Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 561: Blood Bodhi

After ten years of development, Jianzong has grown from a small sect with only 500 people to a large sect with more than 70,000 disciples.

Although far less than the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Tianxiahui, they have already overwhelmed Shaolin and Wudang, becoming the second largest sect after the Tianxiahui.

It can even be said that it has become a thorn in the eyes of the domineering.

But even so, Xiongba has never dared to come to Jianzong again in the past ten years.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Really should have this sentence.

And Lin Yi has now become the master of the large sect of more than 70,000 disciples.

Although he was just a hand-off shopkeeper, no one dared not admit his status as suzerain.

The Black Widow used the disciples of Jianzong to form her own intelligence network.

This information network is located in every corner of Zhongzhou.

Every move of the sect in Zhongzhou, she can see everything in her eyes.

At this time, the black widow knew that the male tyrant had sent Nie Feng to grab the blood bodhi, so she told Lin Yi the news.

Lin Yi inquired about the news, so he packed up on the same day and wanted to go to Leshan again.

Jian Chen said: "Sect Master, it must be extremely dangerous for you to **** Blood Bodhi this time. It is best to bring some more disciples."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "After ten years of development, our Jianzong has finally had more than 70,000 disciples. I don't want to lose even one more. Besides, the purpose of robbing the blood bodhi is for my own practice. Zong, how can other disciples risk their lives?"


Lin Yi waved his hand to stop Jian Chen, and said, "Brother, this matter is up to me. Don't worry, even if I can't get the blood bodhi, I will retreat."

That afternoon, Lin Yi said goodbye to Master, and when he arrived at Mujiacun, he said goodbye to Wuming.

At this time, the sun has set.

After Lin Yi left Mujiacun, he took out the evil spirit motorcycle and carried the black widow on the speed.

It took more than ten days to ride a horse, but they only took one night to arrive.

At dawn the next day, they entered Leshan Town.

Back to the bamboo forest on the mountain outside the town.

More than ten years ago, they and King Nie lived in seclusion here.

Now, in this bamboo forest, there are only two dilapidated bamboo houses.

Revisiting the old place, there is a feeling in it.

The black widow said, "Anyway, there are still a few days before Nie Feng can get to Leshan. We might as well fix the house and stay here for a few days."

Lin Yi readily agreed, and the two of them did it. It took a long time to repair the bamboo house and then stayed in.

The next day, the black widow went to town, contacted the disciple of Jianzong hiding here, and inquired a lot of information.

As the blood bodhi is about to appear, Leshan Town has become lively recently.

Those big and small sects all came here, waiting for the moment when the blood bodhi appeared.

Lin also is determined to win the blood bodhi.

After the two of them lived here for five days, seeing tomorrow is the day when the blood bodhi will appear.

Nie Feng finally came to Leshan Town on this day.

At this time the woman he loved was dead, and he was depressed and in a trance.

When he came to Leshan Town, seeing these familiar sights, he remembered that he had lived here for a while as a child.

So I came to the bamboo forest on the mountain, wanting to see the place where I lived as a child.

When he came to the mountain and passed Lin Yi's hut, he found that there were still people living in the hut.

He immediately remembered Lin Yi and the Black Widow whom he had met when he was a child.

Curious, he came to the door of the house and tapped it.

Lin Yi had also detected Nie Feng's arrival at this time, and he immediately replied to the cost and opened the door of the house.

The moment the door opened, Nie Feng was stunned, as if he was back more than ten years ago.

"Big Brother Lin Yi, Sister Natasha..."

Suddenly, Nie Feng called out the name he used to call more than ten years ago.

Lin Yi nodded, smiled and said, "It's been more than ten years, Nie Feng, you've grown up."

Nie Feng's eye sockets were a little moist, he wiped it with his hand, and said, "Thirteen years, you...have not changed at all, and are still the same as before. Why...looks younger than me?"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Maybe we have a younger mentality."

Next, several people chatted for a while and talked about the past.

Finally, Nie Feng said: "It's a pity that my dad took me to the big Buddha to compete with others. After that, I fell off the big Buddha and was dragged in by the monsters in the Lingyun Cave. I never saw my dad again. Lin Brother, don't you know how to do it, help me do it, how is my dad?"

Lin Yi also sighed, and then said: "Let's do it, you follow me."

Speaking out of the door.

Nie Feng followed Lin Yi and left the door.

Behind Nie Feng, two people followed.

They are eagles and bats.

Last time in Jianzong, Ma Ying and Bat had been killed by Jianzong disciples.

Later, Xiongba chose two martial arts high-powered people, named Ma Ying and Bat.

The four came to the depths of the bamboo forest, where a very strange room appeared.

Naturally, Nie Feng, Ma Ying, and Bat had never seen such a house, but Lin Yi was familiar with it.

It is naturally a rental house.

When he came to the door, Lin Yi said in a low voice, "Open the door with Sesame."

The door of the house opened—maybe the system was The opening spell this time was the most normal one.

Lin also took the lead into the house.

After Nie Feng and the others also entered the house, they found that there was a cave in this house.

It looked like a small house on the outside, but it turned out to be a deep cave inside.

Nie Feng asked, "Brother Lin, where is this?"

Lin Yi replied: "Lingyun Cave."

"But isn't Lingyun Cave at the feet of the Big Buddha? How could it be in the bamboo forest?"

Lin Yidao: "Hush...there is a fire unicorn guarding it, don't disturb it."

Everyone was silent.

Soon, he entered the depths of the cave.

This cave became hotter as it went inside, and everyone was a little thirsty.

The bat took out a water bag and handed it to Nie Feng: "Hall Master Feng, drink some water."

Nie Feng took the water bag, took a few sips, and handed it back to the bat.

Ma Ying also took out a water bag and handed it to Lin Yi: "You can drink some too."

Lin Yi took the water bag, looked at Ma Ying, and smiled deeply.

Then I took a few sips.

Ma Ying was a little hairy in his heart by Lin Yi's smile.


Go inside for a while and look around.

I saw it was very empty here, supported by a few stone pillars in the cave.

In the darkness, I saw green vines tangled up on the cave walls and stone pillars.

On these green vines, some fire-red fruits the size of a walnut grow.

When everyone saw it, they were overjoyed: "Blood Bodhi!"

Lin also felt happy.

When others are eager to grab the blood of Bodhi, the reason why he is not in a hurry is because he knows that he can bring Nie Feng into the rental house.

At that time, the rental house will become Lingyun Cave, and there will naturally be blood bodhi inside.

Also save to compete with so many schools.

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