Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 184: Set conditions

"The ninjas who took part in the action at the time were all ninjas who favored Sasuke. They couldn't count what they said?"

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly spoke for Sasuke and Itachi.

"Don't you think that even I deliberately spoke for Sasuke and Itachi, regardless of the facts?"

"Uh, of course not, Tsunade-sama's testimony must be very fair." The Konoha ninjas who were fighting on the side of Danzo cried secretly.

Of course they know that Tsunade will never speak for Danzo, but she is still her own Naruto-sama after all. Now in this kind of very influential meeting, they absolutely cannot sing against Tsunade-sama, otherwise they will definitely Used by interested people in other villages.

"Very well, then I will tell you that, although it was not intentional in the process of rescuing me, Sasuke and Itachi did help me objectively. Danzo used the Uchiha family he collected. The shiralunyan has been made into an altar of pupils, which is very powerful. It would be very difficult if it were not for someone who is very familiar with the power of shiralunyan. And, please empathize with Danzo. Strong hatred. After seeing those killing machines made from the eyes of their own people, how many people can remain calm?"

"Uh, Tsunade-sama said so."

"Sit down all. Since I'm still Kokage's Hokage, I will make a unified statement today. Whatever Sasuke and Itachi did harm to Konoha can be ignored, as long as they can help us in the future. Against the Akatsuki organization, then we can forget the past!"

"Well, Tsunade-sama is really magnanimous." Ono Ki originally thought that he only needed to suppress Xie Chen. After all, he was just a guest in Konoha. If he and Raikage insisted on disagreeing, he should have nothing to do.

But now that the situation is absolutely different after Tsuna watch. Unless they are willing to risk the immediate division of the Ninja Army, the opposition will be much weaker.

He actually underestimated Xie Chen's power.

Before they knew, Xie Chen had already subdued Tsunade and Terumi Mei, especially Terumi Yan had now completely surrendered to Xie Chen.

As long as Xie Chen’s proposal at this meeting means that there are already two ninja villages on his side, the rest of the wind country will generally be on Konoha’s side. The strength of the two sides of the country is at a disadvantage.

However, Xie Chen also knew that such pressure would be very detrimental to the future unity. Not to mention those two countries, even ordinary ninjas in the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water would have resistance.

"Dokage-sama just said that it is not wrong. If we accept Sasuke and Itachi unconditionally this time, there may be situations where some ninjas cannot fight to the death at a critical moment."

"Oh? Did Master Xie Chen change your mind?" Oh Yemu said strangely.

"Of course not, but we can improve the conditions for joining Sasuke and Itachi to let them pass certain tests."

"This, I don't know if Master Xie Chen has a plan for the specific plan?"" This is not there yet, but I think its difficulty must not be too low, otherwise it is nothing to masters like Sasuke and Itachi. But for such a general direction Do you know if you can agree?"

"This one."

Oh Yemu and Lei Ying exchanged glances. For them, it seemed that they could only compromise with Xie Chen. If they really insisted on opposing them, they would be potentially rejected by the other three villages.

Moreover, since Xie Chen himself said that the task for Sasuke and Itachi must not allow them to pass too easily, then they can strengthen supervision in this regard and try to set up difficulties for Sasuke and Itachi.

"Well, now that Master Xie Chen has already set this prerequisite, then let's agree to it for the time being."

Tsunade and the others have other scruples in their hearts, but now even Xie Chen says the same, and Tukage and Raikage have also agreed, indicating that this is the most likely consensus everyone can reach. If the conditions are relaxed, they But there is no confidence to convince Tuying and others.

"Well, we also agreed. If Sasuke and Itachi can pass the test proposed by Lord Sheri, then we will allow him to return to Konoha Village!"

However, the opinions reached by high-level officials still caused a lot of controversy among ordinary ninjas. Whether it is those who welcome or reject them in their hearts, they feel that such an agreement does not meet their psychological expectations.

"Master Xie Chen, how can you compromise at the last moment!"

"That is, at that time, as long as you insist on your opinion, the country of water and the country of wind will definitely stand on our side in the end. How can they get to the current situation?"

"The current situation?" Xie Chen looked at Sakura and the others who were facing him with dissatisfaction, and smiled indifferently: "What is your so-called situation? Let's listen to it?"

"Master Xie Chen, you pretend that you don't know it. To Tuying and Raikage, such conditions are definitely acceptable, but the most unacceptable ones are Sasuke and Itachi. They are both arrogant people. It is not easy for them to make up their minds if they are willing to return to Konoha this time. Now if they set the preconditions for them, they will definitely not be able to accept it!"

"Master Xie Chen, in fact, you don't want Sasuke to come back at all, do you? That's why you took the initiative to raise obstacles for Sasuke and Itachi."

"Have you said enough?"

The surrounding air was cold, and Xie Chen in front of him no longer had the kind expressions he had before.

Everyone's hearts were tight, especially Sakura and Yamanaka Ino at the front. In fact, they just said casually, to vent their dissatisfaction. I really want to blame Xie Chen, the two of them don't have the courage to add up!

"Do you think it is enough to just get Sasuke and Itachi back? Do you think that letting them complete the necessary tasks to return is to make things difficult for them? Do you think all other ninjas have the same idea as you?"

"Give me a little sober!"..


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