Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 923: 50% strength

The Nasharu star was surprised, while Zhang Xiaocui was even more surprised.

Before that, she was still full of joy, feeling that when the Sharu star came out, Lin would be beaten and killed every minute.

Didn't Lin Yi get hanged last time?

Unexpectedly, this time Lin Yi actually had a fight with Nasharu Xingren.

She looked at Lin Yi in the picture, feeling extremely hard.

How did Lin Yi do it?

In her opinion, this Sharu Star is the existence of the highest strength in the world at present, and no one can survive his attack for three seconds.

Not even Lin.

But now, Lin Yi has been carrying it for almost a minute, and it doesn't seem like he is left behind.

This guy is simply a freak.


At the same time, people all over the world are pleasantly surprised.

In order to completely dispel the idea of ​​human resistance all over the world, the Nasharu Stars basically broadcasted the battle this time.

He wants to torture Lin Yi in front of humans all over the world.

Let the other human beings in the world no longer dare to raise the idea of ​​half resistance.

But I didn't expect that the scene of making Lin Yi stronger would be seen by the whole world.


A middle-aged fat man slammed his fat fist.

"The evil spirit knight deserves to be the evil spirit knight, too strong!"

The tone of the other young man with a beard was also full of joy.

"This alien is stupid, do you think that our earth is really no one? The ghost rider find out."

"This silly alien, let you see the power of the evil spirit knight!"

"This alien monster is dead this time!"

Shui Ruobing was also delighted to see this scene from his mobile phone.

Lin Yi really became stronger.

And it becomes very strong!

Zuo Yiran and Lin Yi's parents were also relieved when they saw this scene.

Before, they were worried that if the alien was so strong, Lin also went there, maybe he was going to die.

But now it seems that Lin Yi really has a fight against this alien.

At the same time, there are not many people in the world who watch the live broadcast.

Among them is Qianjiang Hanyue.

Her real name is Zhang Caixia.

At this time, she didn't stay in the safe zone like everyone else, but followed a team of twenty evolvers in the wild.

In the Shanghai city safety zone, some evolutionists believe that it is not safe to just stay in the safety zone.

Those infected creatures seem to have become stronger and stronger.

If this continues, sooner or later, these infected creatures will break through the walls and rush into the safe zone.

At that time the safe area will become a slaughterhouse.

So if you want to be safe, you must first improve your strength.

The fastest way to improve strength is to fight under high pressure. That is to fight in the wild.

So every few days, there will be a team of evolutionaries in the safe zone of Shanghai city, entering the wild zone.

This will not only improve their strength, but also kill some infected creatures.

Kill two birds with one stone.

And now in this team, the girl Qianjiang Hanyue also followed.

Although she is only a level 1 evolutionary, she has never been brave.

And he's an optimist, always thinking that everything will pass.

At this time, she followed these people and killed more than 20 zombies.

She looked disapproving and said, "Actually, there is no difference between killing zombies and brushing wild monsters when spraying pesticides."

Everyone laughed.

After Hanyue finished speaking, she turned and walked behind a wall.

"Han Yue, what are you going to do? There are zombies everywhere, which is very dangerous."

The captain of this team said.

Han Yue's face was pale, but she looked unconvinced: "I'm going to hush, do I have to report to you?"

The captain smiled awkwardly and said, "No, no need."


Hanyue snorted and turned and walked behind the wall.


As soon as she got behind the wall, her mouth sprayed out like a waterfall.

Even the bile was almost gushing out.

It wasn't until more than a minute later that she wiped her mouth and said, "It's not so disgusting to brush wild monsters. In other words, there is really a big difference between watching others kill zombies and killing zombies yourself."

"Han Yue..."

The captain on the other side of the wall was already worried about Hanyue.

"Can't die."

Hanyue cried.

"Can you hurry up?"

Said the captain.

"How can women's affairs be so easy to solve?"


Moreover, the Nasharu star saw that the sharp claws could not subdue Lin Yi, and immediately condensed a sharp blade.

This sharp blade is arc-shaped, more than three meters long, and it waves with a whistling sound.

He brandished a sharp blade and slashed at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also condensed a sharp edge and stood up.


There was a harsh sound, and a string of sparks rose.

The immense strength pressed Lin Yi directly on the ground with his right knee.


When he knelt on the ground, a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters came out from the ground.

A shock wave spread directly out of a radius of 100 meters.

Lin Yi's heart shuddered.

This Sharu Xingren was not as strong as himself in physical strength, but far surpassed himself in speed and strength.

Before this thought in his mind had finished flashing, the Sharu star flew a and kicked Lin Yi in the chest.

Lin Yi quickly turned sideways.

Originally, this sideways could barely avoid the Nasharu Star.

But the Sharu star suddenly teleported and came behind Lin Yi.

And his kick kicked Lin Yi's back.

Even though Lin Yi had been prepared for this trick long ago, the Sharu Star was too fast, and he was still hit.


With a muffled sound, a shock wave spread from behind Lin Yi.

He was kicked by that huge force and flew directly out of kilometers.

However, the Sharu star didn't slow down because of this.

Before Lin Yi landed, he teleported again and came to Lin Yi's back.


With another kick, Lin Yi flew out again.

Before Lin Yi landed, he teleported once again, came to Lin Yi's back, took another kick, and kicked Lin Yi away.

So I saw such a scene.

An alien monster keeps teleporting, kicking an earthling, just like playing a person's football.

The Sharu star kicked more than 20 feet in a row, and finally stomped Lin Yi into the ground.

A large pit up to two meters deep was directly blasted from the ground.

After that, the sharp blade in the hands of the Sharu Xing was raised, and he said coldly: "Even if your body is strong, without speed, or power, it is just a walking target. Hmph, now, it's time to strike **** lightning. Up."

As he said, the sharp blade in his hand slashed towards Lin Yi fiercely.


With a bang, Lin Yi's body was directly split in half.

The Sharu star's eyes almost gleamed.

"Crimson Lightning, finally got it!"

He looked at Lin Yi's body with hope.

However, after waiting for more than two minutes, the **** lightning did not appear as he imagined.

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