Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 61: Give them a try

   Lin also booked a morning session and revisited "Avatar" and "Terminator".

   did not get off the plane until 12 o'clock.

   Then I went to a restaurant in the town to have noodles for one night, and sat down slowly to eat.

   At the same time, Liu Zhilan had asked for leave from the clothing store owner and returned home.

   She knew that Zhang Dapeng had been discharged from the hospital again. Now Zhang Dapeng said that she would come to demolish their home in the afternoon, and she was even more afraid.

   Xiao Fei’s mother was here, she knew what was going on at a glance, and asked: "Zhi Lan, what happened?"

   Liu Zhilan didn't want to say it, but after thinking about it, he wanted to know this afternoon, so he said, "Mom, I met Zhang Dapeng."

   "Zhang Dapeng? He who killed him is back?"

   When Xiao Fei's mother mentioned Zhang Dapeng, she didn't get angry.

   "Well, he also said... and he said he would... come to demolish our house this afternoon..."

Xiao Fei’s mother was even more angry and cursed loudly, “Why don’t you die early this day? God, you don’t have eyes long, good people don’t live long, but wicked people live well. I’m so poor, Xiao Fei, …This **** Zhang Dapeng does evil every day, but no one comes to heal him. Good people have no reward, and evil people have no evil. Oh my god, open your eyes."

   At the end, she suddenly became extremely determined: "Today Zhang Dapeng wants to demolish our house, unless he kills me first... Anyway, my Xiao Fei is no longer alive, so what am I doing as an old immortal?"

   Liu Zhilan said with tears in her eyes, "Mom...Mom, don't be angry, you can't be angry. I'll send you to my second aunt's house in town first, and I'll be alone at home."

   She was afraid that if something happened to the old man in the afternoon, it would be too late to regret it.

But Xiao Fei's mother shook her head and said: "Zhi Lan, how can I throw you here and let you guard your home alone? Those people are all wolves, and you can't keep it alone. I am old and sick. They still don't dare to treat me like that."

   Liu Zhilan shook her head and said, "Mom, it's not like that. They have a fate, and if they die alone, they will lose two or three hundred thousand at most. If they really do it, I'm afraid...I'm afraid..."

   "Then let them come, I don't want to live anymore."

   Two people, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, talked and scolded, and cried together.

   At this time, the sound of a large machine rumbling suddenly came from outside.

   Liu Zhilan hurriedly helped Xiaofei's mother, and the two came to the gate of the yard.

   I saw an excavator not far away, rushing over the ruins and rumbling towards it.

   On both sides of the excavator, there were more than 20 people, talking and laughing.

The person headed by    is Zhang Dapeng.

   The team came to the gate of the yard. Zhang Dapeng waved to Liu Zhilan and said, "Are you ready for tea and rice? My brothers are full and ready to work."

   Liu Zhilan stared at Zhang Dapeng, and her body began to tremble again.

Xiao Fei’s mother said: "Zhang Dapeng, if you are still a human and have a little conscience for being a human being, you can wait another nine months. After nine months, we will move away without you needing to say. Anyway, let me Xiao Fei an Get into the soil safely."

Zhang Dapeng smiled and said: "Nine months? Nine months do you know how much the developer will pay? Ten million! Don't say you are a Xiaofei, you just sell all of your family, it is not enough to pay. Let's talk about it. , How much is your old bone worth? Your daughter-in-law is also a second-hand item, and it's long worthless. Even if your little girl is worth a little money, it's not enough to compensate."

   Then he seemed too lazy to talk nonsense with these two women, and waved to the person on the excavator behind: "Take it apart!"

   Xiaofei's mother and Liu Zhilan hurriedly stopped in front of the excavator.

   Xiaofei’s mother was always in tears, crying and said: "You guys who kill me, if you want to demolish my house, you will run over me..."

   Zhang Dapeng sneered: "This trick is too old-fashioned, as old as you."

   then shouted to the people nearby: "You guys, take these two women aside."

   Those few then approached Liu Zhilan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law aggressively.

   But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind them. A cold voice came out: "Move them to try."

   When the people looked back, they saw a sixteen or seventeen year old guy looking at them coldly.

   Originally such a stinky kid, they didn't take it seriously.

   But when they met the boy's gaze, they all trembled slightly, a feeling of fear spontaneously.

   Zhang Dapeng saw the few people there in a daze, waved his hand and said: "What are you guys still doing in a daze? Don't want to take money?"

   Those few people came back to their senses now, and they said that there are so many of them, and they are still afraid of a hairy boy?

   They immediately continued to walk towards the wife and daughter-in-law.

   But they just took a step.


   The four of them flew around like goddesses and smashed into the surrounding ruins, all of them screamed like killing pigs.

   Without exception, these four people had their arms broken.

   The others were surprised when they saw him.

   After Zhang Dapeng was surprised, he was slightly happy, and said to his heart: Fight, the harder you fight, the more miserable you will be.

   Then he shouted at everyone around him: "Brothers, this is the guy, let's go together!"

   The nearly twenty people around, suddenly rushed towards Lin Yi like a wolf seeing a sheep.

   嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭——

   The twenty people also flew out like goddesses scattered flowers.

   After landing, the arms of twenty people were twisted at an incredible angle.

   Lin Yi turned around and looked at Zhang Dapeng: "I'll give you a chance and get out now. Next time, I will let you have-come-no-return!"

   These last four Lin Yi said it through gritted teeth.

  Even Zhang Dapeng, who is not stingy, felt a tremor in his heart.

   But he recovered very quickly, and said with a smile, "It's not always certain who gives who opportunity."

   Before he finished his words, he heard the whistle of a riot car from far away, approaching from far away.

   These riot vehicles bypassed the ruins and came to the scene.

   More than 30 riot team members got out of the car and surrounded the scene.

   called the captain, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Dapeng pointed to Lin Yi and said, "Comrade police, we are working normally. This kid suddenly jumped out and beat us indiscriminately. Take a look at you and see what the arms of my brothers look like. Comrade police, You must be the master for us."

   The anti-riot team has long been given hints from above, and the demolition team is a nostril.

   After hearing what Zhang Dapeng said, they didn't even ask Lin Yi, and they shouted, "Cuff him up!"

   Lin also wanted to resist, but when he thought of assaulting the police, it was a big crime. In addition, these people have anti-riot guns. Although they are not fatal, they are also very uncomfortable.

   He could only stop his hands, his hands were handcuffed.

   Zhang Dapeng smiled, walked up to Lin Yi's ear: "You can protect them for a while, can you protect them for the rest of their lives? When you leave, I will kill them the same way."

   This sentence is exactly the same as he once said to Leng Feng.

  The flame in Lin Yi's heart suddenly jumped up, and a wave of blood rushed to the top door.

   He turned his upper body suddenly to the right. After 180 degrees, his right foot kicked Zhang Dapeng's chest hard.


   There was a heavy muffled noise.

   Zhang Dapeng flew out directly, and plunged into the ruins not far away.

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