Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 565: I am the Sect Master of Sword Sect, I will fight if I refuse to accept it!

At this point, the disciples of those sects came to understand.

There is only one way for them to pay or not to pay the blood bodhi: death.

"What a vicious world meeting!"

"We have already handed over the blood bodhi, why do we have to commit this evil hand?"

"The world will meet, it's utterly conscience!"

Hearing the scolding of so many sect disciples, the black bird laughed loudly: "Despite the scolding, how many infamy we have carried over the past few decades. The more you scold, the more prosperous our world will be, hahahaha !"

Then he jumped down from upstairs and walked to the side of the twenty-three blood bodhi, reaching out to collect the blood bodhi.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

Passed in front of the black bird in an instant.

Look at the blood bodhi on the plate in front of him, but it is long gone.

Hei Que looked at the figure again, and saw that the man was about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a hood, and the upper half of his face was hidden in the dark shadow.

Above the corner of the mouth, there was a joking smile.

"Bold fanatics, dare to **** the blood bodhi of our world!"

Black Sparrow said angrily.

Lin Yi laughed loudly: "My **** fortune, Lin Yi, dare to break into the world, even the dragon veins of the tyrant, and even his sword tomb forbidden ground. You have a black bird with more than a thousand people, I Don't you dare to grab it?"

When the disciples of those sects heard this, they all exclaimed: "He is the fortuneteller!"

"I also heard that more than ten years ago, someone broke into the World Club alone, broke the World Club's dragon veins, and stole the world's famous swords that Xiongba has worked so hard to collect for decades."

"Yes, that person is a fortune teller!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that the fortune teller was so young!"

Of course, some people suspected: "I’m not right, according to what you said, he broke into the world more than ten years ago. Now this person is only seventeen or eighteen years old. Could it be that more than ten years ago, a seven or eight year old Dared to enter the world alone?"

A man in his thirties said: "But I saw a wanted order from the Tianxiahui more than ten years ago. The person painted on it is exactly the same as the person in front of me."

"No way?"

"I heard that after practicing martial arts to a very high level, you can stay in your face and live longer."

"So, his martial arts has reached a very high level?"

"Does this need to be said? Dare to enter the world alone, martial arts need not be said."

Hei Que said at this time: "With you alone, you dare to break into the siege of thousands of us, it's daring!"

Lin Yi sneered and said, "I don't understand why martial arts practitioners always talk nonsense before they do."

Before the words fell, a hundred famous swords suddenly floated out around his body, and then hovered continuously around his body.

He put **** together with his right hand and pointed forward suddenly.

The flying swords flew forward together as if they had heard the order.


As soon as Feijian passed, the disciples of the World Society fell to the ground like wheat that had been cut.

The black bird looked cold, and quickly took out his strange weapon, trying to resist the flying sword that was coming towards him.

But he just took out his weapon, and a sword behind him instantly pierced his head.

As for Lin Yi, the fiery red energy gushed out and swallowed the black bird.

Then, under his flying sword, none of the thousand disciples of the World Society could survive.

This time, without the fetters of the last time, Lin Yi let go of his hands and feet and kept swallowing.

The disciples of the other sects were all amazed.

"Ten thousand... ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

"This is the ultimate martial arts, is Wan Jian return to the sect?"

"Is he a member of Jianzong?"

"I heard that the head of Jianzong is a young man called Lin Yi. This divine operator is also called Lin Yi. Could it be the same person!"

Lin Yi was secretly ashamed.

At best, I can only call Baijian Guizong.

Compared with the nameless Wanjian returning to the sect, it was far behind.

At this time he swallowed all more than a thousand people.

For every disciple swallowed, the least has 50 evolution points, while the level like Black Sparrow has 1,000 evolution points.

After all the more than 1,000 people have been swallowed, they have gained more than 50,000 evolution points.

Lin Yi's total number of evolution points has reached 383,959 points.

Then he took out the 23 blood bodhi and swallowed them all into his mouth under the eyes of everyone at the scene.

Everyone at the scene complained in their hearts.

They bothered for so long, but they all got into this kid's mouth.

But they dare not say anything.

Because ordinary people take a blood bodhi for a while.

If you wear two coins in a row, I'm afraid it will be too much.

If you wear three of them in a row, it goes without saying that they will definitely explode and die on the spot.

However, this **** fortuneteller swallowed twenty-three in one go, and nothing happened.

Of course they didn't know that Lin also had a system to help refining, let alone twenty-three, even if it was two hundred and thirty or two thousand, three hundred, it was nothing to say.

After swallowing these blood bodhi, his evolution point has increased by 46,000 points.

The total evolution points reached 429959 points.

Seeing that it will reach 500,000.

Promising promotion!

Moreover, after swallowing these blood bodhi, the sword energy in his body doubled.

At this time, he had no problem with controlling two hundred flying swords.

After practicing many times, I believe that I will eventually practice the Wanjian Guizong like Wuming, even stronger than Wuming.

After finishing these things, Lin Yi touched it later, and UU Reading took out more than 20 bottles of medicine from his body.

These were all obtained from the disciples of the Tianxiahui after they had just swallowed them.

Lin Yilang said: "What you took just now is actually poison. Now these in my hands are the real antidote. It can eliminate the poison you suffered last time and this time."

Then put those bottles on the table.

After that, Lin Yi glanced at the people and said domineeringly: "I am the Sect Master of Sword Sect, Lin Yi, the **** fortune teller. I have swallowed your blood Bodhi. If you are not convinced, you can go to Sword Sect to find me."

Speaking fiercely, he jumped over a hundred meters high.

Expand the gliding skills and glide towards the outside of the town.

The disciples of the other sects were amazed when they saw Lin Yi's method like this.

Where would you dare to refuse?

Besides, if they hadn't been saved by the Sword Sect Master, they would not be able to escape to death today. Why would they still have the face to go to the Sword Sect to make trouble?

At this time, a disciple of the sect wanted to take the antidote, but he hesitated slightly and said, "What if...this is poison again?"

The other disciple grabbed the medicine bottle and said, "Follow him... Anyway, if you don't accept it, it's dead. It's better to try it."

He opened the bottle cap immediately, poured out a pill, and took it.

The other disciples also followed suit.

About half an hour later, these disciples vomited a mouthful of black poisonous blood. They all started to feel a lot easier.

It really is the antidote.

An old man looked at Lin Yifei's direction and said, "It seems that Jianzong is about to rise."

"Dare to fight against the world, only Jianzong."

"I'm afraid it's not just fighting against each other. In the near future, Jianzong may replace the Tianxiahui and become the number one martial arts sect."

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