Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 814: Blue Fire Reappears

Facing a two-level opponent, the shield can take five damages.

But I have just carried it four times, and there is only one last chance left.

Lin Yi's heart naturally tightened.

That Fiora is really no ordinary person. He has experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, with Zod, and many of them are interstellar battles.

One can imagine how fierce she is.

Although there was a big hole more than ten centimeters in diameter in her chest, she didn't care at all.

At this moment, she saw four consecutive attacks that had no effect on Lin Yi, and she suddenly became furious.

She suddenly appeared behind Lin Yi, clutching Lin Yi's shield, and using her inertia, she pressed Lin Yi and the shield to the ground.

Then continue to push forward.

Really rubbing Lin Yi underground.

This friction is more than 100 meters.

Lin Yi, together with the shield, wiped a hundred-meter-long gully from the ground.

At this time, five attacks had passed, and Lin Yi's shield suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that the shield disappeared, Feola immediately stretched out his hand to grasp Lin Yi.

Lin Yi reluctantly moved away with a teleport.

But Fiora's speed is also quite fast.

The next moment Lin Yi moved away, he chased Lin Yi and flew over again.


Her fist hit Lin Yi's chest fiercely.


With a spurt of blood, Lin Yi's chest sank directly.

A large part of the back protrudes.

Only this time, several of his ribs have been broken.

The heart was also severely hit.


Even coughing seems so weak.

But every cough brings out a mouthful of blood.

Feora raised Lin Yi's neckline and smiled grimly at Lin Yi: "Today, now, I will avenge General Zod!"

Before he finished his words, another punch hit Lin Yi's face fiercely.


As a shock wave spread, Lin Yi's body was like a cannonball, flying far away, smashing through two buildings, and into the first building.

Feora clearly saw that Lin Yi's face had changed.

Obviously the skull is broken.

In any case, this earthling is dead.

She looked up to the sky and shouted: "Ah——————"

"General Zod, did you see it? Fiora finally avenged you."

Then she looked at the big hole in the building that Lin Yi had smashed into, and said with a sneer: "This earth person is nothing but that. He is not as scary as you said."


At the same time, people all over the world were silent when they saw this scene.

The leaders of the National Security Bureau, the defense is not long, and a group of high-level officials, seeing this scene, they all looked very solemn.

"he died?"

"I'm afraid it is."

"Superman can't do it. If he dies again, who do we have?"

"It's over, it's really over, no one can stop her anymore."

At Kent Farm.

Jonathan saw this scene and shook his head again and again: "No, no, no, how is it possible?"

Martha shed sad tears: "Lin Yi, oh god, no, how could he die? Lin Yi..."

Although Clark lying on the bed looked equally solemn, he said firmly, "No, he is not dead."

What he called "not dead" is different from Martha Jonathan.

The two couldn't believe it, but Clark firmly believed that Lin was not dead at all.

He has been studying with Lin Yi since he was a child.

Lin Yi's all kinds of magical abilities, Lin Yi's powerful strength, and Lin Yi's wide-sightedness made him admire Lin Yi very much.

He firmly believed that Lin would not just die like this.

Martha wiped away her tears and asked, "Clark, do you know he is not dead?"

Clark shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then why do you say that?"

"Because I believe that he will not die so easily."

Clark's eyes were filled with determination.

At the same time, in Manhattan.

Fiora turned around, looked at the few remaining buildings in Manhattan, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Superman was defeated, and Lin also died.

No one can stop her now.

From now on, she will destroy the past step by step, one city after another.

Until the entire earth is destroyed.

Her eyes were already lit up with fiery red light, and she swept across the building not far away.


The building was cut off in the middle.

People in and under the building screamed and fled around.

Fiora's laser beams aimed at the people who fled around.

Suddenly, a large scream came, and dozens of people were turned into ashes in this laser.

Two fighter jets in the sky flew over, and the Feola laser swept away, and the two fighter jets fell down and fell to the ground, killing more than 20 people.

Fiora is already crazy.

She jumped more than two hundred meters, grabbed two people who were about to escape, and slammed into them.

Click ——

The two lives were smashed into flesh.

Then she grabbed a boy who was about to escape, and pressed her hands.


The boy was torn into two pieces.

Everyone who saw this scene fell into a panic.

Who will stop her?

Who else can stop this lunatic?


Just when the whole world was in panic Behind Fiora, in the cave building.

Suddenly, a ray of blue light flashed.

A woman watching the video keenly caught the blue light and asked the man next to her: "Did you see it?"



"What blue light? Nothing."

As soon as the man's voice fell, he saw another blue light in the big hole of the building in the video.

This time it was more obvious than before.

"see it?"

The woman asked hurriedly.

The man nodded: "I saw it!"

Not only did they see it, but everyone who was looking at the screen saw the blue light.

At first, it was just a faint blue light.

Gradually, the blue light slowly expanded and became a bounced blue flame.

"Blue flame?!"

"A blue flame?!"

"But this pulsating blue light is clearly flame."

At the same time, at the scene, Fiora also felt something was wrong.

After tearing up a person, she looked back abruptly.

I saw the blue fire beating continuously in the black hole.

And it's getting stronger and stronger.

She was a little puzzled, and was going to see what happened.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the big hole.

I saw this figure, gray jeans on the lower body and black leather jacket on the upper body.

On the leather jacket, blood red lines appear from time to time.

Wear a hood.

And under the hood is a skull with blue flames.

The boneless eye sockets were staring at Fiora.

Fiora was stared at by these eyes, as if his soul seemed to be photographed.

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