Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 942: Origin of Scarlet Lightning

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The gaze of the creation **** fell on the surface of the blood-colored lightning armor.

When he saw the blood-red lightning flashing on the armor surface from time to time, he felt a little familiar.

"This thing seems to have been seen somewhere."

But if you have seen it, it is a long, long time ago—not hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years, but tens of billions of years ago.

So for a while, he would not remember where he had seen it, and what exactly was this thing.

"It's too long, I have to organize my memory slowly."

Said the creation god.

When he spoke, the scarlet lightning armor never stopped attacking.

And the faster the attack.

This Scarlet Lightning, in addition to its high burst, the main feature is its extremely high attack speed.

Under this attack speed, even if it is as powerful as the creator of the world, the speed is a little bit unable to keep up.

Seeing this, Ai Li said happily: "No, isn't this guy a creation god? How come my speed slows when I get **** lightning, and he can only be passively beaten? Is it his? Being passive is being beaten?"

Several others are also a little confused.

Logically speaking, the God of Creation would not be so weak.

Of course, now he is deliberately condensing into a physical form, and his body will withstand the attack. But even so, his ability is more than that, right?

This is not the level of the creation **** at all.

Wang Fan answered everyone’s doubts: “I understand a little bit about this. Strictly speaking, the universe was not created by the creation **** at the beginning. He was the earliest thing produced in the Big Bang. As time goes by, he Gradually gaining consciousness, his strength gradually became stronger. Then he began to create many planets and lives. Then he called himself a creation god.

In fact, during the Big Bang, three things were produced, called primitive creations.

One of them is the God of Creation.

The second primitive creation is **** lightning.

In theory, these three primitive creations all have the same powerful strength or ability.

It is difficult for any one of them to defeat the other.

Because every primitive creation is almost immortal.

Only when two primitive creations join forces can they barely defeat another primitive creation.

Among these three primitive creations, only the God of Creation has evolved consciousness over a long period of time and has been doing some things all the time.

The other two have no consciousness and can only become dead objects in people's hands.

Therefore, some creatures in the universe now only know the original creation God. For the other two, nothing is known. "

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

Especially Ai Li, he looked at Wang Fan in surprise: "It's really surprising that someone like you, who doesn't talk much, suddenly said such a long paragraph."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly, "Have you found the wrong point?"

Chi or Zehan smiled and said, "What I am curious about is what the third original creation is. The point is can it be eaten?"

Everyone glared at Chi Or, this guy really cared about eating all the time.

Sure enough, it lives up to the name of a foodie.

Lin Dong, who has been silent for a long time, said at this time: "As long as we find the third creation and combine with Scarlet Lightning, we can defeat Infinity."

Wang Fan nodded and said, "Yes. It's just that... I have been to many planes and time and space, but I still can't find the third primitive creation. Even now I don't know what the third primitive creation is. "

Ai Li said: "That's okay, don't we already have Scarlet Lightning? With this primitive creation, coupled with the armor of the Godslayer, even if you can't defeat Infinity, at least it will have the power to fight. So, work hard. Come on, Sao Nian. Come on, Com Ang Beibi, Gambad!"

So the five people controlled the huge armor and continued to blast towards the creation **** with one punch and one punch.

At this moment, Chuangshi Shen was still remembering what this thing was, a little distracted.

As a result, he was continuously hit by the left and right uppercuts of the armor of Godkiller.

Every time it hits, there will be a **** lightning hit the creation god.

When the creation **** was faced with a soul chain attack before, even though his body was consumed a lot, he did not panic, but at this time he was struck by these **** lightnings, but he was slightly afraid.

This jealousy did not come from the immediate attack, but from the fear deep in his soul.

This makes him feel a little ridiculous.

Are you afraid of such things?

Just kidding, I'm traveling in the universe, and there are more cosmic storms I've seen. How can I be afraid of these little lightnings?

However, even though he said that, he became more and more jealous in his heart as these lightning flashed through his body.

This made him a little angry again.

Looking at the armor that was much smaller than his own, he said angrily: "I created the entire universe, and I am a god. You humble reptiles, actually trying to challenge the gods?"

As he said, his right hand instantly turned into a sharp blade, slashing towards the arm that was blasting from the armor.


With a soft sound, the armored arm was easily cut A sharp air current brought up by the blade continued to strike forward, covering tens of thousands of kilometers.

Directly split a planet in half on the way.

Chuangshi Shen succeeded with a single blow, and said angrily: "A delusion to challenge the gods, this is the punishment of the gods!"

As he said, the blade in his hand was slashing, slashing, slashing, slashing towards the armor.

Under his blade, the armor was constantly split and shattered into huge pieces.

Only then did the creation **** slightly relieved his hatred, and cursed: "The humble crawler..."

As soon as I said this, I saw lightning flashes quickly above those fragments.

These lightning bolts quickly connected to some.

Under the connection of lightning, the pieces of armor were quickly put together and recovered at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Fan said: "Crimson lightning, like infinity, was produced in the Big Bang. So they all have the ability to create and destroy. Infinite bodies can recover infinitely, and blood lightning can also recover anything infinitely."

"Then fighting like this, isn't this a never-ending battle?"

Chi or yawned and said, "Too boring, isn't it?"

Ai Li said, "Then you have to fight, you can't just watch him destroy the earth, right?"

Ever since, then, this really evolved into a never-ending battle.

They and the God of Creation, in this endless universe, you come and go, fist and fist, constantly fighting.

No one can kill anyone, and no one can defeat anyone.

But this is already the best situation for Lin Yi and others.

When they first came, they were afraid that an armor could not cope with the existence of God of Creation.

But now they had the bonus of Scarlet Lightning that was enough to rival the God of Creation, and they finally managed to make a tie with God of Creation.

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