Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 890: 1 move to control the enemy

When those spears with flames flew towards the barracks, almost everyone in the barracks exclaimed, and then unconsciously withdrew more than ten steps back.

Even the war knight, in front of such a battlefield, had to take a few steps back.

There was only one person in the entire barracks, and he did not retreat.

There is no doubt that this person is Lin Yi.

Seeing those spears with flames flying, Lin did not retreat, but took a step forward.

Everyone was shocked.

Is he going to die by himself?

In this case, these spears must be pierced into a sieve.

Even if it is not pierced into a sieve, it will be burned to live.

However, the next moment, something unexpected happened to everyone.

Lin Yi's body was instantly enveloped in flames.

The flame also completely burned his flesh and skin in an instant.

In the past, when he was wearing Brother A's suit, only his face and hands were exposed, so all he saw was that his hands and head had become fired skeletons.

But this time, because like all Egyptians, he only wore a few simple pieces of cloth, it could be seen that his upper body, lower body, and all exposed parts had become bones on fire.

At this moment, his right hand with flames lightly waved.

I saw all the fire spears flying towards the barracks, unexpectedly stopped in the air.

Just so quietly suspended.

Everyone who saw this scene stayed.

The rebels who threw these fire spears were also stunned at this time, one by one, as if they had seen a ghost-of course, to them, Lin Yi looked like a ghost in the first place.

Only the war knight smiled and said, "It turns out that it is controlled by mind power, just like the death knight, not rare."

He didn't know that, in fact, this was not a mind manipulation.

Lin is also an evil spirit knight who can control the fire of hell.

The fire of **** is the most powerful fire besides the fire of angels.

Any other flame must surrender before hellfire.

So Lin can also control these flames.

Then, Lin Yi clenched his right hand into a fist and slammed it at the people who threw the fire spear.

The fire spears flew towards the people who threw the fire spears at a faster speed than before.


These fire spears fell around those people like meteors, forming a ring of fire, surrounding them.

Then Lin Yi came slowly, and outside the circle of fire, glanced at the rebellious people in the circle.

These people were scared enough, but now they are looked at by the black holes of the fire-burning skeleton, and they all have a chill in their hearts.

Under this fear of being dominated, they dared not move.

The soldiers in the barracks met and admired them one by one.

The war knight has been here for so long. Although his personal strength is very strong, the rebel tribes always use harassment tactics and guerrilla tactics. Make them annoying.

They had never been able to catch an enemy so easily.

Unexpectedly, this plague knight looked so young that he still had such a hand, and he could easily catch these enemies without any effort.

The war knight couldn't hold back his face, but in the face of Lin Yi's absolute strength, there was nothing to say.

In desperation, he could only cast his anger on these rebels.

He came to these rebels surrounded by fire spears in a few steps, pointing at them and cursing: "You guys who are not seeded, if you want to fight, you should fight it openly. You know that you are sneaking and doing something unsightly. People's small movements are not like men at all. This time I was finally caught, and I will give you two paths. One is to die directly. The other is to fight me for three hundred rounds. See if you can be my opponent!"

The soldiers next to them all understood that whether it was a direct death or a fight with a war knight, the result was actually one word, death.

And if he fights with the war knight, he will definitely vent his anger these days on these people, and he will die miserably.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I caught them, so I should handle them."

The war knight wanted to argue for a few more words, but thinking about the strength that Lin Yi had just shown, he still took back what he had said.

Lin Yi then said to the dozens of prisoners: "Do you think that if you are caught, you will inevitably die? Wrong, I will not kill you."

Just this sentence makes those people feel like they have seen a ghost.

Those soldiers also seemed to have seen a ghost.

In daily battles, they almost never took prisoners, all of them were killed on the spot.

Because the Pharaoh's principle is to conquer people with military force.

Are you dissatisfied?

Then I will kill you until you serve it.

Does Lin also violate the principles of Pharaoh by doing this now?

The war knight said: "Lin Yi, do you want to violate Pharaoh's principles?"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently and said, "No."

Then the flame on his body went out and he returned to his normal appearance.

When the prisoners saw that Lin Yi had changed back to a normal human appearance, one by one was surprised again.

Is this guy a man or a ghost?

Lin Yi said to those people: "I want to talk to your Those people looked at each other again and looked at Lin Yi.

One of the adults said: "I am their leader."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "It's not you."

The man said: "You have to talk to the leader, I am."

Lin Yi shook his head again and said, "You have dozens of tribes large and small. It is impossible that no one will lead them. What I am looking for is the chief of all of your tribes."

In those six months, the person said: "That is the leader of the largest Gedal tribe. He is the leader of all our tribes."

Lin Yi nodded: "Take me to see him."

Although the middle-aged man was a little afraid of Lin in his heart, he shook his head firmly: "No."


Lin Yi smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

The man said: "Of course I'm afraid. But I'm even more afraid of taking you to see the big boss. If you take the opportunity to kill our big boss, then we will become sinners of all tribes."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's not us, it's me."

After hearing this, the man couldn't believe it and said, "You one?"

Lin Yidao: "Of course."

The mature man looked at other people, and from the eyes of other people, all he could see was doubt.

Everyone present didn't know what Lin Yi was going to do.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and secretly measured Lin Yi's strength, and also measured the strength of the Great Priest Gedal.

He felt that if the person in front of him competed with the High Priest Gedal, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.

And he went there alone again, surrounded by heavy encirclement, it was impossible for him to play any tricks.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "Well, I will take you there."

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