Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 849: Dasheng Shenwei

Not to mention that Lin Yi and Qitian Great Sage Monkey King came to Huoyan Mountain.

To say that the Bull Demon King forced Fairy Zixia to marry, today is already the last day.

The entire Huoyan Mountain is full of lights and festoons.

A group of little monsters said long live one by one, so that the Bull Demon King could rise to the sky.

Within hundreds of miles, those monsters, big and small, also came to congratulate.

At this time, the Bull Demon, wearing a red bridegroom costume, said: "Everyone, now the auspicious time has come, and I want to marry Fairy Zixia."


"Long live the king!"

"The King and Fairy Zixia are really talented, and they are a natural pair."

After the little demon finished speaking, he turned over and vomited.

He himself was disgusted by his flattering.

At this time, the fairy kept looking at the night sky around him.

She has always believed that someone she loves will come to pick her up.

But now that the Bull Demon King is about to force himself to worship, why not come?

Originally Qingxia and Zixia shared the same body.

But at this time, Qingxia's consciousness has been transferred to Princess Xiangxiang, the younger sister of the Niu Demon King, because of the Dafa.

She said to Fairy Zixia: "I don't think the person you like will come."

Fairy Zixia was also a little worried, and said: "I believe he will come."

But in fact, her heart was already a little shaken.

Qingxia shook her head at this time and said: "I have been fighting with you for hundreds of years, and I don't want to fight anymore."

Then he raised his head to the Bull Demon on the high platform and said: "Bull Demon, I will not let my sister marry you."

The Bull Demon sneered: "Today Zixia I am married. Who dares to stop me, there will only be one end, death!"

Speaking and flicked his sleeves.

Seeing a gust of wind swept through, rolling up a pile of firewood, all hitting Qingxia.

Qingxia suddenly flew out.

Seeing this, Zixia hurriedly shouted: "Sister!"

Turning around, holding a previously hidden dagger in his hand: "Dare to hit my sister, I will fight you!"

Said to the Bull Demon King and flew over.

But how strong is the Bull Demon King?

When Zixia meets the Bull Demon King, it is no different from hitting a stone with an egg.

The Bull Demon easily knocked out her dagger and caught her.

Then she pressed her down to her knees: "No matter what, today, you have to pay a visit to me."

Speaking, she slammed Zixia's head down, and said with a laugh: "Worship the world!"

As soon as Zixia raised her head, she pressed it down suddenly: "Worship the world again!"

The goddess Zixia was pressed her head once by the bull demon.

Even the little demon below couldn't stand it anymore.

"Is the king going too far?"

"Well, looking like this, it's a bit violent."

"Do you think the king is a pervert."

"Well, it's very possible."

"It's a pity Fairy Zixia."


At this moment, a gust of wind blows.

Then, in the dark sky, a huge seven-colored auspicious cloud suddenly appeared.

When Fairy Zixia saw this seven-color auspicious cloud, she was surprised and said: "Cloud!"

But Ba Jie, who was hidden among the little demons, shouted: "What a big cotton candy."

Along with the classics, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

I saw this person, wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing a gold chain mail armor, and walking on the lotus root.

It was the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago.

"Big brother, got married today, don't you invite younger brother to have a wedding drink?"

Monkey King laughed.

The Bull Demon knew that Sun Wukong was not good, and said with a smile: "This is the eldest brother's negligence. Please forgive me, brother Xian."

At this time, Tang Seng, who was tied to the high platform, had already told the two little demons who guarded him that he had committed suicide with his three inch tongue.

He shouted: "Wukong, save me."

Monkey King said: "Master, wait a moment."

Then he said to the Bull Demon King: "But you got married and got married, but you arrested my master to entertain the guests. This is a bit unkind."

"Hmph, I knew that you were not good at coming. Today, I'm already a decision, and Tang Seng's meat is also decided!"

The Bull Demon said.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly appeared next to the Bull Demon King, and then took the Zixia Fairy and teleported hundreds of meters away.

The Bull Demon King just turned around and wanted to chase him.

But above his head, another Lin also appeared suddenly.

This Lin Yi's hands had turned into two giant hammers, and he smashed towards the bull demon below.

Seeing that it was too late to hide, the Bull Demon hurriedly stretched out his hand, grabbed the steel fork out of thin air, and moved up one frame.


There was a harsh noise, sparks flew everywhere.

A shock wave spread immediately.

And the huge power carried by Lin Yi's two giant hammers caused the wooden platform at the feet of the Bull Demon to collapse directly.

Click ——

The ten-layer high platform, from the top layer to the bottom layer, was penetrated layer by layer by the body of the Bull Demon King.

Fairy Zixia looked at Lin Yi next to her, and said in surprise: "Lin Yi, you and Zhizun Bao are here!"

Then he looked at Lin Yi who was fighting with the Bull Demon King, and asked, "You can also do avatar?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Little meaning."

Then it disappeared.

Monkey King was on the opposite stage, UU reading watched Lin Yi fighting against the Bull Demon King, with a helpless look: "Lin Yi, this scene was originally my play, you grabbed too hard, right? ?"

Lin Yi has no time to talk to him.

If he didn't use Scarlet Lightning, the strength of the Bull Demon King would be much higher than him.

And if he used **** lightning, then basically all these people around would have to hang on.

"Don't come and help?"

Lin also shouted.

Monkey King smiled and said, "You get out of the way and let me come."

Lin Yi immediately teleported and came to Tang Seng.

The two looked at each other, and Tang Seng smiled awkwardly and said, "I said, I am used to being rescued."

Lin Yi untied the rope on Tang Seng's body, and then looked back to watch the battle between Monkey King and Bull Demon King.

Monkey King is worthy of being the Monkey King, and Lin is far less powerful than Lin.

In front of Monkey King, the Bull Demon, who everyone could not handle before, was completely played as a monkey.

Monkey King even snatched the steel fork of the Bull Demon King to grill chicken wings and sang, "Roasted chicken wings, I like to eat..."


[Here is a digression. In many of Star Master’s movies, there are sections of eating grilled chicken wings or chicken. This has something to do with Xing Ye's childhood. When Xing Ye was a child, his family was poor, and chicken wings and the like were completely luxurious. Once, my mother bought chicken wings for several children to eat. Because there are few chicken wings, my mother has no choice but to eat. Master Xing took a bite and threw it on the ground saying it was unpalatable. I was beaten by my mother, and then the mother picked up the chicken wings on the ground and wiped it, and ate the dirty chicken wings.

In fact, it's not that the chicken wings are unpalatable, but that Master Xing knows that if it is directly given to his mother, his mother will not eat it. So deliberately thrown on the ground.

This incident left a deep impression on Xing Ye and later became the inspiration for many of his movie scenes. 】

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