
Lin Yi made Zhang Wenjing and Shui Ruobing guard outside, while he disguised himself as Cook and walked towards the Datonghui.

Soon, he came to the gate of Datonghui.

The two evolving gatekeepers at the door immediately greeted, "Minister, why did you come back after just going there for a while?"

According to past habits, after the minister went out, he always came back the next morning.

Lin Yidao: "John, Wallace, do your job well. Don't talk too much if you shouldn't ask."

Seeing that the minister seemed to be in a bad mood, the two of them shut up immediately.

After Lin Yi entered the gate, there was another gate inside, and fingerprints and retina must be scanned to enter.

After Lin Yi scanned, he easily entered the gate.

Then, he got on the elevator and went down to the 20th floor underground.

The elevator can only go to the nineteenth floor underground.

After he got out of the elevator, he continued down the 20th floor.

Soon, I came to the 20th floor.

He used biological tracking and found that the number of guards on the twenty underground floors was obviously higher than the number of guards on other floors.

And it's not a bit too much.

There are more than 20 evolutionists alone-of course, these are all cloned little loli.

In addition to the other nineteenth, eighteenth and so on, it adds up to hundreds of people.

But this is nothing to Lin Yi.

No matter how high their level is, they have to call Minister Lin when they meet.

Lin Yi came to the door of the cold storage and used the biological tracking skills to probe.

It was found that the cleaning agent-or insecticide, was lying quietly in the safe in the cold storage.

And the password of the cold storage door, as well as the password of the safe, he had already known from the Datonghui database before.

Originally, he was thinking of moving directly into the cold storage with teleport.

But after he tried it, he found that he couldn't be teleported in here, and there seemed to be a space barrier or something blocking him.

This was the first time he found that he could not teleport.

This made Lin Yi feel a little flustered.

After all, if there is no such space barrier, he can teleport and escape if he encounters any special circumstances.

But now with this layer of space barrier, he can no longer teleport at all.

But at this point, there is absolutely no way out.

The only thing he can do is to keep going.

When he came to the cold storage door, he glanced at the two dozen evolutionaries guarding next to him, and said: "The president let us go in and check, you, you, and the two of you, follow me in."

In order not to arouse other people's suspicion, he naturally called a few more people.

But even so, everyone else is slightly confused.

After all, the president came here in person for previous inspections.

Why didn't the chairman come this time?

But since the Minister said so, they dare not say much.

Lin also entered the password on the screen on the left of the gate.

I saw the door slowly opened.

After they entered, the door slowly closed again.

However, at the moment when the door was closed, suddenly, the flute—the flute—the flute—

An alarm sounded on the entire 20th floor.

Lin Yi's heart shuddered and said "not good", Dang Even wanted to return and leave.

However, he entered the password three times in a row, and the prompts given on the screen were: "The door is locked and cannot be opened with the password."

Lin Yi felt a little flustered.

Could it be that Zhang Xiaocui knew that she was coming and set this trap deliberately?

Impossible, she didn't even know she was coming.

Then why did the alarm sound after entering the password?

Of course Lin also didn't know that surveillance was installed in every corner of the Datonghui, especially the 20th floor underground.

Zhang Xiaocui once said to the people in the monitoring room that no matter who it is, as long as the door of the cold storage is opened, he must report to her.

Now that Lin Yi opened the door to the cold storage, the monitoring room naturally reported to Zhang Xiaocui.

Zhang Xiaocui immediately locked the door to the cold storage.

Then she said through the communicator: "Cook, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yi just bit the bullet and said, "Come in and check."

"How do you know the password for the cold storage door?"

When Zhang Xiaocui asked, Lin Yi was completely exposed.

The few evolutionists next to him said vigilantly: "It turns out that it was not the president who asked you to check.

Zhang Xiaocui said, "You guys, don't hesitate to take him down for me!"

The few people next to them listened, and they were all stunned.

Their level is 15th.

And they know that Minister Cook's level has reached level 18, let them win the Minister?

Are you kidding me?

"You are not Cook. Cook can't betray me."

Zhang Xiaocui's voice said, "Who are you?"

Lin Yi sneered, and said, "As far as the matter is, what else is there to say? If you catch me, you will catch it, and I will leave it to you."

Zhang Xiaocui seemed to be silent for a moment.

This moment of silence made Lin Yi feel a little strange.

After a while, Zhang Xiaocui suddenly said: "You are Lin Yi!"

This surprised Lin Yi.

How could Zhang Xiaocui know that he is Lin Yi?

After Zhang Xiaocui finished speaking, she couldn't help but smile: "Lin Yi, you really give me a headache. But today, I finally caught you."

Lin Yi really didn't expect that he was disguised as this, how could Zhang Xiaocui recognize himself.

Zhang Xiaocui seemed very proud to see through Lin Yi's disguise.

She said: "Are you weird, why can I see through? It's actually very simple. I installed a camera in Zhang Wenjing's residence long ago.

When you entered his house, I already knew you were coming.

And I know that your goal is cleanser.

So I set a trap in the cold storage long ago, waiting for you to get in.

Just one thing, what did you do to Cook? "

Since Lin Yi has been exposed, he naturally stopped pretending, and said with a sneer: "Huh, he is dead."

After listening to Zhang Xiaocui, her voice was a little regretful: "It's a pity, he has been with me for more than 20 years."

"Don't you think that the longer you are with you, the more dangerous it will be?"

Lin Yidao.

Zhang Xiaocui said: "This is the truth~www.readwn.com~ When I said this, there was no regret in Zhang Xiaocui's tone.

"So now, you have caught me, what are you going to do with me?"

Lin also asked.

Zhang Xiaocui said, "Of course I killed you."

Zhang Xiaocui said without hesitation.

Then he continued: "Of course, I don't think I can kill you with my current methods. However, I will introduce someone to you. At that time, you will know what is truly powerful."

Lin also listened, naturally he already knew who this person was.

Based on what the clone had seen before, with his current strength, he was far from the opponent of that Sharu Star.

(End of this chapter)


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