Infinite Killing Evolution

: Five Hundred Forty Six Sword Sect

Lin Yi hit a bucket of water from the well.

There was a scoop next to him. He took a scoop of water and drank half of it himself, leaving half for the black widow.

Although the weather is hot now, after drinking this cold well water, I suddenly felt a chill in my chest, and my whole body seemed to cool down.

Lin Yi asked the man, "Senior, how can Jianzong go?"

While pulling the erhu, the man said casually: "Sword Sect has now fallen, and is no longer one of the original ten major sects. What are you doing to Sword Sect?"

Lin Yi looked very sincere and said, "Senior, among all the weapons, my favorite is the sword. I have wanted to learn swordsmanship since I was a child. But I have never had the opportunity. Now I am eighteen and finally can I came out, so I went straight to Sword Sect to learn swordsmanship. Although Sword Sect has fallen, the swordsmanship of Sword Sect is still the authentic swordsmanship in the world. Of course I want to come to Sword Sect. But now I can see the so-called Heaven. Jian Wuming's nameless senior, there is no need for me to go to Jianzong."

The man looked at the other side of the river and said, "A new born calf, young and energetic. What's the use of learning swordsmanship? If the situation is great today, the hero is extremely powerful. Even if you learn swordsmanship, you can beat the hero. ?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Senior, I learn swordsmanship and don't fight for anyone. It's purely because I like swordsmanship and I love swordsmanship."

Lin also knew that the namelessness at this time, because of the death of his beloved wife, the heart of fighting was very weak.

If he said that he came to Jianzong in order to defeat the tyrant, he would definitely not be able to win his favor.

And if he said that he came purely to like swordsmanship, then maybe he would be liked by this.

Sure enough, after Lin Yi finished speaking, Wuming turned his head and glanced at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's eyes were very sincere.

He nodded, and said, "Human, I want to have a hobby."

As he said, he shook the erhu in his hand: "For more than ten years, if I don't have it, I really don't know what to do. Even if you like swordsmanship, go to Jianzong. Follow the road at the entrance of the village and go south. , There is a big mountain. On the mountain is Sword Sect. But the Sword Sect master is a very strange person. Those who have no talent will not accept it; those who have no fighting spirit will not accept it. If you only learn swordsmanship for your hobby, I am afraid he will be driven down the mountain. Come."

Lin Yi said: "Senior, you are known as the Unknown Heavenly Sword. No one can match your swordsmanship. Even the Northern Sword Saint is defeated by you. Now that I have met you, I don't have to go to Sword Sect again. . Please seniors can accept me as a disciple."

Wuming shook his head, and said: "I have not asked questions about the world for more than a decade, and I have long since stopped accepting disciples. If you want to learn authentic swordsmanship, you should go to Jianzong."

Lin also saw that Wuming really didn't mean to accept disciples, and he also knew that he could not succeed in one shot. Want to learn the supreme Wanjian return to the sect, how easy it is.

He had already made plans to settle down in Jianzong first, and then often visit Wuming here.

Over time, you can always find the opportunity to learn ten thousand swords.

He said to Wuming: "Since the senior does not want to be disturbed, the junior will not bother. However, according to my calculation, the land of Zhongzhou will be invaded by foreigners in more than ten years. The senior will still come out at that time. Take another look at the swordsmanship of seniors."

Wuming was pulling the erhu, although it did not stop, but the tone trembled slightly.

This was sharply captured by Lin Yi.

Wuming did not speak any more.

Lin Yi knew that his words had already caused some waves in Wuming's heart.

After that, Lin Yi and the black widow were not named, and the two went straight south along the road at the entrance of the village.

After half an hour, the two came to the foot of a big mountain.

I saw this big mountain, which looked very dangerous.

On the mountainside, there are clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Lin Yi was in a great mood, and took the black widow to the mountain together.

The mountain road was quite wide at first, but it gets narrower as it goes up.

When we arrived halfway up the mountain, there was a stone stele with two characters in traditional Chinese characters as high as one person: Kendo.

These two words are both powerful and powerful.

At first glance, it was carved with sword energy by a master of swordsmanship.

The only thing that made Lin Yi a little dissatisfied was that these two characters were a bit ugly.

From this stele up, the mountain road only allows one person to pass.

On the left is the stone wall, and on the right is the cliff.

The clouds and mist on the side look very beautiful.

But because of the clouds and mist, it looks a bit unreal underfoot.

And the roadside is slippery, and if you are not careful, you have to be buried under the cliff.

Lin Yi and the black widow continued to move forward.

There should have been several levels on this road.

But because the world would attack the Sword Sect once before, the Sword Sect fell and the talents withered. There is not enough manpower.

So when they came along, no one guarded these levels.

Finally, they came to the top of the mountain.

It looks from the top of the mountain, but it is not as dangerous as the mountain road.

In the shadow of the green forest, there are dozens of and some collapsed houses-they should have been destroyed when the world attacked Jianzong last time.

They walked a few steps forward, and a man in his forties came out and stopped them and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in my Jianzong?"

Lin Yi clasped his fist and said, "Brother, we came to Jianzong to apprentice to learn art."

When the man heard this, his eyes lit up and he immediately said, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, I will take you to see the big brother. You follow me."

Lin also didn't expect it to be so easy. The big talk that was originally prepared seemed to be a waste.

The man took them through a few bamboo forests and came to a small courtyard.

Then the man said: "Brother, someone came to apprentice to learn art. This is the first time in two months."

Soon, someone walked into the house in the courtyard.

The man seemed to be in his forties, and he seemed more sincere.

Seeing Lin Yi was so young, he said, "Okay, okay, I will take you to see the lord."

Lin also didn't expect to see the Sect Master so easily.

But thinking about it, you will understand: Now the Jianzong talents are withered, and no one has come to learn art for two months. If this continues, isn't Jianzong going to endure? So they are eager for someone to learn art.

The big brother took Lin Yi and the black widow towards the back mountain.

As he walked, he said, "Although our sword sect is short of manpower, if you are not talented in swordsmanship, Master will not accept you. Show me your hands."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand.

The big brother looked for a moment, shook his head, and said, "You don't have any calluses on your hands. Obviously, you have almost never practiced swordsmanship. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult if you haven't practiced before at your age. And look at your fingers, It’s not suitable for holding swords either. Alas... let’s see what the master says."

While talking, he came to a courtyard in the back mountain.

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