
In the dark night jungle, eight super warriors from the Super Seminary fought with Monkey King.

However, most of these super fighters are currently only second-generation super fighters. How can they compete with the third-generation super fighters who have become gods?

They were beaten up and down, which can basically be described as a fiasco.

However, at this time, under the remote control of the command headquarters, Ge Xiaolun's sword continued to gain weight—his sword was not simply the creation of the primary plane, but also had the core of a higher level of secondary plane. So this sword can gain unlimited weight.

From a mere few hundred kilograms at the beginning, it increased to one ton.

Originally, Ge Xiaolun's current ability was already his limit.

But Admiral Dukao asked the technicians to force the sword to 10 tons, 20 tons, and 100 tons.

This forcefully forced out Ge Xiaolun's potential.

At least in terms of strength, he could barely contend with Monkey King.

But Monkey King is aggressive by nature, and when he meets someone who can compete with him, he naturally has to fight him for three hundred rounds.

In this way, Ge Xiaolun contained Monkey King, while others continued to harass from the side.

They finally stopped being beaten.

At the same time, not far from the horizon, a helicopter flew over.

When the helicopter came above the crowd, a petite girl jumped down.

This girl looks very cute-but her cuteness is different from Rui Mengmeng. There is a touch of charm in her cuteness.

On her head, there are a pair of small triangular ears.

What he was wearing was not black armor, but a set of clothing that didn't know the material.

A big chunk of the costume was exposed on the chest, and the tailoring of the costume was just right for her figure.

She is different from the other girls.

Other girls can be called goddesses, but she can only be called little fairies.

This is a new student from the college: Ari.

Because she hadn't received any training yet, she wouldn't have let her out of this mission.

But for some special reasons, Admiral Dukao had to send her out.

After Ari landed, she couldn't help being excited when she saw Ge Xiaolun and Monkey King stubbornly, she almost trot to come to Monkey King and shouted: "The Monkey King! You are really the Monkey King! I adore you so much. ."

Monkey King was fighting with Ge Xiaolun at a critical juncture, and his eyes became red, so there is no time to pay attention to her.

"This female Bodhisattva, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise it hurts you, but you can't blame the old grandson. Also, my old grandson has become a Buddha, fighting against the holy Buddha, not a great sage."

Ge Xiaolun used the sword against the golden hoop, and shouted: "You can become a Buddha? This world didn't recruit you and didn't provoke you, but when you came, you fought and destroyed our tanks, tanks, and tanks. An airplane. Can this be a Buddha too?"

Monkey King sneered and said, "You said those iron monsters? How quiet was the world a thousand years ago? Old Sun woke up and there were so many iron monsters smoking cigarettes that made the whole world smoldering. Furious! I must protect the world for the master."

"What about the people in the car? Dozens of soldiers were seriously injured, and a few others are being rescued. Are you fighting against these ordinary people? I think you are fighting against the holy demons!"

Ge Xiaolun's eloquence at the critical moment is not bad.

When Monkey King heard this, the red light in his eyes gradually faded.

He looked at the burning car and helicopter over there, and then at the wounded soldiers lying on the ground in the distance.

Then he waved his hand and said, "You are a kid, dare you come to teach my grandson?"

As soon as he said, he planned to jump up and leave here.

It seems that he is indeed guilty for hurting so many ordinary people, but his inner pride does not allow him to admit his mistakes, so he can only leave here.

"Stop, come as you want, leave as you want..."

Xin Zhao also jumped up and stopped Monkey King in the air.

After Sun Wukong landed, he roared: "My old Sun jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, no one can control. If you dare to stop me, then old Sun will accompany you for another three hundred rounds."

The Ari next to him was still a heartless nympho, holding his hands on his chest and exclaiming: "It's really Monkey King, can you stay a little longer?"

Only then did Monkey King turn his head and look at Ahri.

When he saw Ari, he was taken aback for a moment, and his voice seemed emotional: "Are you Ari?"

When Ahri heard this, he was a little confused and a little excited: "You know me?! You actually know me? Have you seen me before?"

Monkey King shook his head and said, "They haven't unlocked your memories thousands of years ago?"

No one else knew what Sun Wukong meant, and even Ah Li himself shook his head and said, "I'm only 20 years old."

But Lin also knew that a thousand years ago, Monkey King and Ari had a touching love story.

Some people have said that Monkey King is a Buddha, and there should only be great love in his heart, love for the whole world, how can he fall into the little love between these men and women? Buddha should not be close to female sex, there should be no girlfriend. Now such an adaptation is too nonsense.

But little love is also love, and big love is also love.

If there is no small love, how can there be big love?

At this moment, Monkey King saw that Ah Li had no memory, and shook his head, and was about to leave again.

But Ge Xiaolun stopped him and said, " Join our Super Seminary and guard the world together."

Monkey King chuckled twice and said, "Let my grandson play with your children? Are you funny?"

Then he said sternly: "However, I will guard this world for Master, and guard the compassion of this world."

Then, he took a look at these people around him.

Then he said: "Most of you people have good conduct and can help me guard the compassion of this world. But... Liu Chuang!"

Liu Chuang quickly stood up and said with a smile: "Brother Monkey, I am here, I am."


Monkey King swung the golden cudgel and smashed it into Liu Chuang's chest. Liu Chuang was directly smashed and flew out: "You don't need someone like you in the team that guards the world."

Everyone was taken aback.

Liu Chuang ignored his physical pain, got up quickly, and said, "Brother Monkey, I have changed, I have already changed. If you don't believe me, Liu Chuang swears to heaven..."


Before he could say anything, he flew out again.


Monkey King cursed.

It turns out that as a divine body, he can read the information in the mind of anyone in this world (this is technology, not divine power). Therefore, he knew exactly what Liu Chuang had done.

But Liu Chuang got up again.

Three times, four times, five times... Liu Chuang was beaten for three full minutes, but he cried and shouted to stay.

Sun Wukong finally said: "Okay, you can stay. However, if you dare to betray your brother one day, my grandson swears to heaven, I will not spare you!"

"No, no, even if you cut off my Liu Chuang's head, I will not betray my brother or the country."

Sun Wukong put away the golden hoop and looked at Lin Yi again with sharp eyes.

This book comes from

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