Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 573: Devour the Domination

Nie Feng couldn't stop it, and Lin Yi's Eye of Judgment turned the hero into a magma sculpture.

On Lin Yi's back, four fiery red magma chains were pierced into the sculpture.

The sculpture of Xiongba turned into energy, and it was all swallowed by Lin Yi.

Nie Feng had no choice but to sigh.

Bu Jingyun just glanced at it and said nothing.

He originally wanted to kill the tyrant, but now Lin also did this, which was just what he wanted.

In Lin Yi's mind, a systematic voice came: "The strength of the hero is equivalent to a 15-level evolutionary. If you swallow the hero, you will get 200,000 evolution points, a total of 200,000 evolution points, and a total of 629,959 evolution points. It takes 50 to advance to level 12. Do you need to be promoted immediately?"

Lin Yi was overjoyed and said, "Promote immediately."

The next moment, I felt a warm current flowing through my body, and all my limbs seemed to be wrapped in a warm liquid at this moment.

Lin was so comfortable that he wanted to shout out.

However, being promoted to level 12 is no longer what it used to be, it takes a few minutes to get things done.

Lin also asked, "How long is it expected to take?"

The system replied: "About five hours."

"so long?"

Lin also asked.

If heard by other evolutionists, it is estimated that he would have to vomit three liters of blood.

Five hours is too long?

Then they practice day by day, for a few dozen years or even decades, wouldn't it be called a wasteland and old age?

The system said: "Above level 10, every level you level up, your physique will change a lot, and your strength will change drastically. So it can't be strengthened as quickly as before. It needs a long stream of water, take it slowly."

"Well, I will endure it for another five hours."

After Lin Yi swallowed the tyrant, he returned to his original form.

The wound on his neck has long since disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

He turned his head and asked Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, "What are your plans next?"

Generally speaking, when the movie is about to end, almost everyone asks the protagonist.

Nie Feng replied: "I will go back to the bamboo forest where my father had retired before and continue to live like my father."

"At such a young age, just learn from others?"

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

Nie Feng replied: "I don't like the fighting on the rivers and lakes."

"Never mind, this also fits your character."

Lin Yi said.

Bu Jingyun next to him said, "I'll go with Xiao Ci."

Nie Feng said: "Brother Feng, people can't come back from death, you still have to look forward."

Bu Jingyun did not speak, turned his head and glanced at Lin Yi, holding a peerless sword, turned and left the sword grave.

Nie Feng asked, "Brother Lin, would you still live in the bamboo forest outside Leshan Town?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "I'm afraid not."

Nie Feng nodded and said, "When the tyrant dies, the world will disband. Sword Sect will become the number one sect in the world. As the Sect Master of Sword Sect, you have a lot of affairs. If you want to live in seclusion, it is impossible."

Then he gave Lin Yi a fist: "Brother Lin, then we will have a period later."

Lin Yidao: "There will be a period later."

Nie Feng immediately took the Xueyin Crazed Knife and walked out of the cave.

Lin Yi picked up the Wushuang sword that Xiongba had fallen to the ground at this time, and looked carefully, only to see that the blade was blue, with a chilling air above it.

"Good sword!"

Lin Yi tried to wave it, and then took the Wushuang sword into his dimensional space.

For example, the Ten Great Weaponry, the Fire Lin Sword and the Wushuang Sword, all fell into Lin Yi's hands.

Then he looked at the more than 4,000 swords inserted on the ground, his eyes fiery: "System, take these swords into the dimension space."

Before the words fell, I saw all those swords drew out of the ground and flew towards Lin Yi.

When he flew in front of Lin Yi, he would disappear.

Today, Lin Yi has more than 5,000 swords in his dimensional space.

When his sword aura reached a certain level, these five thousand swords flew out at the same time, and the scene, although not comparable to the nameless swords returning to the sect, was definitely very grand.

It's just that they are about to leave this plane. If these swords are to be exchanged into reality, there are not a few evolutionary points needed.

Lin Yi cannot afford it.

So you still have to take your time.

At this time, Lin Yi had done everything in this world, and he felt relaxed.

Out of the sword grave, the black widow was waiting there.

She had just learned from Nie Feng's mouth that Xiongba was dead and Lin Yi had no major injuries.

She walked quickly to Lin Yi and said, "You can figure it out."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Why, I missed me after I haven't seen you for a while?"

The black widow nodded and said, "You are right, I miss you."

Just speaking, a reward came directly on Lin Yi's face.

Lin Yi also gave her a reward.

The black widow asked, "Are we returning to Jianzong now?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "There is no need to go back. My mission in this world has been completed. I will leave this world in more than four hours. At that time, we will also be separated."

Lin Yi said in the end, his voice was a little low.

I have lived with the black widow for 13 years. Although he knew that he would be separated as soon as possible, he was still a little bit reluctant to separate now.

Black Widow was very optimistic and said, "According to what you said, we should still have a chance to meet in the Lin Yi nodded and said: "Yes, there is still a chance to meet. "

"Then what are you afraid of?"

When Black Widow said this, Lin Yi was in a higher mood, and said, "Yes, we will meet again in the future. Then we will take advantage of these last four hours and go shopping in this world."

Lin Yi came to the World Club twice, but failed to stroll around.

Now that the World Club has been destroyed, it is natural to take a stroll.

In this world meeting, as the world's largest sect, the buildings everywhere appear to be very domineering, and it is worth taking a stroll.

At this time, the male tyrant was dead, the tree fell and the tigers scattered, and the disciples of the Tianxiahui all fled, but they seemed very quiet.

After Lin Yi and the black widow walked around the mountain for more than an hour, they felt a little hot, so they came to a room to enjoy the cool.

Lin Yi probed slightly and found that there was a secret passage in this room.

He quickly found the mechanism of the passage, opened the mechanism, and entered the passage.

After walking more than 100 meters, I came to a hole.

The hole is not big, it looks very humid.

There is a conical stone pillar in the cave.

On the stone pillar, a person was tied with a wattle.

This person has sores all over his body and emits a pungent stench.

Judging from his breathing, he is already dying.

Lin Yi recalled the situation in the movie, and already recognized this person: "Mud Bodhisattva."


In the sound of mud bodhisattva's breathing, there was a sizzling sound, which made people feel panicked.

After a while, he slowly raised his head and slowly opened his eyes.

From under the rotten eyelids, his eyes changed from muddy to a little clearer.

"His...It's...the fortune"

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