Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 553: Buddha's Palm

Lin Yisheng tore Ma Ying, but it was not over yet.

The fiery red bio-energy gushed out of him, covering the two halves of the maying corpse.

With the surging of this fiery red energy, Ma Ying's body also turned fiery red, and was then completely swallowed by Lin Yi.

This weird and terrifying scene shocked everyone present once again.

What is he doing?

It even swallowed Mah Ying!

Oh my God, this is too scary!

It doesn't count to kill people, but to swallow the corpse. Is this kid still a human?

He is completely a monster!

After Lin Yi swallowed it, the long-lost voice of the system came in his mind: "Swallow second-rate masters, get 2oooo points of evolution, and total evolution points of 28o9o3 points."

A eagle is 2oooo evolution points, and there is also a bat over there.

In addition to bats, there are more than one thousand disciples of the World Society.

At this moment, the bat saw that this kid was so powerful, he said to the disciples of the congregation under the heavens: "Heavenly Array!"

Only then did the disciples come to their senses, and then all rushed towards Lin Yi.

But when they pounced, they didn't pounce in a disorderly manner, but constantly interspersed left and right and horizontally. But he was not within ten meters of Lin Yi's side.

At a certain moment, Lin Yi felt that his left hand was caught in something.

Looking down, I saw that it was a very thin thread.

Before he could react, his right hand was also entangled with a thread.

Then came his feet, neck, body... In less than a minute, hundreds of silk threads had entangled him.

All these threads were pulled tightly by the disciples of the World Conference, making him unable to move.

When the Sword Sect disciples met, they exclaimed: "Junior Brother Lin..."

"Uncle Lin!"

"Uncle Lin!"

With a wave of his hand, the bat called out to the disciples of the World Society: "Pull me! How did he tear the Ma Ying apart, we will tear him apart!"

The disciples of the Tianxiahui immediately began to pull vigorously in all directions.

When the Sword Sect disciples saw that the situation was not good, they immediately rushed forward.

Lin Yi glared at them and roared: "Get out of the way for me!"

Those Sword Sect disciples were stared by him like this, remembering what Lin Yi had said before, they immediately stepped back.

At this time, Lin Yi's body was already strangled with blood by those silk threads.

A hideous look appeared on the bat's face: "Boy, dare to be an enemy of our world, this is your fate!"

However, at this moment, Lin also moved.

I saw fiery red biological energy gushing out around his body.

This fiery red energy, like a flame, envelops his body and burns blazingly.

Then, the silk threads around his body, bang bang bang bang bang—

It's all broken.

Lin Yiyi jumped into the air and jumped up a hundred meters.

After a sprint in the air, he jumped for more than 40 meters and came to an altitude of more than 140 meters.

Everyone present was shocked when they saw this place-what is he doing?

But seeing Lin Yi in the air, after an somersault, put his hands together, head down, feet up, and rushed down towards the ground.

His speed was too fast, and the energy around his body was burning like flames. At this time, when he was so fast, his whole person was like a falling meteorite, falling toward the ground.

An invisible force spread to the ground.

With just this strength, it pressed the ground, and everything within a kilometer radius could not move.

Click, click, click——

The trees within a kilometer of a kilometer were all broken by this force.

Several stone houses within a kilometer of a radius collapsed under this force.

Both the Jianzong and the disciples of the Tianxiahui were pressed to the ground directly under this force.

Even the skin and flesh on their bodies, under this strength, gave birth to waves of flesh.

At this time, Lin Yi in the air, because the temperature was too fast, his body rubbed against the air to generate heat, and his coat was already burning.

He stretched out his right hand and pressed it to the ground.


At this moment, on the ground, there appeared a huge palm print five hundred meters long, three hundred meters wide, and three meters deep.

When Lin Yi was ten meters away from the ground, he flipped and landed on the edge of his palm print.

His coat turned into ashes, scattered in all directions.

Look on behalf of the head.

This palm print almost included most of the disciples of the World Society.

Most of these disciples of the World Society are trapped in palm prints and lose their combat effectiveness, including bats.

Those disciples of the World Society who were close to the edge of the palm print were shocked by the aftermath of the shaking of the palm print edge. Although they still had the ability to move, they all spewed blood from their mouths and fell to the ground.

The palm of the Tathagata, the power is so terrifying!

The disciples of Jianzong, even though they were a hundred meters away from Palm Ying, were also overwhelmed.

Even some of the lowly martial arts disciples suffered internal injuries and spewed blood.

The elders looked at Lin Yi by the pit at this time, as if they had seen a ghost.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi's strength was so strong.

An elder said involuntarily: "What kind of control is this?"

The second elder said: "The palm technique that descends from the sky... is it a martial art that has been lost..."

Speaking of this, the second elder, third elder, and fourth elder all exclaimed: "Tathagata palm!"

The palm of the Tathagata is said to be created by the founder of Shaolin Bodhidharma.

But then it was lost somehow. Even in Shaolin, no one could make the Tathagata palm.

Unexpectedly, this kind of martial arts skill would be reproduced in Lin Yi.

At this moment, in the woods 800 meters away, a pale blue figure was standing there.

This person is unnamed.

Although he has not asked about the situation, as a disciple of the sword sect, how can he just ignore it.

So he went up the mountain together with the world meeting.

Originally, he wanted to take a shot, but seeing that Lin Yi had arranged it well, he did not take the shot.

He was just wondering how Lin Yi would deal with the World Club when he brought the World Club to the Jianzong sword practice field.

Now seeing Lin Yi's Tathagata palm, his face also flashed with shock.

This kid will have the palm of the Tathagata that has been lost!

Those disciples of the Tianxiahuihui who were still barely able to move, in shock, quickly turned around and fled.

However, Lin Yi had already arranged the arrangement, and the five elders led people to block their way and slashed.

These disciples of the World Society, no one can escape.

Lin Yi was weak at this time, sitting on the side of the and almost fainted.

The power of the palm of the Tathagata seems to increase as one's strength increases.

It seems that no matter how strong it is, it can hollow out the abilities in its own body and hit it all at once.

This time the Tathagata Palm was four or five times more powerful than the previous one.

But fortunately, he didn't faint this time.

Moreover, as long as these nearly a thousand people are swallowed, the energy in one's body can be restored again, and this is a big evolution point.

It's so cool! ...


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