enough money, you should borrow from the bank first. In any case, you must give him the money before 40 minutes!

These old stubborns are finally willing to pay.

With their speech, in a short period of time, 5 billion was hit on that account.

At the same time, a cash transport vehicle also drove to the square of the East Railway Station, unloading 500 million banknotes from it.

And in accordance with the requirements of the jigsaw, the cash was poured out of the suitcase and piled up in the trash can, covering the trash can.

At this time, on the big screen, another clown picture appeared.

The puppet's mouth opened and closed, and he made a strong nasal voice: "You did send the money to the account, and you did send the money to the place I specified. Unfortunately, it is already 1:45 in the morning. Points. It’s more than 5 minutes than the time I set. Then I’m sorry. I’ll give you 5 minutes to make arrangements, because next, I will put all the remaining 60 zombies. These 5 minutes are you. The last chance. If you deal with it properly, the loss will be small. If you don’t deal with it properly, I am afraid that the entire Shanghai-Hai City will be reduced to a zombie city within two days. Good luck to you."

The picture turned around and came to the cabin.

The remaining more than 60 zombies were still fixed on the seats, all of them looked a little confused.

In the upper right corner of the screen, a countdown time appeared.

Count down from 5 minutes.

As a result, everyone panicked.

Especially in densely populated places, people kept shouting and running away.

Lin Yi looked at the zombies and the countdown on the big screen, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

If more than 60 zombies fell from the sky, no matter how fast he was, he could not stop so many zombies.

If it falls in a densely populated place, it will definitely cause great losses.

The zombie city mentioned by the jigsaw is not alarmist, it is very likely to become a reality.

However, this sense of powerlessness in Lin Yi's heart only passed away in a flash.

He must not let this happen.

He must stop the jigsaw.

For 5 minutes, stop those zombies from falling from the sky.

This seems impossible.

However, in any case, he must not let the 60 zombies fall to the ground.

Of course, you cannot destroy the aircraft in the air.

Because in that case, the zombies will still fall to the ground.

As long as they don't break their heads, they will still get up and bite.

How to do?

What should I do?

At the same time, those leaders and experts are also helpless.

This is the first time they have faced such a terrorist attack. They have no experience.

"Speaking, are you dumb?"

The leader was angry.

The experts bowed their heads one by one.

In this case, they have nothing to do.

The leader patted the table and said, "You experts, when you ask for scientific research funding on weekdays, you make a good point. What happened today? Everyone is dumb?"

Those experts still didn't say a word.

At this time, another leader said: "Now if there is a way, I am afraid there is only the ghost knight. Although he does not look like a good person, he should be the opponent of the jigsaw. Maybe only he can stop the jigsaw. Although such hope seems very slim."


After more than two minutes, Lin Yi's heart suddenly moved.

He thought of a way.

Although this method may not be successful, it can even be said that the chance of success is small, but at this time there is only one way.

He quickly took out his cell phone, dialed Shui Ruobing's phone, and asked, "Has the flight trajectory of the plane been calculated?"

"Calculated, it has been hovering over Shanghai."

Shui Ruobing replied.

"What is its flying height?"

"Two kilometers."

"Which building will it pass? It's better to be higher ~ ~ Oriental Pearl Tower, 468 meters."

Shui Ruobing replied quickly.

Lin Yi nodded: "I see."

Saying he was about to hang up his lava phone.

Shui Ruobing stopped him and said, "Wait."

Lin also did not speak, waiting for Shui Ruobing to say.

Shui Ruobing said: "Han Yue went out this afternoon and said it was twelve o'clock on New Year's Eve. I was going to meet a netizen not far from the Oriental Pearl Tower. But I just called her several times and no one answered. I'm afraid What happened to her. If you see her, let her hide as soon as possible and don't run around outside."

This cold moon is really not worrying.

Seeing netizens at twelve o'clock in the night is really a heartless girl.

"I know."

Lin Yi hung up the phone, the evil spirit motorcycle roared, and drove towards the Oriental Pearl.

Soon, he came under the Oriental Pearl Tower and glanced around, not seeing Hanyue's figure.

When the people around saw the evil spirit knight coming, they all avoided.

Even the policemen did not dare to point their guns at Lin Yi at this time.

He raised his head and looked at the plane flying over in the distance.

A minute later, the plane finally flew over the Oriental Pearl Tower.

"It's now!"

Lin Yi let out a low growl, and the evil spirits screamed, galloping forward.

Soon, it broke the sound barrier and reached twice the speed of sound.

Almost in an instant, he came under the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Then as soon as the front wheel of the motorcycle was lifted, it galloped up along the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Looking from afar, only a line of fire was seen, climbing towards the Oriental Pearl at a very fast speed.

[I have been revising the blocked chapters yesterday, there is not much codeword, today only two changes, sorry. 】

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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