Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 521: Purify the soul

The plane exploded, and everyone felt sorry for the ghost rider.

Although the scene where the ghost knight swallowed the zombies looked terrifying, at first they thought that the ghost knight and the jigsaw were the same kind of villain.

But after nearly an hour, everyone had a slight affection for the ghost rider.

At least, the evil spirit knight was culling the zombies everywhere, without letting the zombie virus spread.

Finally jumped on the plane and killed all the zombies.

To some extent, he sacrificed for the people of Shanghai-Hai City.

At this time, through the reporters' cameras, people only saw the sky on the big screen. After the plane exploded, it turned into hundreds of sparks and fell from the sky.

At this moment, people saw a figure falling from the sky among those sparks.

There was a raging flame on the figure's head—it was the evil spirit rider.

Among those who saw this scene, someone cheered in surprise: "Wow, the ghost rider is not dead!"

Zuo Yiran heard this sound and quickly raised his head to look at the big screen.

Sure enough, on the big screen, Lin Yi was falling rapidly from high altitude.

She was suddenly surprised and worried.

Lin Yi fell from an altitude of two kilometers, terrifying...

Shui Ruobing was surprised and delighted when she saw this scene.

The happy thing is that Lin Yi is not dead, but the shocking thing is that Lin Yi fell down like this, it's strange that he didn't break his body.

However, when Lin Yi was still a kilometer away from the ground, the evil spirits moved on the ground.

Without anyone driving, it suddenly started, and the flames of the two wheels were more vigorous than before.

Then gallop up along the Oriental Pearl Tower.

When he was more than 500 meters above the ground, he suddenly turned around and flew over in the sky in the direction where Lin Yi fell.

Just caught Lin Yi in the air, took Lin Yi and fell directly into the Huangpu River from the air.


At the moment of falling into the water, huge waves burst up on the surface of the river.

When the waves calmed down, the evil spirit motorcycle was not visible.

People are all surprised: "Where is the evil spirit rider?"

"Is it impossible to sink into the bottom of the river?"

When people were in doubt, suddenly, the surface of the water was washed away, and the evil spirit motorcycle rushed up from the bottom of the water and jumped more than five meters high.

Afterwards, he walked flat on the water and quickly drove under the Oriental Pearl Tower.

At this time, on the square next to the Oriental Pearl Tower, the people who saw the ghost rider arrived, all quickly dispersed.

For the ghost rider, they don't know what kind of feeling they should hold.

Is it fear?

Is it grateful?

Lin also didn't care what they thought of himself, he looked at the big screen.

I saw the clown appeared on the big screen.

Its mechanical mouth opened and closed, and it made a heavy nasal voice: "Ghost Rider, I did not misread you. If you are blown to death, it will disappoint me too much. However, the game between us is still It’s not over. Don’t you want to catch me? All of you want to catch me, and you think that when I go to get the money in the train station square, it’s the best time to catch me. You’ve already been around. With the net, I can’t escape even if I put on my wings. Even if I escape, you put a tracker in the money, and I will still be tracked by you. Hey, I can tell you responsibly that you are too naive.

You are heavily guarded, how could I go into the trap?

I just invited you to watch the most expensive fireworks this year, but I want to tell you that it is not the most expensive. Next, this is the most expensive. "

As soon as the clown finished speaking, the picture shifted to the large pile of money beside the trash can in the square of the East Railway Station.

At this time, the cash piled up like a hill.

The voice of the clown came: "Next, please enjoy the most expensive and beautiful firework show this year."

The voice just fell, booming——

There was a sudden boom in the pile of cash, and a violent explosion occurred.

Amid the skyrocketing flames, the banknotes were scattered everywhere.

Within a hundred meters, a fire quickly ignited.

All the paper money was reduced to ashes in the fire.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, including Lin Yi.

Those senior leaders in Shanghai-Hai City looked at each other.

The policemen who had wanted to use the jigsaw to get the money also looked at each other.

Ordinary people exclaimed: "I'm silly, is he crazy? That's billions!"

"Mad, absolutely crazy!"

"Damn, this guy is a pervert!"

"I thought he was doing it for money, but he exploded so much money!"

"Since I don't need money, what is he for?"

"After all, he is completely crazy."

At this time, the clown's voice came out again: "You must not understand, why I bothered to let you put so much money there, but I burned it with a fire?

The answer is simple, this is to purify your soul. Let you understand how humble and ridiculous money is in front of life.

Your embezzled money was donated. As for the leaders of the Zhengfu, every time you set aside the funds, you peel them layer by layer and reach the ultimate beneficiaries, and you won't even get half of it. I did this today to make you clearly realize that money is nothing at all in the face of life.

At the same time, I hope you will learn from it. If you do it again in the future, the corrupt people on the plane before will be your example. "

At this time, all leaders, big and small, trembled in their hearts.

When it comes to greed, almost half of them have been greedy more or less.

It can be as large as tens of millions and hundreds of millions, and as small as receiving gifts from others.

Today, when they saw the tragedy of the people on the plane, everyone secretly said in their hearts: Never be greedy anymore.

After all, in front of what does money count?

Then, the picture appeared in a building-Shanghai-Shanghai Center Building.

This is the tallest building in Shanghai City, with a total height of about 632 meters. It is nearly two hundred meters higher than the Oriental Pearl Tower.

The clown's voice continued: "Originally, tonight's things are over here. However, because the ghost rider has appeared, since he wants to participate in this game, I will accompany him to have fun. It has been placed under the central building. The bomb will explode within 3 minutes. At that time, the entire central building will bang. Ghost Rider, you only have 3 minutes to find the bomb. Good luck."

The center building is 118 stories high, and you can imagine how many people there are.

Even if it is night, there are not many people working inside, but the surrounding area is also a bustling area.

If the central building is bombed, how many people will be killed or injured around it?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi almost didn't say anything else, the evil spirit motorcycle activated instantly and drove along the street towards the center.

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