Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 80: Avril's sword fairy Li Bai

   As a national mobile game, I have to say that the glory of the king is very popular.

   Uncles in their 30s and 40s, and elementary school students as low as eight or nine years old, all of them have played or are playing King of Honor.

   Lin Yi's previous broken Nokia is naturally impossible to play.

   This is his first time playing today.

   At the instigation of Avril Lavigne, he chose the tank Cheng Yaojin.

   As for Avril Lavigne, I chose the sword fairy Li Bai.

   When the other three saw Avril picking Li Bai, they were immediately unhappy and typed:

   "It's Li Bai again, shit!"

   "I played seven games today, and I got pitted by Li Bai for five games. I'm too memorable."

   "Are you sure you can play Li Bai?"

   "Li Bai in the low-end game, it's strange if you don't pit."

  Avril Lavigne's character, she won't tolerate them just looking down on themselves.

   She has a very fast hand speed, typing: "The three of you squirrels are all closing your pig mouths for my old lady, and you are not happy to lie down and win, Bitch!"

   Lin also shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   More than a minute later, a high-pitched female voice came: "Welcome to the glory of the king!"

   Avril Lavigne said to Lin Yi: "Follow me all the way."

   Lin doesn't know how to play either, so naturally he listens to Avril Lavigne and follows him all the way.

   The three teammates who had been scolded by Avril before, all typed out:

   "Li Bai, since you are a girl, I don't care about what happened just now. But if you are a pit, I will hang up immediately."

   Avril said, "You can hang up now."

   then typed another sentence: "Oh no, I hope you are opposite, and the old lady will not kill you."

   The three teammates originally thought that Avril Lavigne was a girl, so they didn't plan to care about it. Now they were scolded like this, they all just hang up.

   Lin also saw that all three teammates were motionless, and asked Avril Lavigne: "What should I do?"

   Avril said: "Don't pay attention to them, come with me to fight against blue."

   While talking, he has already come to the opposite wild area.

   The monkey who was playing blue was on the opposite side.

   Avril called out: "Monkey monkey, where to escape?!"

   After a displacement, he caught up with the monkey and hacked around the monkey.

  In addition, Lin Yi's Cheng Yaojin caught up, and the two of them circled and cut.

   Three seconds, the monkey confessed.

  Avril's Li Bai took the blue and cleared the opponent's lower wild area by the way.

   then took Lin Yi's Cheng Yaojin back to his own wild area.

   At this time, all five and four of the other party are already online. When they saw three people on the opposite side all strolling at the spring, they didn't even mean to come out of the spring, so they were all puzzled.

   At the same time, my heart is secretly happy.

   It seems that the other party is likely to be in conflict. This is just the right way to take the opportunity to score.

   When Avril Lavigne cleared her own wild area, she was successfully upgraded to level 4. At this time, Lin was only Level 3.

   Avril laughed and said: "Now let you see, how showy the old lady's sword fairy is!"

   His 1 skill two-stage displacement, instantly appeared on the road.

   Arthur and Lu Ban on the road are pushing the tower.

   Avril Lavigne’s 2nd and 3rd skills appeared instantly—it looked like they appeared at the same time—the short-legged Luban, who was only at level 3, instantly had blood remaining.

   Arthur quickly turned around to save Luban.

   After Avril's Li Bai's two general attacks, Lu Ban has fallen to the ground.

   The third stage of the Avril Lavigne 1 skill was used, and it instantly returned to the original place.

  Lin Yi's Cheng Yaojin just came to Arthur at this time, and began to hack Arthur.

   After all, it was the first time he played, and his skills were not as good as humans. After a few hits, less than one-fifth of his blood was left, and Arthur had one-third of his blood.

   At this moment, Avril's Li Bai suddenly appeared again, and the 2 skills and the ultimate move appeared almost simultaneously. Following two general attacks, Arthur was taken.

   Avril said to Lin Yi: "Zhonglu."

   Speaking of the third displacement, Li Bai was not far from the middle road.

   Lin was also a little speechless, and quickly followed.

   In the spring water, each of the three teammates was a little surprised.

   I didn't expect that this Li Bai would really have two accidents.

   But surprise turned to surprise, what Li Bai said before was too annoying, and they didn't intend to fight.

   Continue to hang up and watch the show.

   They don’t believe it, can they win 2V5?

On the middle road opposite   , Wang Zhaojun had only risen to level three, and he was slowly clearing his troops there.

