Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 829: grown up

When the figure saw the **** lightning in the picture, his eyes suddenly condensed: "Blood lightning?!"

When Zhang Xiaocui heard this voice, he turned around and said respectfully, "My lord."

The figure ignored Zhang Xiaocui, and continued to look at Lin Yi in the screen, and said, "How could this kid have Scarlet Lightning?"

Zhang Xiaocui quickly responded: "I don't know this. It seems that one day a few months ago, he suddenly had this blood-red lightning. This blood-red lightning is extremely powerful. When he was at level 18, With this blood-red lightning, Shadowmoon was killed."

After hearing the shadow, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, he said: "For the time being, I have something to do. You can find out his location for me. Five days later, I will find him!"

Zhang Xiaocui was overjoyed after hearing this, "Yes, my lord!"

Zhang Xiaocui had asked this "adult" several times before, and wanted him to help get rid of Lin Yi.

But his answer is only one sentence: You should solve your problems yourself.

Now, the adults have to go out in person, and it is definitely easier to clean up that guy than to clean up a bug.


At the same time, in the wild area, Lin Yi and Shadow Moon continued to clear the wild monsters.

Before that, Lin also didn't know what attitude he should use to face Shadow Moon, or the water Ruobing.

But now, after a month of getting along with each other, Lin also has adapted.

He didn't regard her as Shadowmoon, nor did he regard her as Shuruobing.

She didn't have the weirdness and mystery of Shadow Moon at all, nor the cold goddess Fan of Shuruobing before.

She seems to be a brand new person.

She is as strong as Yingyue, but she cares about Lin Yi like Shui Ruobing.

Sometimes, when Lin Yi called her "Shadow Moon", she would say: "I still like you to call me Sister Ruobing."

At first, Lin Yi couldn't call it out, but after a long time, especially when Lin Yi was in danger several times, she fought hard to save Lin Yi. This moved Lin Yi a little.

So later, Lin Yi continued to call her Sister Ruobing.

Before the two, it seemed to have gone back to before.

It's just that the current "Sister Ruobing" is stronger than before;

Shui Ruobing also cared about Lin as before, and occasionally when he met other survivors, Shui Ruobing would once again become the goddess of iceberg.

Unconsciously, time passed by the end of the month.

That night, Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing came to a camp for survivors.

Such camps are very rare.

The survivors I met before were all ten or more than twenty.

There were hundreds of people in this survivor camp.

Among these hundreds of people, there are more than a dozen evolutionaries.

Their level is not bad, the highest one has reached level 8.

This is the highest level survivor Lin Yi has encountered so far.

This 8-level evolver, with these more than ten evolvers, established a camp in a middle school.

This camp vaguely accepted hundreds of ordinary survivors.

When Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing arrived here, those people were extremely surprised when they saw Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing.

Because the average survivor is basically ragged and dirty.

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing are very clean from top to bottom, surprisingly clean.

Coupled with Shui Ruobing's fairy-like appearance, it surprised those people even more.

When many people see Shui Ruobing, it is like a wolf seeing a sheep.

Lin Yi scanned it with biological tracking and found that there were almost no other women in this camp except for a few women.

Looking at the eyes of those around him, Lin Yi immediately said to Shui Ruobing: "Be careful."

Shui Ruobing nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Those people were very enthusiastic about Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing, and arranged a meal for them that was already quite sumptuous in the wild.

Everyone is very excited.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Yi was arranged to sleep in the office building, while Shui Ruobing was arranged to sleep with the three women in another room in the office building.

Before going to bed, Lin Yi used biological tracking and found that the men in the camp were basically not asleep.

Especially those more than ten evolvers are extremely excited.

Lin also knew what they were planning, but he was not very worried except for reminding Shui Ruobing at the beginning.

Soon, time passed by twelve o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yi left the house.

Not long after he left the house, two people followed him.

He passed the stairs to the top of the teaching building.

The two also quietly followed him to the top of the teaching building.

However, when the two of them came to the roof, they found that Lin Yi was nowhere to be found.

The two of you look at me, and I look at you, they are all a little confused.

"What about people?"

"You ask me? Who am I going to ask?"

"Damn, you obviously went up to the top of the building, why did you disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"Seeing a ghost."


At the same time, Lin Yi's consciousness had entered the dark space of that person.

In the space, a beam of light came once again.

In the beam of light, it was the turntable again.

The system said: "This time you enter the film and television plane, you can draw three prizes, each time you will spend 5 million evolution points."

Speaking of implementation, a draw of 5 million evolution points is a big price.

However, Lin also thinks that the last time he was on the plane of Superman, he almost couldn't handle Fiora, so he decided to draw three prizes.

After you enter the film and television plane, you will more or less change the plot of the original.

Once the plot changes, many things are out of my control, and there are likely to be many variables. For example, Fiora is only a small character in the original, but after he entered, he became a big boss abruptly.

The point of evolution is important, but your own life is more important.

Therefore, Lin also decided to draw three prizes.

Soon, the turntable started to rotate, and the first prize was drawn, leaving Lin Yi very speechless.

It turned out to be a profound iron heavy sword.

Although the profound iron epee used to be very powerful, for Lin Yi now, the effect is quite ordinary.

This 5 million evolution point was Then I got the second one, which was a consumable item package, which turned out to be a profound iron heavy sword.

The system guy actually cursed: "I'm stubborn, really beeping Brother Dao, twice in a row to draw a useless epee, this is a chance of one in ten million. Can your luck be better? ?"

Lin is also a little speechless.

But at the third chance he still did not hesitate.

Soon, the turntable gradually slowed down, and the pointer began to slowly stop.

When the pointer stopped completely, Lin also saw where the pointer was pointing, and his heart jumped!


[Bad Brother Anmu Broken Chapter, let's fight! 】

(End of this chapter)


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