Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 921: Promoted to Level 23

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Na Shalu Xingren repeated the old tricks, and they wanted to draw Lin Yi out in this way.

Seeing this, Lin also frowned.

Ten minutes later, their phones turned on again.

On the screen, the live broadcast picture appeared.

A whole hundred Chinese people, all turned into corpses under the wave of the Sharu star's right hand.

In this scene, all Huaxia people felt a tremor in their hearts.

Lin also saw this scene, and his heart was furious.

The Shalu star said with a sneer: "Lin Yi, are you just watching so many compatriots die? As their hero, it turns out that you can't save yourself like this? Ridiculous."

Seeing this, Lin also stood up.

However, Shui Ruobing held his shoulders and said, "Lin Yi, calm down. Even if you want to fight, you have to wait for the wound to recover? You are going to die now. And after you die, No one can protect these people anymore."

Brother A in Lin Yi said, "Wait another half an hour."

Lin Yi frowned tightly.

Wait another half an hour, that means there are three hundred people who will die because of themselves.

I was in this half an hour, but I could only wait here.

This is not his character.

However, not only is he in control of his body at this time, but also Brother A and the Black Phoenix who is eager to control his body.

He wanted to move, but those two didn't let him move, and he couldn't move either.

Lin Yi could only say: "Then hurry up!"

With that said, Lin Yi, together with Brother A, once again launched a fierce attack on the power of the Phoenix.

Ten minutes later, another 100 people were killed.

Shui Ruobing took the phone to one side this time, and didn't let Lin Yi see it. Although Lin Yi knew that these 100 people were going to be killed, it would be better not to let him see them than to let him watch these 100 people be killed, right?

At the same time, in Lin Yi's parents' villa.

Parents and Zuo Yiran looked at the scene on the screen, and they all panicked.

This hateful alien is about to force Lin Yi to die again.

How to do?

With Lin Yi's character, I am afraid he will definitely go.

But in front of that powerful alien, Lin Yi is probably not an opponent at all.


Ten minutes later, another 100 people were killed.

Lin Yi's anger has reached its peak.

This Sharu Xingren, even if he died a hundred times and 10,000 times, is not enough.

For scum like this, it is time to smash them into thousands of pieces and throw them into eighteen layers of hell, so that they will never be overborn.

At this moment, with the last two minutes left, the scum will kill again.

100 Chinese people have been taken over.

One by one, they trembled, making every day to be unwilling and making the earth unworkable.

They didn't recruit anyone or provoke anyone, but they would suffer such a fate.

They feel wronged, they are unwilling.

But no matter how wronged or unwilling, it is useless.

If Lin did not show up, they would still have to die.

The Sharu star looked at them and sneered: "If you are to blame, blame Lin Yi. If he doesn't come out, you will all have to die. Therefore, I advise you to pray for Lin Yi to appear right away."

"No... I don't want to die..."

A teenage boy cried.

"Don't want to die? Of course I know you don't want to die. But in this universe, the weak eat the strong. Your earth is too weak and you should be eliminated. Understand?"

The child was so frightened by his appearance that he did not dare to speak any more.

The adults also retreated to the corner, not daring to say a word.

Two more minutes passed.

The Shalu star looked at the time and said coldly, "I'm sorry, the time has come again. Blame it, blame Lin Yi for not showing up yet."

As he said, his right hand suddenly waved to those people.

"Do not----"

The people shouted in horror and backed away.

But this will not help at all.

In front of the powerful Shaluxing people, they were like weak ants, and there was no room for resistance.

Let alone resist, they don't even want to escape.

Seeing that Sharu star’s claws were about to wave a burst of energy, suddenly, bang——

With a muffled sound, the Sharu Xingren seemed to be hit by a high-speed train, and the whole person flew out to the left at a very fast speed.

At the same time, a figure stopped in front of everyone.

I saw this man in gray jeans, black leather clothes and a hood.

Under the hood, there was endless coldness on that face.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being surprised: "Lin Yi!"

"It's Lin Yi!"

"Great, Lin Yi is here, we are saved!"

Lin Yi looked at the flesh and blood in that place-these were left by the hundreds of people who were killed before.

The cold killing intent on his face added a bit more.

The Nasharu star flew straight out one kilometer away before falling to the ground.

When he stopped, his face was already sunken in, and blood spewed out like spring water.

But soon, his face recovered at an extremely fast speed.

In less than a few seconds, it has completely recovered, as if the previous thing had never happened.

The next moment, the Nasharu star made a vertical leap and jumped over a distance of one kilometer, and came to Lin Yi fifty meters away.

He looked at Lin Yi up and down, and laughed, "Lin Yi, you are finally willing to show It seems that the hundreds of people just now did not die in vain."

Lin Yi slowly raised his head, his eyes hidden from the cover of his hood.

But you can feel the coldness in his eyes.

The hundreds of people, as well as the jigsaw, all died because of this Sharu star.

This Shalu star doesn't treat the earth people as human beings at all, but regards the earth people as prey in their captivity.

Think of the earth as a trial ground for their Saruxing fighters.

Today, he is about to make this Sharu star pay the price!

At the same time, at the headquarters of Datonghui.

Zhang Xiaocui was very surprised when he saw Lin Ye appear again.

You know, in the previous battle, Lin Yi almost completely lost his combat effectiveness.

It's only a few days now, and this guy is alive again.

This guy is simply Xiaoqiang who can't be killed.

However, Zhang Xiaocui was relieved immediately.

This time, the guy couldn't escape anymore.

In front of that Sharu Xingren, no matter how powerful the Earthlings were, they were not able to withstand a single blow.

The Shalu star was also quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, he was dying two days ago, and in a blink of an eye, he was alive and kicking again.

This is really surprising.

In the eyes of the Nasharu star, this was definitely the self-healing ability that Scarlet Lightning brought to Lin Yi.

So, in any case, I have to kill this kid and **** Scarlet Lightning!

Thinking of Scarlet Lightning, he remembered that even after killing the fake Lin Yi last time, Scarlet Lightning appeared.

After I went back, I fiddled with it for several days, only to find that the blood-colored lightning was actually fake.

This made him angry.

Today, Lin Yi in front of him has obviously become his punching bag.

He wants to cast all his anger on Lin Yi.

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