Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 816: Kill Fiora

The extremis armor that had been squeezed into scrap metal, under the cover of the blue flame, had returned to its original state in just three seconds.

It's just that the armor at this time is not as hideous as the armor covered by hellfire.

It still looks like the original armor.

With Lin Yi's hand, the armor immediately disassembled, flying towards Lin Yi, and then assembled on Lin Yi's body.

The children who saw this scene couldn't help but yell: "Cool!"

After the armor was assembled, Fiora jumped again and wanted to attack Lin Yi.

But Lin also teleported directly, moving to another direction.

Then he took the armor to the sky, holding the chain that was burning with blue flames.

At the other end of the chain, although Fiora didn't want to leave, her feet still rose from the ground under the huge pull of the armor.

With her great power, she tried to break the chains several times.

But every time you struggle, the chain will expand a bit.

And when she is not struggling, the chain will tie her tightly.

In this way, she was dragged by Lin Yi and flew forward at a speed of Mach 10.

The aerial planes at the scene simply couldn't keep up with this speed.

Lin Yi and Fiora both disappeared from the screen.

All those who saw this scene were extremely anxious.

It's like watching a football game, just kicking off and shooting, but suddenly the power goes out.

Are you in a hurry?

When the defense minister heard this, he said quickly: "Call military satellites to track their real-time images."

Soon, real-time footage of Lin Yi fighting Fiora was sent back.

I saw Lin Yizheng holding Fiora, flying at extremely fast speed like walking a dog.

Soon they moved away from Manhattan, away from the city, and came over a desert.

When he got here, Lin Yi shook it casually.

The blue soul chain took off and flew out.

Fiora can then fly freely.

He hovered in the air, looking at Lin Yi from a distance.

Lin Yi also hovered in the air, looking at her from a distance.

At the same time, a blood-red light flashed across Lin Yi's right hand.

Then, this blood-red light quickly turned into a blood-red lightning that was more than five meters long.

At this time, Fiora barely broke free of the blue soul chains.

He extinguished the blue flame on his body.

Just now, under this blue flame, she had almost lost her fighting spirit.

At this time, the flame went out, and a cold light appeared in her eyes.

However, she did not directly attack Lin Yi, but fell to the ground.

She must use the ground to accumulate strength to attack Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi's figure had already melted into the **** lightning.

In the next moment, this **** lightning flew quickly towards the sky.

Its speed is far beyond Fiora's cognition.

The military satellite also lost Lin Yi's image instantly.

This blood-red lightning was already 500 meters long, and within a few seconds, it had already flown away from the earth and reached outer space.

On the ground, Fiora was a little dazed, not knowing what Lin also wanted to do.

But the fighting instincts formed over the years let her know that the danger has not been eliminated, and that it has increased a lot more than before.

The next moment, Lin Yi's **** lightning blasted toward the ground at a very fast speed in the outer space.

From flying to outer space to flying to the ground, there is no turning at all.

But while flying at a high speed, it suddenly stopped, then started, and flew to the ground.

In short, from flying to stopping to flying, it seems to be continuous.

It seemed that there was no stopping in the middle, and the flight directly from the outer space to the ground instantly.

Click ——

In the sky, I saw a blood-red lightning falling from the sky, blasting straight toward the ground.

Fiora gritted his teeth and jumped up abruptly.

With the help of her, the ground beneath her collapsed directly, forming a huge crater with a diameter of more than fifty meters.

Fiora also slammed into the sky with an unprecedented speed.

However, she just jumped less than twenty meters high, and the lightning had already hit her.


A blood-red shock wave spread out over a kilometer in an instant.

The ground within a kilometer of a radius, when this shock wave spreads, directly collapsed into a large pit with a diameter of one kilometer.

And around this big pit, under the blood-red shock wave, the sand spreads around like a huge wave rolled up by a tsunami.

Directly spread out three kilometers away.

Above the big pit, Lin Yi wore impeccable armor and hovered there.

From time to time, a small blood-red lightning flashed across her body.

Below him, a coke-like body was smoking lightly.

From time to time, a small blood-red lightning flashed across the body.

The armor mask opened, revealing a skull with blue flames burning inside.

Then, on the back of the armor, four chains burning with blue flames came out.

The blue chain pierced Feola's body and directly swallowed Feora.

At this point, Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fiora is finally dead!

The image sent back by military satellites from the National Defense Ministry and others, when they saw this scene, everyone was excited to clap each other, even hug.



"Lin also won!"

After the initial excitement, the national defense said: "Quickly, pass the signal just now to the TV station so that everyone in the world will know that Lin Yi won, we won!"



Soon, all over the world, the signal that had just been broken finally recovered.

And on the screen, it was Lin Yi finally bombarding Feola with **** lightning.

Seeing this scene, the whole world was boiling over.

Jonathan and Martha embraced and wept.

Superman Clark thumped the surface of the bed hard: "Great!"

But how can the bed withstand his strength?


His bed collapsed directly.


At the scene, Lin Yi looked at the huge sandpit on the scene, recalling the sand waves spreading around like a huge tsunami just now, he was also amazed in his heart: This is the power of **** lightning!

At this time, a systematic voice came in his mind.

"Swallow Big Boss Fiora, get 50 million evolution points, total evolution points 149,900,320 points."

Finally 100 million evolution points, enough to advance to level 19.

"Strengthen the body and advance to level 19."

Lin Yi said without hesitation.

The voice of the system came: "Go! This enhancement will cost 100 million evolution points and it will take 20 minutes."

Before he finished speaking, Lin also felt a familiar feeling in his body.

This feeling is naturally the feeling that the body is strengthened.

He is full of expectations, and he is finally going to be promoted to level 19!

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