Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 902: Save one life

Although Magneto’s wife and daughter begged hard, the policemen still wanted to take Magneto away "without hesitation".

Nina once asked Magneto: "I have a father, where did your father go?"

Magneto replied: "When I was very young, my father was taken away by others and never came back."

Now that Nina saw that her father was going to be taken away, she was afraid that her father would never come back.

She kept crying and shaking her head.

It was under this kind of stimulation that her mutant ability was stimulated.

That's right, Nina is also a small mutant.

Her mutant ability is to be able to communicate with birds and beasts.

At this time, because her father was going to be taken away, coupled with the power of mutants in her body, her small body and mind could not bear it.

She screamed in surprise: "Ah——————"

In her scream, the birds in the woods also flew around in horror.

Hundreds of birds fluttered in a panic in the woods, which made the policemen frightened and raised their crossbow arrows at the birds.

Magneto’s wife saw her daughter screaming like this, she rushed to her daughter’s side, held her in her arms, and kept comforting: "Nina, it’s okay, mom is here, there is a mom..."

At this time a bird rushed towards a policeman.

The policeman was thrown to the ground.

And the crossbow arrow in his hand was also unconsciously excited, and it happened to fly in the direction of Magneto's wife and daughter.


With two soft sounds, the crossbow arrows actually penetrated Magneto's wife and daughter at the same time.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Originally they just wanted to catch Magneto, but no one thought that such a result would happen.

Magneto broke away from the police's hands forcibly and rushed in front of his wife and daughter.

Especially watching his five-year-old daughter die in front of him like this, he was so painful that he couldn't make a sound.

His hands were handcuffed, and he could not even hold his wife and daughter in his arms.

"Do not------"

He looked up to the sky and roared, his voice was full of endless pain and anger.

"I just want to be an ordinary person, but you have to force me to become Magneto. You succeeded!"

Magneto roared, his mind moved.

I saw a small necklace on my daughter's neck, flying towards the policemen.


I saw the necklace constantly shuttled among the policemen, extremely fast.

In just a few seconds, the necklace flew back to Magneto.

At this time, the necklace was stained with bright red blood.

A blood hole appeared on the foreheads of the twenty-odd policemen.

Subsequently, the bodies of these policemen fell to the ground one after another.

Holding the necklace in his hand, Magneto was too painful to control himself.

But if you kill these people, you can't solve the hatred in your heart.

They saved the worker themselves, but they repaid themselves like this.

Then I didn't do it myself, and I just slaughtered the entire steelmaking plant!

Thinking of this, Magneto stood up stiffly, and walked away.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that Lin Yi did not know when he had already appeared in front of him.

Magneto was full of anger at this time, and he ignored Lin Yi at all and wanted to bypass him.

Lin Yi moved a step and stood in front of him.

The muscles on Magneto's face twitched, and he said viciously, "Get out of the way!"

Lin also naturally knew what he was going to do. He said, "Kill them, and you won't be able to make your wife and daughter come alive."

"At least I can vent the anger in my heart!"

Magneto almost roared.

"But the anger is over? Your wife and daughter still can't survive."

Lin Yi said.

"Nothing to do with you!"

Magneto roared.

Lin Yi shook his head and smiled lightly.

Then walked towards the body of Magneto's wife and daughter.

Magneto naturally cannot let a stranger touch the body of his wife and daughter casually.

"What are you doing?!"

Magneto roared, while releasing his right hand, the **** necklace in his hand was already floating.

Lin Yi ignored him at all, already came to the side of the body and squatted down.

Magneto stretched out his hand, and the necklace in his hand flew straight towards Lin Yi.

However, when the necklace flew halfway, it stopped suddenly.

The next moment, at a very fast speed, flew towards the Magneto King.

Magneto tried to control the necklace.

But this necklace didn't listen to his orders at all.

In a hurry, he flashed around and avoided the necklace.

The necklace flew past him, directly piercing the half-meter-diameter tree behind him.

Then he pierced five trees in a row, and after going around in the air, he flew back to Lin Yi and slowly revolved around Lin Yi.

It seemed to be guarding Lin Yi.

Magneto looked at all this in shock.

Could it be that this person's ability to manipulate metals is stronger than himself?

In fact, Lin Yi didn't manipulate metal, but used the technique of returning ten thousand swords.

After five thousand years of practice, his ten thousand swords have been returned to the sect and he has reached the realm of Dzogchen.

Controlling 10,000 swords is already easy.

Controlling a necklace with the technique of controlling 10,000 swords is like playing for him.

Then, Lin Yi stretched out his right hand.

I saw his right hand, a layer of blue flame began to burn.

The blue flame quickly burned the skin on his hands clean.

After five thousand years of practice, his use of angel fire has already reached the state of transformation.

Now he doesn't need to become a skeleton state all over.

But I want to change wherever I want.

Then, his right hand with blue flames gently held Nina's right hand.

When Magneto saw this scene, he hurriedly shouted: "Go away! Don't touch my daughter!"

But he was just yelling, after all, he had nothing to do with Lin.

The blue flame on Lin Yi's right hand spread from Nina's hand to her arms, body, and head.

Then it spread from Nina to Magneto's wife.

After a while, Lin Yi left Nina's right hand.

The blue flames on their mother and daughter went out.

As the blue flame went out, a magical scene happened.

I saw Nina's wife and daughter, the arrow wounds on their bodies healed extremely quickly.

After just a few breaths, they opened their eyes.

Nina saw Magneto not far away and exclaimed in surprise: "Dad, Dad..."

When Magneto saw this, he also cried out in surprise: "Nina..."

Speaking quickly ran towards Nina, and the father and daughter hugged.

Magneto kissed Nina on the face several times, and at the same time he hugged the wife next to him: "Great, great, thank God! Thank God!"

Having said that, I turned around and looked at Lin Yi: "No, I should thank you, our whole family should thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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