Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 840: Lin Yi VS Giant Spirit God

Besides, Lin Yi and Fairy Zixia slept in the rental house all night, and they left the rental floor early the next morning.

Then came to the market and had some breakfast.

But just halfway through the meal, I saw a few rays of light falling like meteors in the sky.

At the beginning, people were surprised to see meteors in the daytime.

But soon, they discovered that the direction in which the meteor fell, turned out to be towards the market.

The meteor was getting closer and closer, and people soon discovered that these meteors turned out to be dozens of large fireballs.

These big fireballs all fell towards the bazaar.

The people at the market all screamed and fled in horror.

It was barely a lively bazaar, but it quickly calmed down.

Only Lin Yi and Fairy Zixia did not escape, but just stood up.

Soon, those dozens of big fireballs all fell on the ground.

But when it fell on the ground, it did not cause much damage.

Instead, it turned into dozens of people directly.

There are more than thirty people in total.

The two headed, one is about three meters tall, all up and down, as if built up by muscles.

Zhang Feihu was born with a look of evil.

Holding two xuanhua axes in his hand, he looks fierce and wicked.

The other is a young man.

She is about twenty years old, wearing silver armor and a diamond ring slung across her shoulders.

He held a spear in his hand.

"Oh, it turned out to be the third prince Nezha and the giant spirit god. And they brought dozens of heaven soldiers."

Fairy Zixia said with a smile.

Lin Yi looked carefully at the third Nezha prince and the giant spirit god.

For Lin Yi, they have always existed in myths and legends.

Today I finally met their real person.

The giant spirit **** made a nasty voice and roared: "Since you know it is us, why don't you catch it without your hands?!"

Fairy Zixia smiled and said: "Knowing that you know, but if you think I'm afraid of you, that's too naive."

"Huangmao girl, dare to do this?! Give me a blow!"

This giant spirit **** is really angry, and if he didn't say a few words, he was about to grab an axe.

A rough man!

Nezha stretched out his hand and stopped the giant spirit god.

Then she said to Fairy Zixia: "Fairy Zixia, I don't care if you commit a crime or not. I'm just following orders to take you back to life. Don't make me embarrassed."

"You were embarrassing her, why should she not embarrass you?"

Lin Yi said for Fairy Zixia.

Seeing Lin Yi's interruption, the giant spirits cursed, "You kid, dare to be rude to the third prince. Take me!"

Speaking of raising the Xuanhua Axe, he was about to hack towards Lin Yi.

The third prince Nezha drank the giant spirit **** once again and said: "Giant spirit god!"

The Giant Spirit God quickly said respectfully: "Yes, Third Prince."

He took a step back.

The third prince Nezha looked at Lin Yi, with a slight look of doubt in his eyes: "If you say you are a demon, there is no demon aura on your body. If you are a human, your breath is not like ordinary people. If you are a god, your breath is even more unlike that of ordinary people. Now. Who are you?"

Lin Yi said: "Lin Yi, just a civilian."

The third prince Nezha couldn't see through Lin Yi, and simply said: "I don't care who you are, I'm just performing official duties, please don't interfere."

"If your official business is to take away my friend, I'm sorry, I'm obstructing the official business."

Lin Yi said.

As he said, he estimated in his heart the strength of the Third Nezha Prince and the Giant Spirit God.

If it is really like the setting in "Journey to the West", the giant spirit **** has the power to move the mountain; the third Nezha prince has three heads and six arms, and there are four things: the universe circle, the Hun Tian Ling, the wind fire wheel and the fire spear The magic weapon. Every magic weapon has infinite power.

Lin is absolutely impossible to compete with them.

But in "Westward Journey", even the magical **** of Erlang, Yang Jian, was easily defeated by Fairy Zixia.

If you want to come to the Third Prince Nezha and the Giant Spirit God, your strength is definitely not as strong as in "Journey to the West".

Seeing Lin Yi said this, Fairy Zixia gave Lin Yi a thumbs up, and said, "Good brother, loyal!"

The giant spirit **** pointed at Lin Yi and cursed: "Since you kid is so stubborn, then don't blame me for being unforgiving. Let me give you a blow!"

Speaking of raising the axe, he slashed towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi is only testing his strength now, and does not want to reveal his true strength.

He smoothly grabbed the hilt of Fairy Zixia next to him and drew it sharply.


There was a clear sound of the sword being unsheathed.

The cyan light flashed, and the purple sword was pulled out easily by Lin Yi.

Then Lin Yi held the sword in his right hand and propped the sword in his left hand.


There was a loud noise and sparks splashed everywhere.

The purple sword held the Xuanhua giant axe.

A shock wave spread everywhere.

The surrounding tables, chairs and benches all flew out.

And Lin Yi's legs sank into the ground from below his knees.

This axe is extremely powerful.

Also thanks to the tenacity of the Ziqing Sword, it did not break.

But Lin Yi was already shaking his hands numb.

Fairy Zixia next to her did not notice this at all.

All her attention was on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi can also draw the purple sword!

The supreme treasure can be pulled out, she thinks that supreme treasure is her destined lover.

But Lin Yi can also draw the purple sword!

What's going on?

Is it possible that he is also his favorite?


How can Lin also take care of these at this time?

The giant spirit **** came down with an axe, and his hands were already numb.

If there was another attack, he might be defeated.

Fortunately, the Giant Spirit God is not as strong as in "Journey to the West", otherwise, he will become fleshy.

Seeing that the giant spirit **** once again raised the Xuanhua giant axe, he cut it down towards him.

Lin also dared not use his sword to resist, but quickly used biological energy to form a shield.


Another shock wave spread, and the dozen or so heaven soldiers not far away fell to the ground under this shock wave.

At the same time, the perfect defense of the shield gave birth to several thick spikes.

This spike pierced directly into the body of the giant spirit god.


The giant spirit **** screamed and felt a little dizzy.

Perfect defense, with stun effect.

Seeing this, Lin also pierced the throat of the giant spirit **** with the purple sword in his hand.

The giant spirit **** is still dizzy, this time Lin Yi must be dressed as a candied fruit.

At this time, a line of red silk flew over suddenly, wrapped the body of the giant spirit god, and flew to the side, just avoiding Lin Yi's sword.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the third prince Nezha next to him.

This red silk is naturally the Hun Tian Ling of the third Nezha Prince.

According to the legend, the third prince Nezha held Huntian Ling, and just swayed gently in the sea, the entire Dragon Palace shook violently.

Although the third prince Nezha's strength was weakened in "Western Journey", Lin also had to be extremely careful.


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