Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 199: accident

"Dot-line magic eye! Strengthen, the elegy of evil sword disaster."

With a fierce slash, all the six different weapons of Asura Dao were cut in two. If it weren't for the fast flashing of Asura Dao, I am afraid that he himself would be hit.

The Animal Dao on the other side originally wanted to take the opportunity to attack, but Xie Chen backhanded his sword and cut it horizontally again!

"It's not a long memory!" The beast sneered, and Jieyin released a water shield again.

The same scene seemed to be staged again. Xie Chen’s slash hit the water shield, and the water shield was stretched infinitely. This time Xie Chen could "personally" feel the power of the high-density water chakra, but, This strength did not exceed his expectations!

Although Yan Fengzhan was blocked by him just now, the thickness of that move still allowed Xie Chen to judge his defense limit!


Xie Chen roared, and the power in his hand increased a bit, until it was attached to the animal Dao, his water shield had not dissolved the power of the magic sword!

At this time, Beast Dao realized that it was wrong, but it was too late. He was too confident in his water shield before. Now when he saw that the situation was wrong and wanted to flash, he was cut into two pieces.

"Haha, I got two of them." Xie Chen sneered at Heavenly Dao Payne, "I remember that it takes time for you Hell Dao to restore your companions. Which one will you restore first?"

"We will entangle you first!" Tiandao Payne didn't expect the loss this time to be so heavy, knowing that this time it is not suitable for confrontation with Xie Chen. In these short days, although he has come up with some tactics against him, However, his strength has improved again. There are more skills that have not been shown before!

He personally rushed to block Xie Chen, and then the **** road of the hungry ghost road directly rushed to save people. As Xie Chen said, it takes a very long time to save them from such a serious injury. Xie Chen is likely to seize the opportunity to directly attack the **** road. Therefore, he has already retreated in his heart, and this time he is blocking. I can't help but Xie Chen, if I can't retreat quickly, maybe all the six penins will be confessed here!

"A line of explosion!"

At this moment, Xiao Nan's voice came from mid-air, and countless flying cranes made of paper fell into the middle of Tiandao Payne and Xie Chen, and instantly exploded, directly separating the two of them completely.

"Xiao Nan, why are you here!"

"I'm worried about your safety, Payne. The situation is not good right now. Retreat immediately and wait for the next time to deal with him!"

Of course Liu Dao Payne would not miss such a good opportunity. After saving the Human Dao and the Animal Dao, except for Xiao Nan and Tian Dao Payne, everyone else retreated.

Of course Xie Chen didn't want to let them go so easily. He spotted the shape of Heavenly Dao Payne and used the dotted magic eye again to cut his weakness with the magic sword! This time, even the earth-burst star can't save him!

However, just as his slash was approaching Tiandao Payne, there was a sudden electric current flying in the air, flashing a screen of Chakra, and most of his slashing power was resolved, and the remaining power was finally by Tiandao Payne. Flashed away.

"The enchantment on the paper talisman!"

Xie Chen also had to marvel at the complexity of Xiao Nan's methods. However, to engrave such a powerful formation on the paper talisman in advance, and use it when you want to use it at the critical moment. Such a method can not be a good thing to abuse the street. I am afraid it is already Xiaonan's most pressing means of life-saving. This time it was used in advance for Penn.

With the time of this enchantment not dissipating, the two had already chased the other Penn clones and moved away.

"Forget it, this time I am more familiar with Six Penn's tactics, and I will have more advantages when dealing with them in the future. This time I will let you go first." Xie Chen gave up his plan to pursue the attack. Not myself. Even if he has achieved great results, if the ninjas of the earth country cannot be safely sent outside the fortress, then this operation will be in vain.

However, Xie Chen didn't go straight to their route to **** him. His identity was too conspicuous, and doing so was just adding trouble to them. The best way is to go to other battlefields, continue to pull the enemy's defensive force, and give them a wider space to fight Huanglong.

Thinking of this, Xie Chen rushed to the direction where Hinata disappeared before.

After flying for about five miles, he had already seen Hinata and the Pig Deer Butterfly team together, and there were quite a few black ninjas lying around that hadn't dispersed in the air.

"Master Xie Chen, have you killed Payne?" Hinata had been using the power to roll his eyes, so he found Xie Chen early, and asked first when he got closer.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's too early for such a record. I have received Xiaonan's assimilation, otherwise, I might really be able to leave Heavenly Dao Penn. What about you? It looks like they are all Black Shadow Ninjas, no I met a master."

Shikamaru smiled bitterly: "These shadow ninjas are not Chinese cabbage either. They must be the upper ninja shadow ninjas cultivated by Akatsuki. Not only are they very strong, but they also cooperate very well. Under the premise of technical contact, we played quite hard. Fortunately, Hinata supported in time."

"Oh? A new breed has been created?" Xie Chen touched his chin, "Could it be that they have digested Gaara?"

"Don't say it, if Temari and Kankuro hear it, they will definitely get excited again."

"Then let's focus on the current battle situation first, Shikamaru, please contact the headquarters to see how the ‘Jianzhu’er’ is proceeding, and if there are major obstacles, then we will decide how to proceed."

Shikamaru nodded, and inquired with the main liaison station with Yamanaka Ino.

"What?" After a while, Shikamaru's face showed a look of shock, which attracted the attention of Xie Chen and Hinata.

Shikamaru hurriedly ended the conversation with the headquarters, and looked at Xie Chen: "The situation is not good. Those teams have encountered the obstacles of powerful filthy reincarnated masters. Now I don’t know if they already know our plan. It was just a coincidence that they had taken precautions, but they would definitely not be able to reach the outskirts of the fortress smoothly!"..


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