Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 548: Mantra of Returning Wan Jian to Zong

In Jian Hui's eyes, the realm of qi is just a theory.

He wanted to realize this theory all his life, but no matter how hard he tried, he could only reach the peak of the realm of things. Can no longer break through half a point.

Even if he was unnamed more than ten years ago, he learned how to return the sword to the sect with Qi, but he still couldn't reach the state of Qi.

Now that this kid is only seventeen or eighteen years old, he has reached the realm of swordsmanship that only exists in theory, is this also a monster?

And what surprised him the most was that even if most people practiced sword aura, sword aura is only a fierce and thin layer of energy, which can only be attached to the sword, other than that, it has no characteristics.

But this kid's sword energy not only can be used at will without using a sword body, but also has different characteristics.

Just like the sword aura before, light and fast;

But the sword spirit just now was simple and sluggish.

He is completely different from the characteristics of people's sword skills, and can use different characteristics of sword energy.

This is completely beyond Jian Hui's understanding.

How can this not shock Jian Hui?

In fact, Lin is also very lucky.

The kung fu in The Wind and Cloud is much stronger than the kung fu in other planes.

Only kung fu such as the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong, the Palm of the Tathagata, and the Six-Medical Sword can compete with the kungfu of the "Feng Yun" plane.

However, the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong and the Palm of Tathagata are too energy-consuming.

With a palm, you have to rest for several days—three hours of real charging and five minutes of talking.

Although the Six-Medition Divine Sword consumes energy, it is much stronger than those two sets of palm techniques.

He just drew the Six-Medition Divine Sword.

Especially in front of swordsmen like Jianzong and Jianhui, it is more convincing to use the Six-Medition Divine Sword.

After being shocked for a moment, Jian Hui gave a wry smile: "It's a sigh that I have studied swordsmanship for most of my life. In the end, there is not a 17-year-old boy who has a deep understanding of swordsmanship. Alas..."

Jian Chen, who was next to him, finally recovered after being shocked, and said: "Master, what do you mean, can you accept him?"

Jian Hui shook her head, looked at Lin Yi, and said, "I have another question: Since your swordsmanship has reached the Dacheng realm of the Qi realm, this is already the pinnacle of swordsmanship, why come here? My Sword Sect? Even if it is me, I can't teach you anything, right."

Lin Yi said frankly at this time: "It's true that I am good at swords since I was a child. Since I learn swordsmanship, I naturally have to learn the strongest. I have had a few tricks with Xiongba a few days ago. Although my swordsmanship is strong, it is still not enough Enemy Xiongba. So I thought, if I can come to Sword Sect and learn the supreme sword to return ten thousand swords to the sect, I will definitely defeat Xiongba."

Face different people and say different things.

In the face of an anonymous person who has no intention of fighting, it is natural to say something about interests, hobbies and the like;

In the face of a person like Jian Hui with great fighting spirit, it is natural to say something like invincible in the world.

And according to Black Widow's intelligence, the Xiongba sent someone to attack Jianzong a few days ago.

Now that Lin Yi said that he was an enemy of Xiongba, he could win Jianhui's favor even more.

Jianhui listened to Lin Yi's words, sighed again, and said: "I thought that after practicing swordsmanship to the third stage of Qi, he could defeat the Xiong Ba. I didn't expect that the Xiong Ba was so strong. Alas..."

Then he turned around, his eyes burning, revealing endless fighting intent: "However, in this life, I will definitely find a way to defeat the hero! It's just that your idea is a bit wrong. Although the return of Wan Jian is the highest sword in the world. You still can’t get away from the realm of things. You must have weapons around you to control hundreds of weapons with Qi to attack the enemy. This is still much worse than your non-stroke Qi state."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Although my sword energy can be used at will, I can only use six ways at most. I am thinking, if I can learn ten thousand swords and return to the sect, then I can use this sword to return to the sect. The combination of my swords will make Wanjian Guizong a sublimation-controlling thousands of sword auras and attacking the enemy. How powerful should it be? At that time, even if it is a hero, it will definitely not be able to resist ."

Jianhui's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Yes! Ten thousand swords auras shot out at the same time, overwhelming the sky, even if it is the three-point return to vitality of the hero, it is impossible to resist!"

Jianhui seems to have found a way to defeat the male tyrant.

But then he shook his head, sighed, and said, "It's a pity that with your current state of swordsmanship, you can't learn ten thousand swords."


Lin Yi wondered.

Jian Chen next to him was also very confused.

If there is anyone who is most likely to practice ten thousand swords and return to the sect, then only Lin Yi.

Even the master himself hasn't practiced ten thousand swords and returned to the sect.

Under the whole world, only the unnamed ones who had practiced back then.

Now Lin Yi's talent is better than that of Wuming, why can't he learn?

Jian Hui said: "I return ten thousand swords to the sect. It is extremely difficult to practice. In the world, unless there is an unnamed aptitude and chance, it is impossible to practice. Even if I put the sword in front of you, you can't Practice. Otherwise, for so many years in our Sword Sect, it is impossible for an unknown person to practice. Although your qualifications are better than unknown, you don't have his chances."

"What chance?"

Lin also asked.

Jian Hui smiled:

"The first four sentences of Wanjian Guizong's formula:

All qi regenerates,

The sword rushes to the waste hole,

Return to Yuan Wuxue,

Zong Yuan is a master.

Do you know the mystery of these four sentences? "

Jian Chen next to him listened and was overjoyed, and quickly wrote down these four phrases.

Then carefully study.

The more I ponder, the more I feel these four mysterious.

All qi regenerates: It definitely means that between heaven and earth, everything has its qi, and sword also has sword qi. Sword Qi is not practiced, but exists in the first place;

Jian Chong waste point: I don't quite understand this sentence.

Guiyuan martial arts: This definitely means that martial arts all over the world have a starting point. If you want to practice well, you must first understand the starting point of martial arts.

Chief Zong Yuan: I don't quite understand this sentence.

However, the overall four sentences seem to touch a mysterious realm.

It's worthy of being a peerless sword recruiting ten thousand swords to return to the sect. Just the first four mantras can make people experience this state.

Thinking of this Chen was very excited, and continued to savor the second and fourth sentences carefully.

The black widow doesn't understand swordsmanship at all, and naturally doesn't know the mystery of these four sentences.

Lin Yi laughed and said, "These four sentences are actually nonsense."

When he said this, Jian Chen was taken aback, and then said: "Lin Yi, how dare you be so presumptuous. Returning Wan Jian to the Sect is the treasure of my Jian Zong Zhenzong, and these four formulas are even more mysterious. , Said it’s nonsense, don’t you admit your mistake to the master?"

Jian Hui's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand to stop Jian Chen.

To Lin Yi said, "Go on."...


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