Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 888: This one

Blazing flames.

The sun is like exposing oil to the ground.

The soldiers of the five thousand army led by Lin Yi had their upper bodies naked, and their lower bodies only covered key parts.

What Lin Yi is wearing at this time is no longer a suit.

But like these soldiers, the upper body is naked, and the lower body only covers the key parts.

He and his army are waiting for the war knights to come out on the bank of the river without any trees.

However, after five minutes, there was no movement in the war knight camp.

After another five minutes, there was still no movement in the barracks.

Even the soldier who went in to report was gone.

The subordinate next to Lin Yi said to Lin Yi, "General, they did it on purpose."

Lin Yi smiled indifferently and said, "It's deliberately good."

Then, if you take a direct step, you must enter the camp.

The soldier guarding the door quickly speared and stopped in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's subordinates stepped forward and shouted, "What are you doing? This is the new plague knight. On the order of Pharaoh, 5,000 people have been sent to help you. You dare to disobey the order of Pharaoh."

The soldier guarding the camp gate said, "Of course we dare not disobey Pharaoh's orders, but our general said that no one can enter the barracks without his orders."

"If we have to enter"

Lin Yi's subordinates said coldly.

"Then I can only be sorry."

The soldier guarding the gate said, the spear was already directed at Lin Yi.

The war knight belongs to the kind of character who is no bird.

And often the character of the leader of an army can inject the spirit of that character into the army.

This soldier is like a war knight, no one is a bird.

However, this character may work well in front of others.

But in front of Lin Yi, it had no effect.

Lin Yi said to his subordinates around him, "Are you just watching others pointing at your general with the spearhead?"

The subordinates around him listened and understood what Lin Yi meant. They swarmed up and directly knocked the soldier guarding the gate to the ground and disarmed him.

Since the soldier followed the war knights, they have basically bullied others. When have they been bullied by others?

But at this moment, seeing the ferocious looks of Lin Yi's subordinates, he was a little timid after all.

I was pressed against the wall honestly and dare not say a word.

Lin Yi then led his men directly into the war knight's barracks.

The barracks of the war knights are not open to anyone.

The soldiers on the camp came around at the fastest speed, trying to stop Lin Yi and his men.

At this time, the soldiers on both sides, although they looked like they were arrogant, but they were a little nervous.

After all, they had all fought together before, and now they are suddenly hostile, they are really a bit uncomfortable.

If they really fight, each of them doesn't know what mentality to face each other.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and said to the soldiers of the war knights who stood in front of him, "Finally warn you, those who stop me will die."

At this moment, the war knight was actually watching all this not far away.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, he sneered, "If you stop you and die, I want to see how good you are."

In his opinion, this plague knight is after all just one of the four newly promoted knights, to him as a war knight, he is just a novice.

A novice wants to run wild on the territory of his veteran knight, he has a hundred ways to cure him.

However, this thought flashed in his heart, and he saw a flame suddenly burning on the head of the plague knight.

Then, the flesh on his face was burned clean by the flames.

His head became a skeleton burning with flames.

This scene horrified everyone including the war knight.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse all have their own abilities.

The abilities of other people were barely acceptable, but the ability of the Plague Knight turned his head and hands into bones burning with flames.

This ability is really weird.

The flame-burning skeleton even said "Get out of me"

As he said, his eyes looked around.

All those who were seen by him felt a chill in their hearts.

The eyes of the black hole are like two bottomless abysses, making people frightened at the first glance.

Even Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the location of the war knight, the war knight felt his soul tremble.

Each of the other three knights has special abilities, but no one can bring a shock to the soul like Lin Yi.

It can be said that as long as he looks at you, it will make you feel scared.

Under such fear, all the soldiers surrounding Lin Yi couldn't help retreating.

Lin Yi sneered and walked forward.

When he walked out of the shadow on the wall his head and hands returned to their original shape.

Although his hellfire cannot be displayed in the sun now, as long as the sun is blocked, it is still possible.

He just walked into the shadow of the wall and used hellfire to scare everyone away.

When he entered the center of the camp, the war knight was already waiting for him.

The system in Lin Yi's mind said, "It's such a cheap leather, if you don't give him some color, I really think we can't be bullied."

Lin also looked at the war knight, and saw that the man was a white man, tall and strong.

It is rarely seen that white people are so tall and strong.

Especially the muscle bumps on his arm, as if they were carved out of stone.

The two lumps of meat on the chest make most women feel ashamed of themselves.

But with such a strong person, Lin Yi felt inexplicable in his heart at this time.

He has always relied on his courage and refused to accept it.

Even the death knight who can manipulate objects with mind power and defeated him several times is not convinced. He thought that even if the death knight could defeat him, it would still rely on the power of foreign objects. If he does not use foreign objects, he can beat the death knight one by one.

However, in front of the Plague Knight, he had no such thoughts at all.

Because when the Plague Knight turned into a skeleton just now, the look at him made him feel a chill in his heart.

Over the years, he has met several people who are stronger than him, but apart from Pharaoh, there is no second person who can give him a chill in his heart.

Therefore, he did not refuse to accept Lin Yi, but was somewhat jealous.

Of course, on the surface, it is impossible for him to show this bit of fear.

Seeing Lin Yi coming in, he got up to greet him and said, "Plague Knight, I heard that you are coming yesterday, but today is finally here, welcome."

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