   Avril went to the opposite wild area to fight the mobs and make big moves. He asked Lin Yi to go directly to Wang Zhaojun.

   It is conceivable that when Lin Yi’s Cheng Yaojin went up, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by Wang Zhaojun.

   Wang Zhaojun is still happy in his heart.

   But at this moment, Avril Lavigne's Li Bai's big move has been brushed out, and after two displacements, he appeared behind Wang Zhaojun.

   Because her hand is too fast, Li Bai's 2 skills and ults seem to be released together.

   Wang Zhaojun had just handed in his 2 skills and had no resistance at all. He was tortured and killed by Li Bai.

   After Li Baiqing finished his army, he said to Lin Yi: "Go down."

   Soon they came to Bottom Road, but Akko in Bottom Road disappeared.

   Lin also encounters this situation in reality and will subconsciously turn on biological tracking.

   At this time, he also subconsciously turned on the biological tracking skills.

After    was turned on, he smiled self-deprecatingly, even taking the game as a reality.

   But the next moment, he actually saw Akko who was on the opposite side hiding in the grass beside him, waiting to kill Li Bai.

   Lin was also very surprised: "Let me go, the system, how can my creature tracking be used in the game?"

   The system replied with a smile: "I am the system, I want to come and come, do whatever I want, that's what I mean."

   "Well, this explanation is reasonable."

   Lin is also used to this illogical explanation.

   He now sees Akko hiding in the grass, and immediately kills towards the grass.

   With a vision, Li Bai rushed over and killed Ak by three times.

   Down this road, Avril even spawned monsters and killed people, and had gone up to level 6.

   The opposite level is generally just 4th level.

   In the next few minutes, Lin Yi's Cheng Yaojin ran with Li Baiman's map, taking care of all the upper, middle and lower roads.

   With Lin Yi's heaven-defying biological tracking, all those squatting in the grass could not escape his eyes.

   He rushed into the grass, and Li Bai followed behind him with a big move.

   The other side wanted to cry, and Nima could be found no matter where he hid, right?

   Lin also felt that his Cheng Yaojin was completely errands. When he hit the top road, he carried a few strokes, then he rushed to the middle road to carry a few strokes, and then rushed to the bottom road to carry a few strokes.

  Avril Lavigne’s Li Bai is only responsible for one thing: killing!

   Kill one person in ten steps without staying for a thousand miles.

   Avril showed the temperament of the sword fairy to the fullest.

   The other monkey reluctantly sent a sentence: "I'll go, this is not called killing, this is called killing people."

   Lu Ban, who has been killed the most times, also said: "There is no difference between brushing people and brushing monsters."

   Of course, the other party will not admit it.

   They are five-on-two, and they have to surrender, that would be too But after level 10, Avril’s Li Bai has suppressed all the opponent’s heroes so much that they dare not get out of the tower.

   At 8 minutes, Lin Yi's Cheng Yaojin finally fell down because of too much damage.

   The five opponents were overjoyed, and they all came to Li Bai to encircle.

   Li Bai hurriedly moved forward with one skill or two shifts, using his big moves while running.

   When the opponent saw that they were about to catch up, the third stage of the first skill's displacement returned to the original place, just behind Luban, and a second skill increased his moves, killing Luban directly.

   then turned around and fled.

   The remaining four people ran after Li Baiman's map.

   As a result, all four of them were kited to death.

   This time I kite, it's really upset.

   Once the kite was flying, the other five people died, and I asked who else!

   Avril could not help crying: "Sao is not a show, just ask Sao's no show! Sao out of the sky, out of the limit, the old lady's Li Bai is the world's first show!"

   Even if Lin didn't understand very much, he couldn't help shouting: "Nice! Amazing! Amazing!"

   Even the five people who had been killed by the other party all played "66666".

   Lin Yi and their three teammates are also unbelievable at this time.

   This Li Bai is so nasty, 2V5 can actually hit the opposite side, is there anyone to care about this?

   In excitement, Avril Lavigne pushed two towers, and then typed to the three teammates: "You should be glad you are not across from each other."

   The three were irritated by Avril’s words, and someone typed out immediately: "Then the three of us will go to the opposite side to give people away. If you have the ability, you and Cheng Yaojin 2V8."

  Avril had another internal injury to the three of them: "Don't be so noble. You don't call it a gift, you sell it."

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