Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 857: Data-based evolution (part 2)

Although Zhang Xiaocui saw that Lin Yi's giant hammer was so powerful, she was not worried, instead she laughed.

At the same time, at the scene, after Lin Yi swallowed the little loli, he helped Shui Ruobing get rid of the little loli.

Shui Ruobing smiled and said to Lin Yi: "Think about when we first met, at that time you were just a 7th-level or 8th-level evolutionary? Now only seven or eight months have passed, and you are already 20th-level. An evolutionary. And the strength is so strong, you guy is definitely the most talented evolutionary I have ever seen."

Then she looked at Lin Yi's giant hammer again, appearing very interested.

"Your two hammers look so dazzling."

Lin also didn't say much, just swallowed that little loli.

Those little loli in the past are said to be level 20 evolvers, but their real strength is far inferior to level 20 evolvers, so they only have a few million evolution points.

And now, these two little loli are real level 20 evolvers, so after being swallowed, each can get 50 million evolution points.

Zhang Xiaocui thought she had sent these two little loli to kill Lin Yi, but in Lin Yi's view, these two little loli were here to send evolution points.

After swallowing two little loli, he gained 100 million evolution points.

If you follow the previous practice, you should need 500 million evolution points to be promoted to level 21 evolution.

Wouldn't it be enough to swallow 8 little loli?

However, the voice of the system said: "Wrong, it takes 5 billion evolution points to be promoted to level 21 evolution."


Lin Yi couldn't help cursing.

In the past, the evolution points required for promotion were based on the law.

100,000 is followed by 200,000;

200,000 is followed by 500,000;

In the same way, 1 million is followed by 2 million, and then 5 million.

But this time it jumped directly from 200 million to 5 billion. This span is a bit too big.

The system chuckled and said, "Although my system is your golden finger, if you don't increase the difficulty, wouldn't it be too easy for you to get promoted? Humans often don't cherish the things that are too easy to get. And things that are too easy to get are really not worth cherishing. So, naturally, I have to make it a little more difficult for you."


Lin Yi scolded.

5 billion evolution points, where are you going to get so many?

But when Lin Yi was secretly distressed in his heart, he suddenly discovered that there were as many as 10 little loli within a radius of 5 kilometers around them, sneaking towards them.

Lin Yi is not only not afraid, but is happy in his heart.

What you really want to come.

These 10 little loli, aren't they 500 million evolution points?

From this point of view, Datonghui can already mass-produce Lori.

As long as you find their own factory that produces little loli, wouldn't you have as many evolution points as you need?

Seeing the change in Lin Yi's expression, Shui Ruobing asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Yi moved the corner of his mouth and said, "The food delivery is here."

"Oh? The takeaway boy who turned into a zombie?"

Shui Ruobing glanced around, then said: "I didn't see it."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a cute little loli slowly walking out behind the ruins of the distant building.

This little Lolita is exactly the same as the previous little Lolita in appearance and dress.

At the same time, behind them, left and right, right...

As many as 10 little loli appeared in all directions.

All loli are around 10 years old.

All loli looks exactly the same, and their clothes are exactly the same.

Shui Ruobing was surprised when she saw it.

The two little loli's just now made her and Lin Yi struggle a little bit.

Now that so many little loli are here, how should they respond?

Lin Yi chuckled.

"Since those little loli are all data-based evolvers, they are equivalent to collecting data on the previous battle between Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing, and then make some countermeasures based on these data.

To put it bluntly, they are just like programs made by humans.

Then, as long as they do something completely different from the previous self, these little loli will be confused. "

When Shui Ruobing heard this, she understood: "So...if we MUA, will she be confused?"

Lin Yi glanced at Shui Ruobing and ignored it.

And Shui Ruobing waved his hand and said, "Just kidding, what do you think of me."

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Since this Shui Ruobing was resurrected by himself, he completely looked like a different person.

Of course, it is still the same cold to other people, but in front of myself, it always shows a different side.

Many times I will joke, which is different from the previous Shuruobing.

Of course, maybe this is Shui Ruobing's true character.

In the past, because he was the leader of the Shadowmoon Group, and he had to disguise his identity as a water-like ice, it could not be revealed.

Now there are not so many scruples, and the real side is naturally revealed.

But this really makes Lin not comfortable.

Fortunately, Shui Ruobing was just a joke this time.

Lin Yi's right hand had already condensed a giant hammer, and he planned to fight.

But at this moment, Shui Ruobing suddenly leaned over and gave Lin Yi a quick MUA on his face.


Lin Yi was stunned again, turned his head and looked at Shui Shui Ruobing smiled badly, and said, "Don’t think too much, I just want to see if these little loli are stunned. force."

Lin could only smile wryly.

This water is like ice, whether it is better than the previous water if it is ice, or it is very different than the previous shadow moon.

At this moment, the little loli around looked at Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing suspiciously, really a little confused.

They were made to fight.

They have nanochips in their brains, which are also combat chips.

Everything they know is related to fighting.

But what happened to this sudden MUA?

They can't understand it at all.

This is like a program in a computer. It will respond only when you enter relevant commands; if you enter an invalid command that has not been set before, it will of course not respond.

Shui Ruobing said with joy: "They are really dumbfounded. Or... a few more MUAs, maybe they just passed out."

Shui Ruobing was still smiling badly.

Lin Yi was amused by Shui Ruobing, shook his head and said, "I want to be beautiful."

Shui Ruobing took it for granted: "The reality is so cruel. If you don't want to be more beautiful, I'm afraid you will be depressed."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Then I plan to clean up these little loli.

At this time, the system in Lin Yi's mind, seeing that these little loli were so confused by a MUA, he suddenly became interested.

"If a MUA makes them stunned, wouldn't they be even more stunned to play music?"

Just do it, and the system will play it directly with a foreign voice:

"The vast horizon is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the green mountains..."

Listening to this kind of music, the little loli looked at each other, and they were even more confused.

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