Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 536: Wen Chou Chou

Lin Yi looked at this strangely dressed and babbled man, and smiled: "Well, ugly?"

Wen Chou Chou General Lin Yi glanced, and saw that Lin Yi was wearing a black leather jacket with gray pants on his lower body, which was also weird. Lin Yi glanced at white and asked, "Who are you?"

The mud bodhisattva explained hurriedly: "He was the last time I mentioned the divine fortune teller to the hero. I think the hero must also want to see him, so I brought it to him."

Wen Chouchou looked at Lin Yi up and down again: "God fortune? So young? How do you maintain it?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I was only seventeen years old."

Wen Chouchou wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he said, "Okay, okay, since it was brought by the mud bodhisattva, let's go see the leader together."

He said that he took Lin Yi and the mud bodhisattva and walked towards Xiongba Hall.

Lin Yi was using biological tracking as he walked, and found that there were bright and dark whistles everywhere along the way.

The entire Tianxiahui is very tightly guarded.

If ordinary people want to escape from here, it is impossible.

A few minutes later, the three came to Xiongbatang.

Seen from the outside, this male tyrant looked extremely domineering.

Aside from other things, the two stone beasts at the door are more than three meters high, facing the mountains in the east, and they have the tendency to look down on the world.

Walking into the Xiongba Hall, I saw two words in it: Domineering!

The wide stone steps, wide thresholds, and tall stone pillars all highlight these two words.

Entering the Xiongba Hall, I saw Xiongba leaning on his chair.

That chair is not an ordinary chair, but a chair with dragon patterns carved from the most precious fire element wood on this plane-the dragon chair!

This guy even made himself a dragon chair.

It can be seen that everyone knows the domineering heart.

The male tyrant has thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a three-foot long beard.

The whole person looks extraordinary and domineering, worthy of his name: Xiongba!

At this moment, he was stroking a sword with his forehand: This is the famous weapon-the Fire Lin sword.

This sword is inlaid with the scales of a fire unicorn, which can help the life holding the sword to produce an incredible magical power.

Xiongba likes to collect famous swords all his life, this fire lin sword was taken from the hand of the sword leader of Nanlin.

Wen Chouchou, like an island woman, came to Xiongba with fine steps, flatteringly smiled, and said: "Fang lord, the mud bodhisattva is here."

Xiongba put down his sword, looked at the mud bodhisattva, and said, "You can count it."

Then he looked at Lin Yi next to the mud bodhisattva and asked, "Who is he?"

The mud bodhisattva said: "He is the divine fortuneteller I mentioned to the helper three years ago. His divine fortunetelling power is not below me."

Xiongba seemed a little surprised: "So young?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the helper was so young."

Xiongba smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you, a fortune-teller, would also start to learn how to talk ugly."

Wen Chou Chou hurriedly covered his mouth with a fan and said: "Helper, I didn't teach him."

Then Xiong domineering said: "Nud Bodhisattva, I want you to calculate my fate, and tell me now. Wen Chou Chou, you take the **** operator to rest first."

The mud bodhisattva said, "Helper, he doesn't actually need to avoid it. As I said, his arithmetic power is not below me. He knows the results of my calculations."


Xiongba smiled and said: "In this way, this sacred fortune teller is really capable. Then you can calculate the fate of the old man together, and let the old man open his eyes."

The mud bodhisattva said, "I have already calculated it."

He took out a cylinder with a piece of paper in it.

Wen Chou Chou quickly came over in small steps, took the paper, turned around and came to Xiongba's side, carefully handing it over.

Xiongba didn't take it apart immediately, but said to Lin Yi, "Where is yours?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "The mud bodhisattva was prepared for a long time. I didn't prepare for it. I calculated it temporarily. So I didn't write it out. If I want to write it..."

He looked at the Fire Lin sword on the dragon chair next to Xiongba and said, "Can you borrow the sword of the gang leader?"


Wen Chouchou pointed at Lin Yi with a fan and said, "Did you not see the Jiejian Monument when you went up the mountain? From the Jiejian Monument up, no one except the helper can bring a sword."

Xiongba waved his hand to stop Wen Chou Chou, and said, "It's okay."

Wen Chouchou retracted the Tuan fan, turned to his side, looked at the ceiling, panting, and kept fanning the fan quickly.

This shows that my old lady is very angry by you, this kid.

Xiongba then threw the Fire Lin sword at Lin Yi.

Lin also took the sword, but felt that the starting point was much heavier than an ordinary sword.

Pulling out the sword, I saw that the body of the sword was flaming red, and it was indeed inlaid with a piece of flaming dragon's eye size. That should be the scales of the fire unicorn.

At this moment, he applied a little force, and he felt that his strength was much greater than usual.

This Fire Lin sword is worthy of being a magic weapon.

Then he held the Fire Lin sword, slammed on the ground, and jumped up.


After a few swords came down, two lines of words appeared on the stone pillar next to him.

Lin also has practiced calligraphy. At this time, he uses a sword as a pen, with sharp edges and corners.

Between strokes and strokes, there was a fierce momentum.

The Ni Bodhisattva next to Lin Yi saw Lin Yi's calligraphy and swordsmanship, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a beautiful calligraphy, and a sharp swordsmanship. This kind of calligraphy is wonderful with this kind of swordsmanship!"

Xiongba looked at the two lines and nodded: "Yes, this calligraphy and swordsmanship are not something ordinary people can use. I didn't expect that the **** fortune teller still has this hand."

Wen Chouchou turned his head at this time, looked at the two lines, and said in a low voice: "Are golden scales a thing in a pool? Once a storm turns into a dragon..."

Xiong Ba opened the piece of paper in his hand at this time, and saw that there were two lines on the paper: How could golden scales be objects in the pool, and it would turn into a dragon in a Xiongba looked at the mud bodhisattva in surprise, and then again. Looking at Lin Yi, then he said: "Nud Bodhisattva, shouldn't you reveal this to him?"

The mud bodhisattva quickly explained: "Absolutely not. I also met him by chance after arriving in Tianxia City today. However, I didn't reveal much of my criticism to him."

Xiongba nodded: "In this way, it really is the god's fortune. So, can you explain what these two criticisms mean?"

The mud bodhisattva nodded and said: "These two comments mean that the leader is not a mortal, but a dragon seed. But you must encounter the wind and clouds before you can turn into a real dragon and soar into the sky."

"Fengyun? What does that mean?"

Xiongba asked.

Ni Bodhisattva replied: "The wind and the cloud are two children. The helper accepts them as disciples. In the future, they will help the master achieve great deeds, and force the other four sects, so that the world will become the real first sect in the world."

When talking about this, Lin Yi suddenly yelled: "Oh, it's not good..."

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