Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 186: The final showdown

Since Xie Chen said so, Sakura and the others can only listen. After personally contacting Sasuke this time, they understood how difficult it was for Xie Chen and Kakashi to persuade Sasuke and Itachi to agree to come back.

If they were there at the time, they would surely be slobbered, right?

Seeing that Xie Chen couldn't open the gap anymore, they could only retreat sadly.

Xie Chen went directly to the office where Onoki and Raikage were, and explained to them that he was going to meet Sasuke.

"Master Xie Chen, we have always been very grateful and admired for your position. In addition to your choice to stand on our side in such a difficult time, what is more important is that your position has always been objective. The success of the command of several battles That's why. I hope Master Xie Chen can continue to maintain this style."

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about this. I will definitely not deliberately release water to Sasuke and Itachi. Please rest assured about this."

Xie Chen made such a statement, even Lei Ying had to relax his attitude: "Well, we will leave this matter to Master Xie Chen."

What Xie Chen wanted was their attitude. After a few words of politeness, he immediately rushed towards the mountain that Sasuke had agreed with them.

When he stood on the top of the mountain and looked around, he could still see a wide range.

Sasuke and Itachi must have chosen this place because of their intentions. In such a wide range, even if Xie Chen played a trick to bring a large number of ninja coalition forces, it is not easy to find them out, but it may give them various opportunities to defeat them, allowing them to take the opportunity to destroy them. Several important figures on our side.

Of course Xie Chen didn't have such a plan. At this time, waiting for the mountain breeze on the top of the mountain, he didn't look impatient at all. It seems that he will always stand here. The surrounding birds couldn't stand the extremely strong air pressure nearby, and they were all startled.

Soon, Xie Chen saw two small black spots appearing from a distance. It seemed that Sasuke and Itachi had confirmed that there were no ambushes around, so they came out to meet with them.

"Unexpectedly, you were abiding by the agreement, and it was you who really came here." Seeing Xie Chen waiting for them here alone, Sasuke and Itachi did not dare to be careless.

They already knew how terrifying Xie Bai's strength was. If he really wanted to make a full shot, it would be very difficult for the two of them to escape without paying any price.

"You don't seem to like this kind of silly nonsense because of your personalities. Didn't you call me here this time?"

"Okay, let's go directly to the topic. Last time Naruto and Sakura have already come to tell us that you changed your mind temporarily, saying that if we want to join you, we must pass your test. It's true. Is it?"

"You should know that they will never lie to you on this kind of issue."

Itachi said coldly: "If it is true, then I will doubt your sincerity in cooperation. If you really need our'proof', why didn't you just say it during the talk before! It's that you didn't treat us at all. In my eyes, there are still people within you who don't want to see us join, so they deliberately try to make things difficult for us!"

Sasuke's tone was even more aggressive: "There is no need to talk with them at all! No matter what motive they suddenly changed their attitude, I don't want to cooperate with them anymore. Our strength is enough to control the balance of this war. At the beginning they wanted Doesn't the Uchiha clan even have such an arrogant mentality? Only when they hurt them will they know how to reflect!"

Xie Chen said indifferently: "You said you want to beat the Ninja Army to pain, do you mean you are going to join the Xiao organization?"

"What's wrong with that!" Sasuke said proudly, "I hope you Ninja Army can understand that this time it is not the two of us begging to return to Konoha, but you want us to return! If this is the case, then you can't help it. You guys come here to raise the conditions! I believe that if we want to join the Akatsuki organization, there will be no objection to bringing the soil!"

"Hehe, you're crazy, arrogant, and it fits your personality. However, if you really have this attitude, then we don't need to talk this time."

"Ha, did you show your true heart?" Sasuke sneered slightly, as if he had already "seeed through" Xie Chen.

"Benxin? Do you deserve to talk about these two words?" Xie Chenyu said with a mocking tone, "You have already met Kakashi and Naruto and others separately, don't you know what their original mind is? Do you dare to say that the importance of putting their partners in your heart is more important than Naruto's pretending to be you?"

Sasuke was silent, because he provoked this conversation just now, and of course he couldn't be dismissive of Xie Bai's rhetoric as before. But he didn't want to admit his mistakes.

"You only care about your arrogance and character, but you don't think about Konoha at all. What can you do after returning? Can you cooperate with others? Can you contribute to the entire team? Fight to the death for the organization at a critical moment?"

"You can't! Because in your heart, as long as you join Konoha, you will become the center of everyone. You must be surrounded by others, and all battles must be in line with your actions!"

Xie Chen's voice became louder and louder, and the "guessing" in those words became more and more conscientious!

"Sasuke, don't be impulsive yet."

Hearing what Xie Chen said in Sasuke's heart might make him even more dissatisfied, but it touched something in Itachi's heart.

Although he chose to stay with Sasuke, he did not faithfully implement Danzo's plan, and was full of dissatisfaction with Konoha, but in the end, he was very upholding Konoha.

Although Xie Chen's remarks were a bit aggressive, they were all from the perspective of the village. There was a bit of sincerity in his anger, which showed that he didn't deliberately want to suppress the two of them, but just said it on the matter.

"Master Xie Chen, we already know that you are the one who will be tested this time. Why don't you talk about the test you have for us first, and then talk about the sincerity of both parties."


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