Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 892: I'm pretty sure I can kill you

There are thousands of people from all tribes.

They held torches high in their hands and shouted in different voices, like beasts contending.

If it's an ordinary person, it's really frightened by this battle.

But the world Lin Ye has seen is not what these people can imagine.

Not to mention these ordinary human beings, even the real corpse mountain and blood sea, he has experienced it.

His complexion didn't change at all, and he walked forward slowly.

Those wild beasts slowly separated a blood channel.

At the end of the passage, a person appeared.

I saw that this man was a black male with colorful oil on his face.

He was miniature and thin, and his face looked almost meatless.

Lin also saw this person, and recalled that this person was not someone else, but a real plague knight.

Originally, Apocalypse had four knights. Because of his arrival, he defeated the number of Plague Knights, so now this person who was originally the most capable of becoming a Plague Knight has a rebellious mind.

He came to these tribes, first demonstrated his powerful ability.

Then promised that he would bring light to these people.

Therefore, the people of these tribes decided to follow him and overthrow the pharaoh-that is, the rule of the apocalypse.

The high priest looked at Lin Yi with hostility in his eyes: "They said you were one of Pharaoh's four knights?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Plague Rider."

The high priest listened and sneered: "Plague Knight? It's ridiculous, what abilities do you have? Can you be worthy of the Plague Knight, one of the Pharaoh's Four Horsemen?"

Next to the high priest was an old man who was in his fifties-in this era, he was already a real old man in his fifties.

His temperament is completely different from other people.

It can be seen that he should be the leader of these populations.

He said to Lin Yi: "Since you are a plague knight, we do not welcome you here."

Lin Yi faced the hatred of everyone around him, the look down of the high priest, and the unwelcome of the high chief, he was not timid at all.

In his view, after experiencing strong winds and waves, these are just drizzle.

With a calm smile on his face, he said: "I know that you don't welcome me, and I never thought of making you welcome. Originally I just wanted to talk to you about the truce, but you had to let me show force. Press In our hometown's words, it's cheap. That's no way, I can only show it."

Before the words fell, flames suddenly burned up on him.

In the burning of this flame, he became a skeleton form.


"too frightening!"

"What is this—"

The people around had never seen such a scene before, and they hurried back one by one.

Even the people who had seen Lin Yi transform before, when they saw Lin Yi transform again, they couldn't help backing out again.

The big leader was protected by more than a dozen people in the center.

The high priest was also slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

But it was only slightly surprised.

After all, he is knowledgeable and knows that the ability of mutants is not determined by the terrifying degree of appearance.

For example, Death Knight, she can't change into anything, and if it weren't for the scars drawn on her face, she would have been very beautiful.

But her strength is much stronger than the strength of the other knights.

Therefore, after the high priest was surprised, he set his mind.

The next moment, the flesh on his body, like sand, began to slide down.

In less than a moment, all his muscle tissues had turned into something like sand and fell to the ground.

Only one skeleton remains.

It was almost the same form as Lin Yi, except that there was no flame on his body.

"In this world, you are not the only one who will become a skeleton."

The high priest's bone chin lifted and lowered, and he even said something.

"Yes, I am not the only one."

Lin Yidao: "However, I am the strongest!"


In this way, everyone present felt that the picture was extremely strange.

Two skeletons standing there talking, isn't this scene weird enough?

When the high priest heard Lin Yi said that he was the strongest, he burst out laughing: "The strongest is not spoken out, but made out."

With that, his skeleton clenched his fist in his right hand and blasted towards Lin Yi.

Under the skeleton form, his speed and strength have been greatly improved.

When his skeletal fist blasted towards Lin Yi fiercely, it made a sharp piercing sound.

Lin Yi flashed around, avoiding the skeleton fist.

The skeleton fist banged on a boulder behind Lin Yi.


The huge boulder that was as high as a person was hit by a big hole with his skeleton fist.

Around the big hole, cracks like cobwebs appeared.

But also because of the power of this punch, his skeleton fist was smashed.

The high priest shook his head and cursed: "What's so special, why is it getting more and more crisp?"

Then he looked at Lin Yi and said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter."

Before he finished his words, he saw his broken skeleton hand, turning into powder, flying towards his broken arm. On the broken arm, it quickly condensed into a new skeleton arm.

In this magical scene, the people around you are all The high priest laughed twice and said, "Hey, I didn't expect it? In the skeleton state, my bones were broken. , It can also be reorganized to form new bones. In other words, in this state, I can't kill at all. Can you?"

When the people around met, they all secretly said in their hearts: The high priest is really amazing. In this state, he can't be beaten to death at all. Who can beat him? Even if the war knight came in person, there was nothing to do with him.

However, Lin Yi not only didn't panic at all, but smiled and said, "May I leave it alone for the time being and I can't beat you to death? I'm pretty sure - I can!"


The high priest seemed to have heard the funniest joke: "Don't say it's you, even if the death knight comes in person, they won't be able to kill me. Why do you swear?"

With that, he attacked Lin Yi again.

But although his speed is fast, Lin Yi looks like it is slow.

Lin Yi easily avoided the skeleton's foot he kicked over, and then peeked with the flame's right hand, and then grabbed the high priest's skeleton leg.

At this moment, the high priest who was smiling suddenly screamed.


This scream sounded more miserable than the wailing of any beast.

The crowd looked at the high priest in shock.

The flames on Lin Yi's body spread all over his skeleton legs.

And this flame was spreading towards his whole body at a very fast speed.


[In preparing a new book, I have been busy lately, so in the following days, it will be updated twice a day. It is estimated that this book will be over by the end of the month. Uploaded new books at that time. 】

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