Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 847: Marriage

"None of you want to leave, you all have to leave me!"

A rough voice suddenly came from a distance.

Then, I saw a huge figure that flew from a distance at a very fast speed.

This person has double horns at first, just like a bull.

It is the bull devil.

When the Bull Demon King saw the Supreme Treasure, he said with joy: "Brother Xian, you have arrested Tang Monk! Great!"

Zhi Zun Bao shook his heart and hurriedly said with a smile: "Yes, yeah."

It turns out that after five hundred years, Monkey King turned his back against each other because he seduced the wife of the Bull Demon King.

But now the two still bow to their brothers.

Although Supreme Treasure has not yet become Monkey King, he also knows how powerful the Bull Demon King is, so he must deal with him first.

Tang Seng saw it and said immediately: "If you want to keep us, I asked Mr. Lin Yi first to see if he can agree!"

After today's events, Tang Seng has already seen Lin Yi's strength.

It seemed to him that even if Lin Yi did not have the magical powers of the Bull Demon King, he was not much different.

With the addition of Fairy Zixia, at least he can be tied with the Bull Demon King.

So he pinned all his hopes on Lin Yi.

The Bull Demon asked, "Lin Yi? Which one is it? Tell him to fight me for three hundred rounds!"

Tang Seng said, "This is the one next to me, how about it, are you scared?"

Having said that, look to the side.

But where is Lin Yi next to him?

Tang Seng was taken aback, and then shook his head: "It's not righteous, running so fast."

Zhi Zun Bao also sighed in his heart: Is this guy really loyal?

Fairy Zixia shook her head: "Lin is not such a person, he must have his ideas."

When the Bull Demon saw Fairy Zixia, he was immediately overjoyed. He changed his roughness and said, "Several people have been exhausted on the journey. It must be very hard. Please come to my Flame Mountain to rest, how about?"

He jumped over, grabbed Tang Seng’s shoulder, and shouted at the supreme treasure next to him: "Brother Xian, follow me back to Flame Mountain. I happen to have a younger sister. Although she was not born to be a dazzling country, she is one of ten miles away. I will marry her to you, and you will get married tomorrow."

The strength of Fairy Zixia is far from the opponent of Bull Demon King.

Therefore, a few people can only follow the Bull Demon back to Flame Mountain.

Lin Yi at this time was five kilometers away.

In fact, if he had just been fighting the Bull Demon King, even if he couldn't win, he wouldn't lose too badly.

But according to the original plot, these people should have been caught by the Bull Demon to the Flame Mountain.

Although the plot has deviated somewhat from the original, Lin did not want the plot to be too biased.

So he temporarily left and let the plot continue to follow the original story.

In the next few days, Lin Yi returned to Pansidong.

Because he knew that in a few days, Supreme Treasure would return to Pansidong.

Sure enough, what happened next was just like a movie plot.

The Bull Demon forced Fairy Zixia to marry, but Princess Iron Fan chased after the Flame Mountain and made a scene of the wedding.

But Zhi Zun Bao told such a lie to Fairy Zixia.

So that Fairy Zixia believed in his words.

The development of the next thing can be described by a sentence of twists and turns.

Supreme Treasure jumped off the cliff accidentally, and the Bodhi Thief and several others managed to escape after being caught by the Bull Demon King.

It happened to meet the Supreme Treasure again, and after being unconscious, the bewildered Supreme Treasure brought back to Pansidong.

When Zhi Zun Bao saw Lin Yi in the cave, he immediately shook his head and pointed at Lin Yi: "Why did you run away that night? It's really loyal."

Lin Yi said: "This matter is a long story."

"Then make a long story short."

"I ran away first because I knew you would all be fine, and you will come back to Pansidong next time."

Lin also replied.

"What about Fairy Zixia? He is still with the Bull Demon King. What do you say?"

Zhizun Bao asked.

"So, you still care about Fairy Zixia."

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

The Bodhi Thief said, "Yes, you said Zixia's name 785 times last night, one more time than last time."

"Wrong." Zhi Zun Bao said, shaking his head, "Fairy Zixia is just a person I know, because he helped me several times, so he didn't save her. I feel ashamed, that's all."

The Bodhi Thief shook his head: "I don't think it is that simple."

"Then how complicated do you want it?"

The Supreme Way.

The Bodhi Thief said: "I think you like her."

"Like her? Hahahaha... how is it possible?"

Zhi Zun Bao shook his head and let out a signature laugh.

"How can it be impossible? You give me a reason not to like her."

"Then you give me a reason to like her first."

"Does it take a reason to like someone?"

"No need?"

"do you need?"

"No need?"

"do you need?"

The Bodhi Thief smiled and shook his head: "I just asked casually, why are you so serious?"

After turning his head, he said: "No need?"

Early the next morning, they met Bai Jingjing, who came to apprentice to learn art, just like a movie plot.

It was five hundred years ago when Bai Jingjing had just turned into a human form from a bunch of white bones. He heard that Pansi Daxian was very strong, so he came to learn art from a teacher.

When Zhizunbao met Bai, I was overjoyed and told the cause and effect.

Finally, he said: "I wanted to find the Moonlight Treasure Box to find you five hundred years later. Now that I met you 500 years ago, I don't have to go back. Let's get married."


At the same time, in Flame Mountain.

Fairy Zixia was forced to marry by the Bull Demon King.

She really had no choice but to say that she had to wait seven days, otherwise she would rather die than follow.

The Bull Demon King thought that this Zixia Fairy would be his own sooner or later, so why not wait for her for seven days.

And Zixia's sister Qingxia said: "What's the point of waiting for these seven days? After seven days, you will still be forced to marry by the Bull Demon King."

Fairy Zixia propped her chin with her left hand, playing with a chopstick in her right hand, and said foolishly: "I have a hunch that he will come within seven days."


Qingxia poured cold water.

Fairy Zixia said with full expectation: "The person I like is a hero. I know that one day, he will wear a golden armor and a holy robe, and he will marry me on the seven-colored clouds."


Qingxia sneered: "There is no cure."


The development of the next thing can be described by a sentence of twists and turns.

On the day Bai Jingjing and Zhi Zun Bao got married, she got into Zhi Zun Bao's heart and saw a tear left by Fairy Zixia in Zhi Zun Bao's heart.

She knew that what Zhi Zun Bao really liked was not herself, but Zi Xia.

So she left a letter and left.

And on the day she left, her nemesis Chun Thirty Niang had already chased Pansidong.

Although the Spring Thirty Mother at this time was not as strong as Lin Yi, Lin Yi did not stop her either.

Because he knew that the critical moment when Supreme Treasure became Monkey King was about to come.

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