Infinite Killing Evolution

: Nine hundred and five angels

Lin Yi, Magneto's family, and Storm Girl took the plane to Berlin.

On the plane, Lin Yi explained to Storm Girl what they were going to do.

The Storm Girl readily agreed.

"It's really exciting to deal with such a big villain boss. But with my current strength, I'm afraid it won't work?"

The Storm Girl said.

Lin Yidao: "Don't worry, since Tianqi wants you to be his four knights, he will strengthen each of you."

The Storm Girl said: "He has strengthened our strength, but we have used it to deal with him. If he knows it, I'm afraid he will die."


After they arrived in Berlin, Lin Yi gave out a wad of euros to everyone, and said: "Everyone takes some."

Magneto smiled and said: "Not only is a rich man, but every country's currency can be taken out at hand."

Just kidding, after all, Lin Yi is a man who has lived for thousands of years, let alone the current currency, it is the ancient currency, he can easily take out a lot of it.

The third person they were looking for was called an angel.

This person is now in a fight club in Berlin.

There are not many fight clubs in Berlin, just a few.

Lin also used creature tracking skills to cover a radius of 50 kilometers, and soon found the angel.

People at this time are very afraid of mutants and will be hostile.

Ordinary people will always hide away when they meet mutants.

But this club welcomes mutants very much.

They paid high prices to invite some mutants to fight.

Although those audiences are afraid of and hate mutants, they are full of curiosity about them.

Let them be the audience watching mutants fight, they are very happy.

Therefore, the fights of this fighting club are always full.

When Lin Yi came to the periphery of this fight club, he used biological tracking to probe.

It was discovered that the angel was waving his wings at this time, killing an ordinary human boxer.

Ever since, next they found another mutant: the blue devil.

This blue devil is actually the devil of Asazo, the child of a suspected devil.

He is blue all over, with a long demon-like tail, and his whole appearance looks like a devil.

But his heart is very kind, even a little timid.

He was originally performing in the circus, but was sold to the fight club by the circus at a high price.

He was originally able to escape, but because he knew nothing about the outside world, he was full of fear for the outside world, so he did not escape.

Today is his first time to participate in a fight.

The club is also very scheming, after the Angels won more than ten games in a row, he was taken out.

At this time, he and the angel were locked in a huge iron cage.

The walls, top and bottom of the iron cage are all energized with high voltage.

If they try to escape, or if they are not fighting fiercely, the club will shock them.

At this moment, the angel stood on the beam in the cage, waving his huge angel wings, and shouting to the blue devil: "Come on! Kill me, or be killed by me!"

The surrounding audience shouted excitedly: "Hit!"


"Soft egg, refund if you don't get it again!"


But the blue devil is timid and kind by nature, and he doesn't want to fight with people at all.

The angel provokes him from time to time, but he just avoids and does not directly challenge him.

Seeing this, the club could only use electric shocks, and both of them were electrocuted on the ground, shaking constantly.

After a while, the angel roared: "Come and attack, otherwise, we will all die!"

The blue devil still did not dare to attack.

The angel didn't care if he didn't fight back, and attacked him with all his strength.

The blue devil can teleport, and he wants to teleport out several times.

But his teleportation always hits the power grid next to him and is powered back.

In desperation, he could only use teleport, teleporting in a small area in the cage, avoiding the angel's attack.

At the same time, outside the cage, the magic girl has also been found.

She was here to find her son, the Blue Devil.

According to the plot of the movie, she will take the blue devil and leave to find Professor X.

But because of Lin Yi's appearance, many things have changed.

Lin Yi teleported and appeared in the cage.

Another teleport, with the blue devil and angel, appeared together in an alley outside Berlin.

This time, the speed was extremely fast.

It's so fast that human eyes can't catch it.

The angel hurriedly looked at his whole body and didn't suffer any harm.

Looking at Lin Yi next to him, he asked, "You... brought me out?"

The Blue Devil couldn't be more familiar with this feeling of teleportation.

But the thing that puzzled him the most was: "How is it possible? There is a power grid, how can you teleport?"

"Many times, many things are far beyond your imagination."

Lin Yi said.

In fact, the blue devil's teleportation is completely different from Lin Yi's.

The blue devil appears to be teleporting, but in fact it just transforms itself into a molecular state, and then moves in a certain direction at a very fast speed and then reconverges.

So when he touched the grid, he couldn't pass.

Lin Yi uses the technology of microwormhole transportation to move from one place to another in an instant, which is a real instant movement.

Not to mention the power grid, even if there is a thick electric wall in front of him, he can still teleport over.

Then, Lin Yi disappeared again.

In less than a second, it appeared again.

This time he appeared with a devilish girl.

The witch's reaction is extremely quick.

The moment she appeared, she turned around and kicked Lin Yi.

This action is so fast that most people can't see clearly.

But in the eyes of Lin Yi, a Level 22 Evolver, this action is completely slow motion.

He easily avoided the blow of the Devil Girl while grabbing her ankle.

The magical woman was surprised: "Who are you?!"

Magneto next to him spoke at this moment: "Riwen."

After hearing this, the magician turned her head to look at Magneto: "Eric!"

The two of them had some friendship before.

And the magician girl got some information and knew that someone was going to take action on Magneto, so now she was looking for Magneto.

"Eric, I'm going to look for you. Stryker has a plan to transform mutants. He has to deal with many mutants, including you. So you must be careful with him."

The Stryker mentioned here is the Major Stark in "Wolverine".

He spent almost all his life's energy on studying the X weapon.

Wolverine is the product of his mutant transformation plan.

Magneto shook his head and said: "Stark is not the biggest threat right now. Our entire world will face the biggest enemy, Apocalypse."

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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