Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 115: Reinforcements have arrived

Xie Chen fixed his gaze on the surface of the big lake, his hands condensed, and two red lights cut straight towards the lake.

Moreover, the prevention of the lake water almost didn't work on it. With their naked eyes, the entire lake seemed to be cut in half by his Yanfeng!


Xie Chen's "stimulation" sounded like a roar of beasts.

The entire lake seemed to be completely broken into calmness, like boiling water in the same pot.

Suddenly, countless black shadow ninjas leapt out from there to besiege Xie Chen and the others.

"So courageous!"

Knowing that the Akatsuki organization is finally going to mobilize their large forces-just by looking at the reaction of this large lake, you know that the personnel they mobilized this time are afraid that there will not be more than a thousand Ninjas!

No more beheaded, he rushed forward, and the beheaded sword flew around his body, forming a giant sword storm. All the black shadow ninjas who were approached by no more beheaded were cut into several segments.

"Wind escape! Unlimited blades!" Temari had recovered part of its strength, and the giant fan waved violently, and the flying blades fanned out to force the surrounding shadow ninjas to either retreat or kill them directly.

Of course, Xie Chen would not be polite. He swung several flames and phoenix cuts in a row. After killing one person, the castration continued, and the black shadow ninja behind would also be cut into two.

Of course, this loss did not frighten these ninjas. They didn't seem to know that they were afraid, and they still rushed towards them one after another, waiting for their chakra to be over-consumed or reveal some flaws and they rushed forward.

And in the back, there are some black shadow ninjas who know how to "water escape" and stand directly on the lake after jumping out of the lake. Hundreds of shadow ninjas work together to roll up a huge wave on the big lake and beat Xie Chen and others!

"Bing Dun! Feng Han Tiandi!"

Bai's reaction was also very quick. He immediately transported Bing Dun Chakra. The billowing wave was immediately frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and could not surging forward at all.


The black shadow ninja behind did not feel frustrated and immediately drew out various weapons and killed them.

Although Bai had iced such a huge lake wave, the consumption of her Chakra could be imagined by fighting the huge waves caused by so many black shadow ninjas alone.

The entire face turned pale, and Bai sat down directly on the ground, completely losing his combat ability in a short time.

"Hinata, protect Shiro, others keep these black shadows from the outside!"

"it is good!" In addition to not being at the forefront to face the crowd of ninjas rushing forward, Xie Chen, Temari, Hinata, and Kankuro are divided into four directions, never let those shadows The ninja rushed in.

But as the number of these black shadow ninjas increased, even Xie Chen would gradually feel strenuous.

On the shore of the Great Lake, those Black Shadow Ninjas who did not directly rush up were divided into several groups based on their chakra characteristics. When they gather their forces again to attack, it is hard to say whether Xie Chen and the others can stop it!

But before they started to act, they noticed that the earth was shaking.

Some black shadow ninjas immediately jumped up in the air and looked out, only to see two waves of ninja army killing them in the middle from their left and right directions!

"Has it been completely exposed? Haha, it seems that you are already planning to fight with us here!" From among the shadow ninjas, another strange figure suddenly "transformed", completely black, if you are not careful It looks exactly like Sombra Ninja.

"Hmph, it's no wonder Xie Chen worked so hard before and dared to kill a group of seven with one enemy, five ninja swords. But that's good, I believe that person should also recognize his own strength and cooperate wholeheartedly with us! "

It seemed that he heard his voice, and another figure jumped up from under the lake.

Akatsuki's black robe covered her body, and his face was wearing a swirling mask!

"A Fei, is it up to you to fight against their main force this time? Ha ha, this task is very difficult compared to your strength."

A Fei changed his previous attitude and became calm and calm: "Don't worry, I won't do this if I don't have a certain grasp. The Ninja Alliance Army on the right is left to you!"

"Really confident! Forget it, that's also a good thing. If you can't hold it, remember to send us a signal!" Hei Jue didn't bother to argue with him anymore, and directly flashed.

At the same time, in front of the wave of ninja coalition forces approaching on their right, suddenly six figures fell one after another!

The first one to stop them was Six Payne!

"Be careful! Everyone is going to prepare for the battle!" The headed Thunder country Kaminin yelled and ordered the people behind to stop.

"My lord, Konoha's vanguard forces are waiting in that oasis now. We need to support them right away. They are just six people, and we can trample them to death if we rush to step on them!"

"That's because you don't know each other's strength!" Shangren of Thunder Country said coldly, "These six people were the ninjas who attacked the Iron Country during the Five Shadows Conference! The combined strength of the six of them is enough to destroy it. A large ninja village! Listen to my orders and be fully guarded!"

Even if most of the people in the back hadn't experienced that battle, they had obviously heard of the terrible enemy in front of them. Let them put away all their contempt, and divide them into several teams according to their previous cooperation, preparing for a fierce battle.

On the other hand, the ninja army led by Kakashi did not encounter the enemy's resistance, and rushed into the oasis smoothly, but their people followed the number of black shadow ninjas rushing up from under the big lake, and they did not form enough. Advantage.

"Damn, our long-distance teleportation ability is still limited, and it is impossible to teleport again within today. It's too late to wait for reinforcements to arrive, right?" Seeing the number of black shadow ninjas in front of her, Kaka Xi's expression became serious.

"You are paying attention to the wrong person." Xie Chen and the others also lifted the siege of the black shadow ninjas because of their arrival. At this time, they faintly corrected, "These black shadow ninjas are not to be worried about. What is really terrible is that The mask man is right!"..


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