Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 821: Goliath

The roar resounded throughout the city.

During Lin Yi's investigation, all the infected creatures and zombies who heard the roar straightened up in horror, and did not dare to move.

Some infected creatures and zombies even started to tremble.

You know, infected creatures and zombies, almost all have no or very low intelligence.

They all began to tremble, which means that the roar caused them instinctive fear.

Yingyue heard this roar, stopped eating, and listened.

Soon, the roar came out again.

This time, she heard it really.

"That must be a very powerful guy, we must leave here immediately."

Shadow Moon said.

Lin Yi's heart moved.

The more powerful the guy, the more evolution points.

He only got hundreds of thousands of evolution points a day, which made him very dissatisfied.

If it is possible to kill this guy, it would basically have much more evolution points than he has gained in the past half month.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi said: "Let's go and see."

"Are you crazy?"

As the former leader of the Shadowmoon team, Shadowmoon was actually very cautious no matter what she did.

These killers seem to be doing very dangerous things.

But before doing these things, they will do a lot of preparation work.

They need to spend a lot of time to obtain information about the target, ranging from the target's level, sphere of influence, to the target's living habits, and even which leg to take first when walking.

They have to get this information.

Previously, based on this information, at least three feasible plans were worked out.

And if the assassination fails, they also have a plan.

The escape route and method have been formulated long ago.

Therefore, it seems dangerous, but it is not as dangerous as people think.

Even most of the time, they are almost invincible.

And all this stems from Shadow Moon's cautious character.

It is precisely because of this caution that the Shadowmoon Group can steadily occupy the first place in the killer organization in the past few years.

Cautious Shadowmoon, hearing such a roar, knew that it meant a lot of unknown danger.

So she naturally asked Lin Yi to leave immediately.

However, there is a risk factor in Lin Yi's genes.

He also planned to leave before, because he just felt the danger at that time, but didn't know where the danger came from.

And now he knew that the danger came from a certain creature, and this creature probably represented a large number of evolutionary points. Then he will naturally go and see.

"If you are afraid, you can leave. I will go by myself."

As Lin Yi said, he hurried to the place where the roar came from.

"What a lunatic!"

Yingyue cursed bitterly, but could only help Lin Yi to follow.

Although with her character, she wanted to leave as soon as possible at this time.

But Lin is also going to take risks, so naturally she can't just watch.

About five minutes later, Lin Yi and Yingyue saw a hotel from a distance.

And behind the hotel about thirty meters high, they saw a huge monster, revealing its huge head.

Seeing such a huge monster, Lin Yi and Yingyue were both stunned.

Yingyue saw this and shouted: "Hurry up!"

Lin Yi didn't mean to go.

He teleported directly, came to the back of the hotel, and appeared directly at the feet of the huge monster.

When I looked up, I saw this huge monster, which looked forty to fifty meters tall.

It looks like a fighter whose body is wrapped in solid flesh and blood.

It has four thick legs.

When it walks, it touches the ground on its four legs, but when it does not need to walk, it can stand up like a human.

When it stands up, you can see its left arm-it's a left arm, rather than a sledgehammer.

Because its entire left arm turned out to be an extremely large hammer.

This giant hammer is more than 20 meters high and about five meters in diameter.

The weight of such a giant hammer alone is probably dozens of tons.

This huge hammer weighing tens of tons was swept casually, and a building collapsed.

Lin Yi saw this, secretly horrified.


Yes, this is the monster that appeared in the original.

Be regarded as another BOSS besides the ultimate BOSS.

It is so powerful that no one dares to stop it, just like the giant Goliath recorded in the Bible, so it is called Goliath.

And apart from nuclear bombs, any modern technological product will not have any impact on it.

In the original work, even the protagonist needs to spend a lot of energy to deal with it carefully.

Although Lin Yi has heard from the system a long time ago, all monsters appearing in the game will appear in reality.

But when he really saw such a huge monster in reality, he still felt very shocked.

Faced with such a huge monster, Lin also wanted to kill, naturally it would not be so easy.

But he plans to test how strong this monster is.

He stretched out his right **** first, and shot the middle sword at Goliath.


With a soft sound, the sword shot directly into Goliath's chest.

However, this will not have any impact on the giant Goliath.

On the contrary, the hole was fully recovered in just a few seconds.

Lin Yi asked in surprise: "System, Goliath's self-healing ability in the game is not so scary."

"Games are games, and reality is reality. You still have to distinguish between games and reality, Shonen Lang."

Goliath is so powerful that no one dares to stop.

But the speed is very slow.

The excessive weight, coupled with the sledgehammer weighing dozens of tons on his left arm, made it act like a slow crawler.

Of course, its response speed is also very slow.

Under Lin Yi's blow with the sword, it didn't even react at all.

Lin Yi then used Wan Jian to return to the clan.

Five thousand "flying swords" blasted towards Nagolia.

Boom boom boom boom -

Under the five thousand flying swords, Goliath's chest was bombarded with a huge blood hole about five meters in diameter.

However, this huge blood hole with a diameter of five meters has returned to normal in just ten seconds.

Lin Yi cursed inwardly.

The self-healing ability of this product is too abnormal.

Of course, it is abnormal. Except for nuclear bombs, no shells or missiles can penetrate its skin.

Lin Yi was able to use Wan Jian to return to the sect to create a big blood hole in it, which was already very powerful.

At this time, Nagolia finally reacted.

Looking down, I saw a small ant-like human who dared to provoke himself.

It was furious, and roared to the sky.

This roar shook Lin Yi's ears humming, and she actually had tinnitus.

Then, the huge sledgehammer on Goliath's left arm slammed down towards Lin Yi.

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