Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 833: Bull Demon Appears

The bone spirit and the spider spirit are just two little monsters after all, and they are not very powerful.

With Lin Yi's current strength, coupled with Angel Fire, soon overpowered the two.

Lin Yi pulled the soul chains and pulled the two in front of him, and said, "I said, I was just to meet an old person. If you dare to be unreasonable to me, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

That white bone, a spider said repeatedly: "I know, I know."

For the next period of time, both of these women kept away from Lin Yi.

Many times, I didn't even dare to pass by the house where Lin Yi lived.

If it was really bad luck, they met Lin Yi, they all nodded to Lin Yi, and then walked away quickly.

Seeing this, the second master came to ask Lin Yi: "Heroes, what method did you use to make those two girls treat you like gods? Can you teach me?"


Lin Yi said directly.

The second master asked in frustration: "Why?"

"You look too ugly."

Lin Yi replied simply.

The second master is even more depressed: "Is it guilty to be ugly?"


On the evening of that day, Bai Jingjing and Spring 30 Niang discussed how to distribute the Tang Seng after they were caught.

The two had been fighting all day long before, but now they are fighting again due to uneven distribution.

At first, it was just a quarrel, but later it developed directly into fist and foot.

In the end, it turned into a weapon fight.

One person holds a sword and the other holds a whip. It was a joy to beat.

Supreme Treasure had already figured out at this time, ignorance is a demon or a man, as long as you like it.

He had planned to come over to confess to Bai Jingjing, but was caught by the Spring 30 Mother and threatened Bai Jingjing with him.

In the end, Bai Jingjing killed the Supreme Treasure himself.

At this time, Bai Jingjing, because she already had a good impression of Supreme Treasure in her heart, it was naturally impossible for her to kill.

So he slapped it with one palm, and hit the spring thirty mother with internal injuries.

However, under the clothes of Spring 30 Niang, there is a golden silk soft armor, which is highly poisonous.

When she patted the soft armour with this palm, she was naturally poisoned.

Ever since, she chased Zhi Zun Bao and Bai Jingjing all the way to Pansidong, the former residence of their master.

Everything that follows was developed according to the plot of the movie, and Lin did not interfere.

But he followed these people in secret all the way.

After all, although the system does not define any tasks for itself, it will score for itself.

If you do nothing, you probably won't get any points.

On this day, the golden silk soft armour in Bai Jingjing was already very deep, and he and Supreme Treasure wanted to fly far away.

But when they came to the edge of a cliff, Bai Jingjing fainted.

Supreme Treasure had no choice but to return to Pansi Cave and ask for the antidote to the Spring 30 Mother.

This time, Lin did not follow Supreme Treasure back to Pansi Cave, but stayed on the edge of the cliff.

This wait is one night.

By the early morning of the next day, Bai Jingjing might have come back to light and woke up.

At this time, she already had feelings for Supreme Treasure.

Looking around for Supreme Treasure to no avail, it made her extremely distressed.

She thought that Supreme Po left her seriously injured and ran away by herself.

She immediately jumped off the cliff.

Lin also knew that even if she jumped off the cliff, she would not die.

He also followed to the cliff, watching Bai Jingjing from a distance.

Not long after, two monsters passed by and found Bai Jingjing.

Lin also recognized the two of them, one was a toad, and the other was a peacock.

These two are the two little monsters of the Bull Demon King.

Seeing Bai Jingjing's breath alive, Toad Jing said, "Cousin, this woman is a sign that she was born. Although she was seriously injured, our prince can definitely save her. We will bring her back to the prince. When the prince is happy, he might get serious. Reward us."

"It makes sense!"

The peacock thought deeply.

Then the two of them took Bai Jingjing and headed to Huoyan Mountain.

Lin Yi followed behind and quietly walked towards the flame.

When he arrived at the Flame Mountain, Lin also knew that the Bull Demon King had great magical powers, so he didn't come close, but used biological tracking and exploration two kilometers away.

During his exploration, the Bull Demon King Yungong healed Bai Jingjing's injuries.

Soon, Bai Jingjing's injuries healed.

So far, everything is developed in accordance with the plot of the movie.

Lin also knows that in the best of movies, the Bull Devil is the ultimate boss.

I don't know how strong the Bull Demon King is.

He wants to try.

So that night, Lin also used teleport to sneak into the Flame Mountain quietly.

Then he used teleport to come to Bai Jingjing's room.

Bai Jingjing was looking at the moon at this time, thinking of Supreme Treasure in her heart.

Although she thought that Supreme Bao had abandoned her, how could it be so easy to forget someone?

Seeing Lin Yi suddenly appeared, she was immediately happy: "Lin Yi! Why are you here!"

"Of course I am here to save you!"

Lin also replied.

"Do you have news from Supreme Bao?"

Bai Jingjing asked expectantly.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No."

Although he knew where Supreme Treasure was and what he was doing, he couldn't say.

It is not yet time to affect the plot.

Bai Jingjing looked very disappointed, and then shook her head: "The conscience of Supreme Treasure, seeing that I was poisoned and about to die, left me and ran away. I never want to see him again in my life!"

Lin Yi was about to speak when he suddenly heard heavy footsteps outside the door.

A rough voice came: "Which little demon dare to break into my Flame Mountain at night?"

Lin Yi said to Bai Jingjing: "Ms. Jingjing, stay here first. I will meet the Bull Demon King."

He opened the door and came to the courtyard.

I saw a tall black figure standing there in the courtyard.

It has double horns and looks like a huge bull's head.

The body is like a human body.

The height seems to be two meters.

After his shouting, the other little monsters also woke up, hurriedly came to the courtyard, and surrounded Lin Yi.

The Bull Demon pointed at Lin Yi and shouted angrily: "Who are you, dare to enter my fiancee's room late at night, it is simply outrageous!"


Lin Yi sneered: "You just saved her, so you want to marry her? People are born like flowers and jade, look at you again, bullhead and ghost face, ugly. Are you worthy?"

"Bold! How dare to be so rude to our king!"

The toad spirit yelled and rushed directly at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi flew——

The toad spirit suddenly screamed and flew out dozens of meters.

When the Peacock King saw it, he rushed over.


With just one kick, the Peacock King flew far away.

In terms of strength and speed, these little monsters are far from Lin Yi's opponents.

The hundreds of little demon who rushed up next were divided by two by Lin Yi, kicking and kicking them all out.

The Bull Demon King was also a little surprised when he saw it.

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "Excuse me, you want to deal with me with rotten sweet potato and stinky bird eggs? It's still a thousand miles away!"

(End of this chapter)


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