Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 806: No nuclear bomb can kill

At the headquarters of the National Security Bureau, everyone gave high fives to celebrate.

Celebrate that this monster was finally wiped out by a nuclear bomb.

However, at a certain moment, they suddenly looked at the big screen together.

The pictures on the big screen made all of them stunned.

I saw a figure slowly walking out of the huge pit under the mushroom cloud in the smoke.

Fire-red armor, hideous barbs, weird skulls...

The evil spirit armor appeared in front of the world again.

All those who saw this scene were inexplicably horrified.

This guy can't even kill a nuclear bomb? !

And not far from Lin, Clark had already flown over.

Seeing the scene, he knew what happened.

But when he saw Lin Yi walking out wearing evil spirit armor, he was shocked and admired.

He had known that Lin was very powerful before, but he didn't expect to be so powerful that he couldn't even kill a nuclear bomb.

Lin Yi was completely angry at this time.

The flame on the head of the armor was more ferocious than before.

At the foot of the armor, the thruster banged, ejecting flames.

call out--

The armor soared into the sky, and then flew towards the National Security Bureau at a speed of three kilometers per second.

Clark followed behind and flew towards the National Security Bureau.

It originally took four minutes, but after Lin Yi became a ghost rider, it only took one minute.

A minute later, Lin Yi had already seen the building of the National Security Bureau from a distance.

As soon as the bio-tracing probed, they found the location of the leaders: they were all on the top floor of the National Security Bureau building.

Lin Yi sneered and flew to the top floor of the National Security Bureau, hitting directly through the glass on the top floor, smashing through two walls, and into the meeting room of the National Security Bureau.

In the meeting room, all the leaders stood up in horror and looked at Lin Yi, with their faces as earthy.

Lin Yi in front of them made them unforgettable for a lifetime.

After all, no one has ever seen a person wearing such a hideous armor and a blazing flame on the armor helmet.

Lin Yi’s devilish voice came from inside the armor: "Since I came into this world, I have never done anything to harm people, but I have helped many people. But you idiots, don’t deal with it. People who are truly dangerous have bothered me over and over again, and even wanted to kill me with a nuclear bomb. Today, you are going to pay for your stupid behavior!"

The next moment, Lin Yi roared, everyone felt that their souls seemed to be shaking.

And when the armor gradually turned its head and looked at them.

Each of them felt that their souls were extremely painful, as if they were being burned by fire.

The next moment, Lin Yi suddenly turned his head and looked at the deputy director.

Under the Director of the National Security Bureau, the deputy director is the biggest.

The deputy director shuddered when Lin Yi saw that.

Afterwards, Lin Yi stretched out a finger and pointed at the deputy director: "You... are guilty!"


A magma chain was torn out by him out of thin air.

Then, he slammed at the deputy chief and wrapped his neck.

With another forceful tugging, he drew the chief officer in front of him.

"In the five years as the deputy director, I used my position to secretly transfer 10 million from the National Security Bureau to your daughter's name, and framed people who have enemies with you several times. Your soul is dirty. Now, Accept the trial from hell..."

Before he finished his words, his eyes seemed to turn into a bottomless abyss.

The soul of the deputy chief seemed to be swallowed by this bottomless abyss.

In the next moment, the Secretary's body turned into a magma sculpture.

On Lin Yi, four magma chains stretched out, swallowing the magma sculpture.

Ghost knights can smell evil souls.

Next, Lin Yi swallowed all the four leaders of the National Security Bureau.

The crowd waiting next to him looked frightened.

Especially when Lin Yi glanced over them, they felt that their souls seemed to be trembling.

Finally, Lin Yi glanced around again, and the weird and frightening voice came from his mouth: "You are innocent... But if you dare to provoke me, they will be your role models!"

Afterwards, Lin Yi turned around, ejected four flames with both feet and hands, which directly smashed through the walls of the National Security Bureau and flew outside.

Almost instantly disappeared from the sight of these people.

Until he flew away for more than a minute, these people recovered from their horror.

Everyone looked at each other and could see the fear in each other's eyes.

The scene just now was really scary.

Several of their leaders turned into magma and were swallowed by that guy.

And to be sure, if Lin Yi wanted to swallow them just now, it would be easy.

Lin Yi showed no mercy to their subordinates, did not kill them, but left a deep shadow in their hearts.

This shadow, I am afraid they will linger in their entire lives.

As for what Lin Yi said about the crimes committed by the few people, they actually knew something about it.

It's just that those people are leaders, they don't dare to track down Now these leaders are swallowed by Lin Yi, for them, it's actually a bit very pleasant.

After a long time, one person asked: "Should we... continue to deal with him?"

The others looked at each other, and one said, "Do you still want to deal with him? Do you want to die?"

"I don't want to."

"I don't want to either."

Although they all swore an oath when they joined the National Security Bureau, they could die for the country and the people.

But the scene just now was too scary and left a deep shadow in their hearts.

Even if they die, they don't want to die in this way.

So in the end almost everyone agreed to put Lin Yi's matter aside for now.

Not far away, Clark, who was hovering in the air, heard these people's conversation, and then looked at the place where Lin Yifei had just left.

He also admired the forest in his heart.

No matter what happened, Lin also seemed to be able to handle it easily.


Three days later, Lin Yi's peaceful life was broken.

Louise's report made the whole world boil.

People saw a real superhero from his report.

Powerful, and has many special skills such as laser eyes, clairvoyance, tailwind ears, ability to fly... etc.

In the report, Louise referred to Clark as Superman.

Therefore, in the next few days, those who came to interview, who simply wanted to meet, did not believe the report, in order to prove that the report was false...

In short, many people came one after another.

Lin also told Clark that he could show his strength appropriately.

And when Clark showed his strength to these people, everyone was shocked.

But at the same time, both the National Security Bureau and Clark knew that Lin Yi was actually the strongest person.

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