Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 933: Zhang Xiaocui's panic

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Zhang Xiaocui looked at the screen, and her body trembled for the murderous man.

How could this man be so terrible?

He is not human at all.

He is god.

grim Reaper!

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohong walked in.

He saw that scene just now.

He sighed deeply and persuaded: "Xiao Cui, this is the end of the matter, let's spill the purifying agent. So maybe they will consider letting us go."

"No," Zhang Xiaocui shook her head, "I will not give up, I will never give up."

"You have been dreaming of ruling the world for a long time. It's time to wake up."

"No, this is not a dream, this is an ideal!"

"Well, even if it's ideal. But now there are such powerful people here. After a while, Lin Yi's body will recover. They will definitely come to us to settle accounts."

"Pick a few days? Don't worry, I will give them a surprise after some days."

Zhang Xiaocui didn't have the panic he had before, but said with a smile.


At the same time, in the Huaxia District, beside the huge palm print, Brother A stepped on the blood and minced meat all over the floor and came to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi slowly regained consciousness at this time.

When he saw Brother A, he squeezed out a smile with difficulty: "A...Brother A...that Sharu dead..."

Brother A said: "I can't detect his breath, it seems he should be dead. You did a good job."

"It's dead...just fine..."

Lin Yi let out a sigh of relief.

In the past few months, that Sharu Xing man, like a huge rock, has been pressing in his heart.

All he did was to kill the Nasharu star in the end.

Now that the Shalu star was finally dead, he felt that his whole person was much easier.

"You need rest."

After Brother A finished speaking, he grabbed Lin Yi with one hand.

Then he leaped and glide towards the Shanghai city safety zone.

When they came to the Shanghai city safety zone, the lights were already there.

Everyone knew that the Sharu Xing was dead.

Everyone also knew that it was Qianjiang Hanyue who finally ended the Sharu star.

Hanyue at this time was once again regarded as a hero to save the world.

Hanyue enjoys these too.

Although she failed to kill a wild monster, in the end the blind cat ran into a dead mouse and killed the biggest BOSS in the world.

Think about it, it's really cool.

It's like playing with pesticides, always dying and dying, more super ghost than super ghost.

At the end of her death, the opposite party didn't bother to talk to her anymore.

In the end, she took it all the way, taking away the crystal when everyone was not paying attention.

How can it be a cool word!

However, when Brother A brought Lin Yi into the city, everyone was stunned.

Afterwards, people all over the city burst into cheers like mountains and tsunami.

They all know that Hanyuezhi can finally end the big boss, this is the result of the previous hard work of A brother and Lin Yi.

And now, these two heroes are also back.

"Evil Knight, Evil Knight, Evil Knight..."

People in the whole city were shouting Lin Yi's name at the same time.

"Brother A, Brother A, Brother A..."

They are also calling A's name.

Brother A was taken aback.

In the game before, he has been feared by people.

Now that he is suddenly welcomed by so many people, he is really uncomfortable.

Lin also understood what Brother A felt. He said to Brother A with difficulty: "Slowly get used to it."

On the second day, Lin Yi used biological tracking to detect that Shui Ruobing had also arrived near the city of Shanghai, and he sent someone out to get Shui Ruobing back.

Shui Ruobing knew that Lin was fine at this time.

Although the Shanghai City Safety Zone is also controlled by the Datonghui, because of the strength of Brother A and the support of Lin Yi from the Shanghai city people, those Datonghui people dare not take Lin Yi.

They stopped in Shanghai for about five days.

At this time, Lin Yi's body had completely recovered, and they immediately went to Manhattan.

They will get the cleansing agent-or cleansing agent, and release it.

Brother A knew that Lin could easily handle these things, and he didn't need to do it.

But when he was in the game, he had always been in Manhattan.

I have been out for a long time now, and I want to go back and have a look.

Ever since, they spent more than a day, finally Manhattan.

When they came to the periphery of Manhattan, many high-tech weapons such as electromagnetic guns were mounted on the high walls.

But these weapons are useless to Lin Yi and them.

They use teleport directly to enter the city.

Then another teleportation came under the headquarters building of the Tatung Association.

Shui Ruobing saw the surrounding streets and shook his head and said, "Not quite right."

"what happened?"

Lin also asked.

"The last time we came, there were many people on the street. But this time there was not even one on the street."

Shui Ruobing replied.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Indeed. However, it's not that there is no one, but there is no ordinary person."

As soon as the voice fell, more than fifty little loli walked out of the gate of the headquarters of the Datonghui.

Every loli is a level 22 evolutionary.

Then, the street on the left, the street on the right, the street behind... In short, countless little loli walked out on every street.

Every loli is a level 22 evolutionary.

"That's it."

Brother A sneered.

Shui Ruobing shook his head and said, "Is Zhang Xiaocui crazy? He has created so many clones."

Lin also used biological tracking and found that in Manhattan, all the streets and alleys, Central Park, and Hudson Bridge were covered with these loli.

A loli will make people feel very cute;

Two loli, besides making people feel cute, there is also a hint of surprise;

And when thousands of loli all have one appearance, it makes people feel weird and scary.

In all the streets and alleys, those loli are like zombies in the doomsday movie, coming towards Lin Yi and the others.

Shui Ruobing was shocked and asked, "What should I do?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Brother A's mouth: "Leave it to me."

Before the words fell, a layer of blood red energy emerged above his body.

This energy converges at a very fast speed, and the more it converges.

In the end, it was like thick blood.

This thick blood looked extremely unstable, as if it was about to explode at any time.

When the nearest Lolita was less than ten meters away, Brother A suddenly roared: "Ah——————"

With his roar, the thick blood suddenly turned into thousands of thick blood vines.

This blood vine is like a very fast snake, quickly passing through the bodies of those loli.

Thousands of blood vines rushed through the streets of Manhattan.

And those little loli's bodies, after being penetrated by the blood vine, directly turned into flesh and blood.

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