Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 598: Police flower

Lin Yi fisted Liu Chuang, and he took two steps back himself.

Liu Chuang's level gene has been turned on, and his strength has indeed increased a lot.

And this is just awakening, he will not use it yet. After going to the seminary for training, and then getting his slaying martial arts, that combat power is absolutely overwhelming.

After Liu Chuang was blasted back, he naturally refused to accept it.

Directly grabbed the outdoor air conditioner unit on the wall next to it, and pulled it off with a sudden pull.

This was a large-scale outdoor machine, and it usually took several people to barely lift it, but he pulled it off and held it over his head.

This made his little brothers all exclaimed.

Liu Chuang held the outside plane and smashed it towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was about to do it. On the ground behind him, Ge Xiaolun also got up, leaped to Lin Yi, and blasted the air conditioner with a punch.

Then he looked at his hand in surprise, and said, "Sure enough!"

Seeing that this guy had also gained divine power, Liu Chuang was immediately very dissatisfied, so he rushed over and fought with Ge Xiaolun.

Although Ge Xiaolun also gained supernatural powers, he was not as rich in actual combat experience as Liu Chuang, a street bastard. After a few strokes, Liu Chuang lifted his head above his head, rushed his head down, and slammed it to the ground.

The ground was smashed into a hole, and Ge Xiaolun's head was directly inserted into the concrete floor.

But even so, not only did Ge Xiaolun not die, but there was nothing wrong with it.

After pulling his head out of the ground, he fisted and joined Liu Chuang.

The gangsters nearby were shocked, and ran away in a hurry.

Ge Xiaolun's position is a meat shield, he can't kill him no matter how he fights.

Liu Chuang is positioned as a soldier, with strong attack and defense.

Lin Yi asked the system in his mind: "System, how many levels of evolution are they equivalent to?"

The system replied: "Currently it is equivalent to level 12, but when they have trained and fully exploited their potential, they will be equivalent to level 15 evolution. So you have to be careful."

Be careful.

On the Plane of Wind and Cloud, a 15th-level tyrant took Lin Yi more than ten years to deal with it.

There are more than 15 levels on this plane now.

For example, Nuoxing sharp knife Rui Mengmeng, Nuoxing war **** Liu Chuang, and the power of the galaxy Ge Xiaolun will grow to level 15 in the future.

There is also a large group of angels whose strength is estimated to be level 15.

And when Ge Xiaolun evolves into a true god, his strength must be farther than level 15, maybe it is possible to reach level 2o.

Not to mention that there are angel queens, demons and others, whose strength is definitely far above the 16th or 7th level.

In other words, in this plane, Lin Yi had to hang up if he was not careful.

Suddenly I felt that there were great people around me, and I was a rookie.

This feeling is really unpleasant.

Just when Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang were having a great time, at the entrance of the alley, the sirens sounded and a police car suddenly stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Three police officers came down.

One of them is a policewoman.

Wearing a women's police cap, the upper body is a normal blue summer uniform, and a certain part is so big that the buttons are about to be opened.

Wearing a small blue tie.

The lower body is a professional short skirt.

In Lin Yi's mind, the disease of the system had committed again.

"Wow, tut tut, hurry up, push it until it's pushed. It's superb!"

Lin also shined.

He knew this policeman, named Qilin, who had a beautiful body like an angel.

More importantly, she is the only God of War sniper in this plane, with dynamic vision, and can fight in line of sight.

At this moment, Qilin held a pistol and said to Liu Chuang, "Don't move! I will blow your head if you move it again!"

Liu Chuang quickly raised his hand and said with a smile: "Sister Qilin, we are just joking. Headshots are too serious, right? Look, I want to invite you to watch a movie. Ass guy, he looks so thief, why don't you play with brother someday?"

Obviously, Liu Chuang has committed many things, and Qilin is also an acquaintance.

"Shut up! Stinky and busy!"

Qilin cursed, and gestured to the police nearby.

The two policemen took out their handcuffs, handcuffed Liu Chuang, and escorted him to the police car.

Then he pointed to Ge Xiaolun and said, "Take him away too."

Ge Xiaolun said quickly: "He is so busy, I am brave to do what is right..."

But the police couldn't help but said that they had taken him into the car.

Afterwards Qilin pointed to Lin Yi again and said, "There is still him."

The two policemen were about to arrest Lin Yi immediately.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "I'll forget it, your car can only take five people, so let's go another day."

"Stop talking nonsense, just today!"

He pointed his gun at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi ignored him, and immediately jumped to the top of the building and disappeared.

Everyone present saw him, all of them were dumbfounded.

Liu Chuang exclaimed, "I'm grass, is this a fairy or a monster? I scared me to death!"

Qilin blankly pointed the gun at the place where Lin Yi had disappeared, and she couldn't even react for a while.

Wouldn't it be surprising if a normal person suddenly saw someone jumping several stories high?

At this time, she is just an ordinary person.

It is normal to hit an enemy thousands of miles away after turning on the grade gene.


At the same time, in the office building of Juxia Theological Seminary.

In a room.

There are screens on one wall of this room, and the screens are exactly what happened in the alley.

An admiral in an army uniform was watching everything on the screen.

A person next to him in black clothes and sunglasses said: "Dean, it seems that the genes of these two guys have been turned on. Should I enroll them in the academy now?"

The dean thought for a while and said, "Ge Xiaolun can recruit now. Liu Chuang has a bad character. Let him reflect on it for a few days in the detention center."

The man in black said again: "That guy just now was outside of our plan. All the people on the earth with grade genes are under our surveillance, but there is no data on this guy in the database. He seems to be suddenly Came out."

"Go investigate him immediately."


The man in black responded and was about to leave.

The dean adjusted the picture back to when Lin Yi just appeared: Jumping down from the ten-storey building, nothing happened; one punch blasted Liu Chuang, who had already turned on the grade gene, and now he jumped another ten-storey building. Gao left the scene, how could such a guy have no grade genes in his body?

Could it be that there is an omission in the college's database?

Lin also knew at this time that he had entered the sight of the seminary.

Next you have to be careful.

Once involved in the war not long afterwards, it is probably not easy for oneself in the war between angels, demons and these level fighters.

So no matter what you do now, you must be careful not to get involved in their war.


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