Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 907: X Academy

Lingdie didn't know Lin Yi, but when she saw Magneto, she was surprised and said "You are"

"Yes, I was the one who assassinated the president."

Magneto replied with a smile.

Lin Yi said, "Time is pressing, let's go in first."

Although Lingdie was a little reluctant, she knew that in the face of this young man's powerful strength, she was impossible to resist.

So along with everyone, I entered X Academy.

Professor x is giving a lecture to the students. At this time, he saw so many people coming, and among them were his old friends Magneto and Magi.

He immediately disbanded the students, and then happily said, "Eric, Ruiwen hasn't seen you in a long time."

Magneto walked over and hugged Professor X tightly.

Back then, they were also brothers who fought together.

Ruiwen has been with Professor X since she was seven or eight years old, and then separated only because she insisted on something different.

Now that the three meet and the old friends meet again, it is natural to be sensational.

Afterwards, Professor X asked Magneto Wang and Ruiwen "Introduce the few you brought back."

Although he can easily enter other people's thoughts, he generally does not use this superpower easily because of his insistence.

Magneto shook his head and said, "In fact, we didn't bring them here, he brought us here."

He pointed to Lin Yi.

Professor X looked at Lin Yi, somewhat surprised.

He had never seen this young man before.

Wait, this young man's eyes are full of vicissitudes, and he doesn't look like a young man under twenty years old at all.

Magneto smiled, "You guessed it, Charles. He is not as young as he looks. He has existed since the first dynasty of ancient Egypt."

Charles heard this and was shocked, "So he is at least 5000 years old"

Several other people listened and looked at Lin Yi in shock.

The witch shook her head, "Is it impossible?"

Lingdie guessed in his heart that with his strength, that he was 5000 years old, maybe it was really possible.

Professor X said, "Mr. 5000, first of all thank you for bringing my old friends back, so that we have the possibility of reunion; secondly, you brought them and brought so many mutants, there must be something big."

Lin Yi nodded, and then said, "In Egypt, a mutant with a lifespan of more than 5,000 years is about to appear. His appearance will bring disaster to the world."

Then, Lin Yi recounted the apocalyptic things that had been said several times.

Finally, he said, "When he appears, no one of us can compete with him. So I will find his four knights first, let them lurking by his side, and wait until the critical moment, then we will fight back. The odds of winning will be greatly enhanced. But he also has mind-reading skills, so I want you to erase the memories of these knights first. When that critical moment appears, I will return the memories to the four of them."

It was the first time that Lingdie heard Lin Yi say this, and it felt like she was listening to the heavenly book.

Professor X was also surprised when he heard that, he asked Magneto next to him "Do you believe him"

Magneto smiled and nodded, "You once said that people must trust each other."

It was also the first time Ruiwen heard these words from Lin Yi, she looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

When Magneto also believed it, she was even more disbelief.

Unexpectedly, this kind of story that sounds like a nonsense would be believed by Magneto.

She glanced at Professor X without a trace.

Professor X naturally understood what she meant, and immediately used mind reading techniques to read Lin Yi's thoughts.

However, after trying several times, he found that the mind-reading skills of Bailing in the past were useless in front of Lin Yi.

This made him even more surprised.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "No need to try, no one can read my thoughts. Charles, please trust me."

Professor X stared at Lin Yi.

Since he couldn't use mind reading to tell whether what Lin Yi said was true or false, he wanted to see it from Lin Yi's eyes.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows of the soul.

What a person says is true or false, and it can often be seen in the eyes.

However, he was disappointed again.

From Lin Yi's eyes, all he could see was the vicissitudes of life and the indifference of seeing through the world.

Apart from that, he could not see anything.

The magician said at this time, "Charles, do you remember Mora?"

Mora is a CIA agent.

More than ten years ago, I fought side by side with the X-Men, and even had a leg with Professor X. Well, to be precise, he had a half leg. Because they just admired each other and didn't really get together.

Together, they prevented the missile crisis in Cuba.

But later, for the safety of the X-Men, Professor X erased Mora's memory of the X-Men.

Now Mora, because he has lost a part of his memory, sometimes seems to be inadequate, so he has been regarded as a marginalist by the CIA, responsible for some sorting of materials.

Of course, she is not at peace, still privately investigating some clues that she thinks are valuable.

For example, recently, she had just returned from Egypt, where she found something very important.

Professor X listened to the words of the witch and said, "Of course I remember, how could I forget"

The witch said, "She just came back from Egypt, and it seems to have discovered something very important at the pyramid ruins. But her boss does not intend to pay attention to her. Maybe we can ask her."

Magneto said, "Good idea."

However, Lin Yi stopped saying, "You better not go to her."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

What the devil said was true, and what Mora discovered was probably about the apocalypse.

Doesn't this just prove that what Lin Yi said is the truth?

Why he wants to stop them now

Doesn't this mean that he is afraid of falsehoods being exposed

Magneto said to Lin Yi, "I believe what you said, but you are indeed too bizarre. To prove that you are telling the truth, you must first find Mora."

Lin Yi said, "I know all of this. But in the near future, X Academy will face a very serious crisis. If you go to Mora, then I am afraid that the entire X Academy will not be able to keep it. Also, they will be erased. Remember, it’s best to hurry up. Because Apocalypse will wake up soon."

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Magneto said to Charles, "Charles, what are you waiting for you to erase our memory and return it to us at that time? What are you hesitating?"

Professor x looked at the witch.

I saw the devil girl nodded towards him after hesitating for a moment.

Professor X thought for a while, and finally nodded "Okay."

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