Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 897: Reincarnation (middle)

On this day, Tianqi ushered in a very important day, the day of reincarnation.

And this day was also a very important day for the Egyptian dynasty.

Lin also knew that when Apocalypse was reincarnated, several slaves would rebel and destroy the pyramid at the crucial moment of his reincarnation.

The apocalypse will be buried in this pyramid.

And this burial is five thousand years.

It's just that Lin is also a little worried, will the appearance of himself cause any changes in the process?

This day, noon.

The sun is scorching the earth without life, and oil can be expelled from the ground.

According to Lin also estimated that the temperature is at least around 40.

However, almost all the people nearby did not hide in the house, but all came under the pyramid.

The pyramid has just been completed and it looks so magnificent and so spectacular.

It is not excessive to call it a miracle of the world.

People are under the pyramid, standing on both sides of the road.

There were more than 30,000 people standing on both sides of the road, but they were so quiet that they could even hear their breathing.

More than 3,000 soldiers on both sides, holding spears, also stood silently.

Lin also stood under the pyramid, feeling a little excited.

Of course, his excitement is because the apocalypse is about to be buried today.

After waiting for more than an hour, a huge team finally walked in the distance.

This team seems to have more than a thousand people.

At the very center of the line is a huge sedan chair carried by more than twenty people.

This huge sedan chair is extremely luxuriously decorated.

Sitting inside is the apocalypse wearing a mask made of pure gold.

At this time, Lin Yi raised his right hand.

The 30,000 people on both sides of the road, as well as the 3,000 soldiers, said in unison: "En*Saba*Nur...En*Saba*Nur...En*Saba*Nur..."

Tens of thousands of people shouted the name of Tianqi in unison. This scene seemed so spectacular.

Only such a spectacular scene is worthy of this spectacular pyramid.

Here is an explanation, why those people dare to call the name of Tianqi.

According to the law originally enacted by Apocalypse, these untouchables are not allowed to call the name of the pharaoh.

But Lin also later suggested to Tianqi that this law should be cancelled.

With Lin Yi's three-inch tongue, Tianqi really cancelled this law.

Lin also didn't understand why Tianqi spoiled himself so much.

It stands to reason that with Tianqi's cold and strange personality and temperament, it is impossible to spoil a person so much.

What the **** was this Apocalypse?

And there is another point that makes Lin Yi feel uneasy.

Tianqi's reincarnation is actually to transfer his own consciousness into the body of another mutant.

He possessed the mutant's body and at the same time possessed the mutant's abilities.

But until today, until now, is about to be reincarnated, Lin Yi didn't even know who that mutant was.

Not only Lin Yi, except Tianqi himself, everyone else didn't even know who this mutant was.

Lin Yi was standing at the entrance of the pyramid at this time, seeing the apocalypse slowly coming here carried by more than two dozen people, and he felt a little nervous.

According to the plot of the movie, it should be possible to bury Apocalypse under the pyramid today and let him come out after five thousand years.

But my arrival has changed a lot of things, and I don't know what the situation will be today.

Tianqi came to the entrance of the pyramid and got down from the giant sedan chair carried by more than twenty people. He glanced around at the tsunami slaves and soldiers around him. He nodded to Lin Yi and smiled and said: "Your arrangement is very Not bad."

Lin Yi said, "Today is an important day for Pharaoh, of course we should not be careless."

The Apocalypse nodded again, and said admiringly: "Among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, although your Plague Knight is the youngest and the latest, you are not the strongest. But you are the smartest among the four. The ones with the strongest abilities are also the ones I admire the most."

"Thank Pharaoh for the praise."

Lin also replied.

Tianqi said again: "After I reincarnated, there will be a gift for you."

Lin Yixi said, "Thank you Pharaoh."

The famine knight next to him had an invisible jealousy passing across his eyes.

The war knight behaved more clearly and said directly: "Pharaoh, you can't favor one another."

It was the death knight who encouraged Lin Yi and said, "If Pharaoh boasted that it was someone else, I am afraid I would be a little jealous. But if it was you, I would be happy for you."

Speaking of implementation, this death knight has always taken care of Lin Yi.

Tianqi said: "Time is running out, you four, follow me in."

Lin Yi and the other three knights followed the Apocalypse into the pyramid.

Entering the pyramid with them, there are more than a hundred craftsmen who were originally responsible for designing the pyramid.

In fact, Lin Yi had colluded with those craftsmen before and designed an extremely ingenious mechanism.

This pyramid looks extremely stable, but in fact, as long as you take a hammer and strike it with a little force, the entire pyramid will collapse.

A craftsman, holding a hammer in his hand, had already waited for the ventilation hole on the half waist of the pyramid ~ and several other craftsmen followed the Apocalypse and entered the center of the pyramid.

Lin Yi had negotiated with them before, and as long as he gave a signal with his hand, one of them would sneak out and signal the craftsman on the vent.

In the center of the pyramid, there are two rectangular stone platforms.

Lin also knew that Tianqi would lie on one of the stone platforms when he was reincarnated.

The other stone platform is reserved for the mutant.

It's just that I haven't seen that mutant yet, which inevitably makes Lin Yi a little suspicious.

Tianqi said to Lin Yi and the other four: "When I am reincarnated, you have to guard me around. No matter what happens, you must never disturb me."


Lin also responded with the other three knights.

Seeing that the time was almost noon, less than two minutes at most, it should be the time to reincarnate, but the mutant who was reincarnated was still missing.

Lin Yi and the three knights were very confused.

But Apocalypse was not in a hurry.

Lin Yi felt that something was wrong, and asked, "Pharaoh, the body you want to occupy has not been found?"

Pharaoh smiled coldly, looked at Lin Yi, and said, "I found it ten years ago."

Lin Yi had already thought of something and asked, "Then I... why haven't I seen it?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tianqi's eyes became white again.

And Lin also seemed to be caught by an invisible force, making him immobile.

Then, he was moved to another stone platform by that invisible force.

A lot of tiny tentacles grew on the stone platform, grabbing Lin Yi firmly.

Tianqi's cold smile spread: "Now you understand?"

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