Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 71: Use arm as flagpole

When the father and the others were chasing Lin Yi to fight, Leng Feng had already unlocked the tactical bracelet-after the tactical bracelet was unlocked, it was a rope of more than six meters, which looked thin but extremely strong-he used this The rope tied a small stone and hooked the phone.

   then quickly connected to the navy's phone.

   The Navy has received the video from him before, and now it just wants to determine the location based on his phone.

   It took a minute to determine the location, and the navy captain immediately ordered the fire.

   One by one missiles rose into the air from the warship, and after flying for more than 20 kilometers, they smashed down towards the old man and their position.

   Boom boom boom boom——

   Most of Dad's subordinates were buried in the fire.

   The remaining half ran away quickly.

   One by one, eager like a dog at home, busy like a fish slipping through the net.

   When a person escaped from Leng Feng, Leng Feng grabbed his ankle and was taken out.

   He got rid of this person easily and chased him in the direction where the old man had escaped.

   It turns out that he just lay down just now, but was suppressed, and he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

   What happened next was just like the development of the movie plot. The Chinese troops rushed over, surrounded the factory, and killed some of the father's subordinates, and controlled the rest.

   Leng Feng had a final duel with his father, and he used his bullet to pierce his throat and kill him.

   Lin also crawled out of the ruins at this time.

   Although he was injured in his leg, he had just been protected by his arms and was fortunate not to be crushed to death by the collapsed roof.

   After Leng Feng solved his father, he came to Lin Yi as soon as possible.

   When he saw that Lin Yi had only been shot in the leg and his life was not serious, he laughed happily: "You guy, you can't beat Xiaoqiang."

   Lin also watched Leng Feng's body covered in blood, and even a blood hole was pierced by a dagger. He also smiled and said, "So are you."

   Next, the army helicopter picked up the women and children, while the remaining men rode on military vehicles and drove toward the sea.

   It’s not too far from the sea, if you let the helicopter go back and come back again, it’s not worth it.

   However, when their vehicle was only more than ten kilometers away from the sea, the government forces in front and the Red Turban army were exchanging fire.

   Their vehicles couldn't drive past at all.

   Everyone looked at Leng Feng: "What should I do? The front is the war zone, we can't make it through."

   "It would be too far to make a detour."

   Leng Feng stared at the front, as firm as ever in his eyes.

   He took out a national flag, raised his right arm high, and put the national flag on his right arm.

   then said to Lin Yi: "Drive."

   Lin immediately drove the car and drove forward slowly.

   The two parties in front of the firefight were all taken aback when they saw the five-star red flag.

   Then the two sides ceased fire tacitly.

  The government armed forces knew that China has always been friendly, so when they saw the five-star red flag, they naturally stopped firing;

   The Red Scarf Army had known that they had been attacked by missiles before, so naturally they would never have any idea of ​​attacking the Chinese team.

   In this way, the convoy drove slowly between the two sides.


   A month later, abroad, the vast snow-capped mountains.

   People who can't reach the snow mountain can't imagine the feeling of standing on the snow mountain.

   As long as you stand on top of this snow-capped mountain, you can deeply appreciate the magnificence of the snow-capped mountain and the smallness of human beings.

   At this time, two figures are sitting on a dog sled, sprinting down the mountain quickly.

   These two people are Lin Yi and Leng Feng.

   Leng Feng held a bottle of Moutai in his hand, took two sips, and handed it to Lin Yi.

   said, "The wine in my hometown is strong enough!"

   Lin also took a sip, only feeling it burned from his throat to his stomach.

   He quickly grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into his mouth, wondering whether Leng Feng's stomach was made of iron or copper, and how did he pour a bottle of such a strong liquor.

Leng Feng wiped his mouth and asked, "Brother, you said that Xiaoyun and I can still meet? But it has been three years, and there is no news. What's going on? Your predictions on other things are very accurate. But why is this not allowed?"

   Lin also fully understands Leng Feng's feelings.

   His fiancée disappeared for three years without knowing his life or death. How could he not worry.

   Lin Yi smiled and shook his head: "I'm leaving. Before I leave, I will give you one last prediction: at most ten minutes, you will receive a call from the chief, and this call is about Sister Yun."


   Leng Feng is overjoyed.

   "Of course, brother, when did I lie to you."

   Leng Feng pulled the rope immediately, stopped the dog, took out his X2, and stared at the screen without blinking.

   In just a few minutes, for Leng Feng, it seems like a few years have passed.

   "Why aren't you here?"

   "Why aren't you here?"

   Every ten seconds or so, Leng Feng would ask again.

   Seven minutes later, the phone rang suddenly.

   The sudden ringtone frightened Leng Feng, and he quickly answered.

   This is a video call. After the call was connected, a figure appeared on the screen—the brigade commander of the special operations brigade.

   "Leng Feng, your kid is at ease, don't you want to return to the wolf?"

   Leng Feng smiled and said, "The earliest flight back from here is next Tuesday."

   The chief nodded and said, "Leng Feng, I'll send you a video ~ you can take a look."

   Soon, the video came over.

   Leng Feng played the video.

   In the video, it was the video that the chief had shown him the last time in prison.

   In the midst of gunshots, Long Xiaoyun fell to the ground.

   But the last video was cut off here.

   This time, the picture did not break.

   Next, he saw Long Xiaoyun's "corpse" being dragged away. But when I dragged it away, my fingers were still moving.

After a while, the chief connected the videophone again: "According to the latest information we got, Long Xiaoyun did not die, but was locked up. The first half of the video was just a cover for the other party to threaten us. The next task for you , Is to rescue Long Xiaoyun. I will return home immediately, and I will tell you in detail when I return."

   Leng Feng listened and was overjoyed.

   "Great! I'm leaving now, and I will come back early anyway!"

   hung up the phone, Leng Feng was excited, and looked at Lin Yi next to him: "Brother, your prediction is too accurate!"

   said with excitement, he gave Lin Yi a hand, and punched Lin Yi twice on his back.

   This is how the wolf expresses excitement.


   Lin Yi was beaten up and coughed twice: "Take it lightly, if you beat it again, I'm afraid I will die."

   "I'm not dead, you Xiaoqiang still want to die? It's a bit early?"

   Leng Feng joked.

   Then he remembered what Lin Yi had just said, and asked, "You just said you want to leave?"

   "There is always a banquet in the world, and it is time for us to separate."

   Lin also said.

   Leng Feng knew that everyone had their own ambitions, and he did not stay in Lin Yi.

   He lifted the bottle in his hand and said, "Then let us get drunk before we part!"

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